The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1891
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Chapter 1891

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1891 “Negative, you just stay here this time. I’ll be heading there with Yann!” replied Gerald as he looked atthe trio.

“But… Mr. Crawford-“

“Look, I know you want to come with me to see and learn more of the world, Rey, but not this time.After all, none of us know what dangers await us at Mount Dakriont. There are simply too many risksinvolved! With that in mind, please just stay here and train with Miss Zorn for the moment!” repliedGerald before Rey could even finish his sentence. In the end, Rey was still an ordinary person, whichmeant that his capabilities were vastly different compared to Gerald’s. With that in mind, Gerald hadonly said all that earlier since he truly was worried for Rey’s sake.

Besides, staying here to train with Juno would undoubtedly be more beneficial to Rey. By taking thetime to properly train and learn about being a cultivator, Rey would definitely be able to solve problemstogether with Gerald—instead of simply being a sidekick—in the future.

Regardless, understanding where Gerald was coming from, Rey knew that it was best for him to simplyagree.

Either way, once Rey agreed, Gerald turned to face Juno before adding, “As you may already haveguessed, I’ll be leaving everything in the office to you, Juno. If there’s anything you’re unsure aboutwhile I’m gone, we can discuss it once I return!”

Nodding in response, Juno then replied, “Roger that! Don’t worry about me!”

Juno, for one, didn’t mind Gerald’s delegation of tasks. After all, it was the only way she would be ableto support him.

“V’ll take your word for it! Now then… both of you! Continue your training! As for Juno… I’d like tospeak to you in private for a bit…” said Gerald, prompting Rey and Yrsa to resume training and Juno towalk over to the side with the youth.

Once they were out of earshot, Juno couldn’t help but ask, “…Gerald… are you really sure that you’regoing to cooperate with the Sun Group…? I personally don’t think they’re all that reliable…!” Smilingsubtly in response, Gerald knew where Juno’s worries were coming from. Even so, he simply shook hishead before replying, “Don’t worry, those from the Sun Group won’t be able to even touch me.Regardless, I’m heading there in the first place to search for an important thing… Remember thatpicture of a lady that we’ve been trying to track down all this time? I have a hunch that it’s going toappear at Mount Dakriont! With that in mind, I need to head there to see for myself!”

“I see… Still, do be careful… Those from the Sun Group definitely have hidden agendas…” mutteredthe concerned Juno.

Simply nodding in response, Gerald then smiled as he gently patted her on the back…

At that moment, Gerald’s phone began ringing. It was a call from Yann…

Already having a pretty good guess that Yann was calling to tell him that the departure time had beendecided, Gerald simply stared at the phone for a few seconds before eventually picking it up andsaying, “Hello? Yes, Yann?”

“Ah, there you are, Gerald. Tye’s updated me on the departure time. We have to be at the highwayentrance by nine tomorrow morning!” replied Yann.

“Got it. See you there before nine, then!” said Gerald before hanging up.novelbin

“Tomorrow morning? You’re heading off so soon, Gerald…2” asked the surprised Juno.

“Indeed. From the looks of it, those from the Sun Group simply can’t wait any longer!” replied Gerald.“Well, I suppose that’s that. Regardless, again, please be careful out there…!” said Juno with a sigh,not wanting to nag any further…

Soon enough, night fell and by then, Gerald had pretty much packed everything that he needed. Whilehe had only packed four sets of clothes, the rest of his luggage consisted of equipment that he wouldpossibly use during the journey.

After all, nobody knew what hurdles they would encounter during the journey, so all Gerald could dowas prepare everything relevant that he could think of so that he wouldn’t regret being underpreparedhalfway through the journey…

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