The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1894
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Chapter 1894

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1894 Whatever the case was, after parking the car, Gerald and the others immediately headed to the ticketcounter to officially enter Mount Dakriont. While a single ticket cost sixty dollars, Tye was the onepaying, so Gerald and his party didn’t have to worry about the entry fee.novelbin

Upon entering, rather than anxiously getting straight to business, the first thing the group did was tofind a spot to relax in instead.

After eating some of the rations they brought along—to replenish their energy—Tye cleared his throatbefore saying, “Alright, listen up, everyone. We’ll be staying the night here, but we set off at the breakof dawn, understand?”

Hearing that, everyone simply nodded in agreement. After all, it wouldn’t be long before night came,and traveling in darkness was never a good idea. Aside from obviously being more dangerous, onecould easily lose their bearings as well. With that in mind, it was objectively a better choice to set offonce morning came.

With that out of the way, Tye then ordered one of his men to book a cabin for them to stay the night in.Naturally, lodging was never going to be cheap in this place. Adding that to the fact that the woodencabin—that the group eventually settled with—looked extremely exquisite, a single night there cost awhopping hundred and fifty dollars!

Regardless, Yann, Gerald, and Rey were grouped together to stay in one of the cabin’s rooms. Uponentering that room, Rey immediately suggested, “Alright, Mr. Crawford and Brother Yann, how aboutthis? You two take the bed while I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“There’s no need for that. You can take the bed!” replied Gerald.

“But, Mr. Crawford-“

“No arguing. You get the bed,” said Gerald, not even waiting for Rey to finish his sentence. Hearingthat, Rey knew he had no choice but to give in. While he didn’t say it, Rey honestly felt touched. Geraldreally was too nice to him…

While it was rather late when the trio finally decided to hit the hay, they received sufficient rest andwere awoken by the chirping of birds at the start of dawn… By the time Gerald and his party wentdownstairs—all packed up and ready—, they saw that Tye and the others were already waiting forthem.

“There you all are! Had a good sleep?” asked Tye with a smile.

“How kind of you to ask, Chairman Lamano! We had a pretty good sleep, at least I did,” replied Geraldin a polite manner as Tye nodded before fishing out a map…

Pointing at a spot on the map, Tye then said, “Alright, we’re currently here. Our first stop will be theOfficer Viewing Deck which is about five miles from where we are. Is anyone against that?”

Naturally, nobody had any objections. After all, Tye was the owner of the map. Gerald himself couldonly hope that they would be able to deal with any issues that arose during their journey.

With that, the group then did one final double check—to see if they had everything with them—beforesetting off…

As they traveled on, Gerald and Yann could only stare speechlessly at Rey who seemed to bephotographing just about everything. Was that boy here for an adventure or a trip…?

Eventually getting rather annoyed by all the ‘snapshot’ sounds, Gerald couldn’t help but mutter, “Rey,could you quit it for a while… 2”

Chuckling in response, Rey simply replied, “But it wasn’t easy for us to get a chance to come here, Mr.Crawford! These photographs will prove that we’ve been here!”

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