The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1816
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Chapter 1816

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1816

Hearing the deep-voiced man’s question, the Soul Hunter then replied, “There were six of them, sir!And none of them can be contacted!”

Upon hearing that, the cloaked man’s expression instantly turned ugly. For six men to have lost contactjust like that… Something terrible must have happened…!

“When was the last time we were able to contact them?” asked the cloaked man.

“From what we’ve gathered, they were last heard from near the mountain pass!”

“I see. Order some men to head there immediately. The seventh squad must be found, regardless ofwhether they’re dead or alive!” instructed the cloaked man.

“Loud and clear!” yelled the Soul Hunter as he bolted off to do as he had been told.

Neither of them knew that Gerald and Juno had ended the lives of all six of those men… However,once the cloaked man found out about the deed, he would surely explode in rage…

Even so, it was undeniable that the dead Soul Hunters deserved what they got for being so inhumane.

Regardless, it was about an hour later when the Soul Hunters—who had been sent out to search forthe men—returned to the campsite with the six corpses of the seventh squad…

“B-bad news, leader…!” yelled a Soul Hunter as he rushed into the cloaked man’s tent.

“What is it? But first off, calm yourself!” retorted the cloaked man as he glared at his subordinate.

Gulping, the terrified Soul Hunter then reported, “T-the men you sent out to search for the seventhsquad… They’ve returned with six corpses! The seventh squad was completely taken out…!”

“What?!” roared the cloaked man furiously as he got up and walked out of his tent.

The second he stepped out, he was instantly greeted by the sight of six corpses laid out in a row…Each of them had deep gashes in their necks…

Clenching his fists tightly, the angered man then growled, “…Who’s responsible for this… Who the helleven dares…!”

The cloaked man couldn’t just sit still after six of his men had been taken out.

“After examining the corpses, we’ve found that five of them died in a single slash across the neck!From what we’ve been able to tell, the assailant wasn’t using an ordinary blade either! As for the sixthvictim, he died from a slice on his neck as well, though it appears to be from a different blade!” reporteda red uniformed Soul Hunter.

The Soul Hunters were divided in rank according to the colors their uniforms were.

Those from the lowest level wore black, and upon promotion, they would be given a red uniform. Onlythe strongest of the strong would be bestowed with purple uniforms.

Naturally, the cloaked man was still the strongest individual in the organization. While that was a knownfact, nobody knew how powerful he really was. In fact, nobody even knew his real name or had anyother information about him. He was a truly mysterious individual…

“…I see! As it turns out, our opponents this time aren’t ordinary threats!” scowled the cloaked man ashe narrowed his eyes.

At that moment, a black-uniformed Soul Hunter came running over before reporting, “Leader! The fifthsquad just sent in a report stating that they came across three individuals next to the stream the day

before! Though the trio managed to escape, what’s interesting to note is that the stream isn’t too far offfrom the mountain pass!”

Hearing that, the cloaked man could already see what the Soul Hunter was trying to say.novelbin

Based on the clues they now had, there was a high chance that those three people were responsiblefor murdering the entire seventh squad…

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