The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1809
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Chapter 1809

Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1809

“Stay back and let me deal with it!” added Gerald as he quickly turned to face the boar that was nowcharging in his direction instead since Juno had switched her torchlight off.

Watching as the sharp-tusked boar opened its mouth wide—clearly aiming to chomp down on Gerald—Gerald knew that a single bite from it could either kill a regular person, or at the very least, maim them.

Naturally, with that in mind, Gerald wasn’t about to allow the boar to do that.

Dodge rolling to the side, Gerald then summoned the Astrabyss Sword. Though the sword’s mainpurpose was to deal with ghosts, Gerald believed that it would still hurt as a regular weapon.

Regardless, though the wild boar definitely looked ferocious, its humongous body made it quite slowand inflexible. As a result, it was unable to fully stop after Gerald dodged its attack, and it ended upramming right into a large tree!

As a sea of leaves fluttered to the ground upon the boar’s impact, Gerald knew that it was now ornever.

Leaping into the air, Gerald then rapidly began descending, aiming his sword for the boar’s back!

“Die!” roared Gerald as he plunged the blade into the boar’s back before slicing it open with immenseforce!

With blood already gushing out from its back, the pained boar let out a massive roar that resonatedacross the entire forest…! To think that the peace and quiet of night would suddenly be disrupted bysuch a terrifying cry…

Whatever the case was, when its cry finally died down, the boar flopped to the ground, dead. SinceGerald had only needed to use a single move to finish it, in a way, the boar wasn’t all that difficult anenemy to deal with.

Either way, upon realizing that Gerald had killed the wild boar, Rey breathed a sigh of relief, feelingmuch more relaxed now as he stepped out from behind the tree that he had been hiding behind…novelbin

Together with Juno, the duo then walked toward Gerald and stared at the massive boar’s corpse…

Feeling that the boar was even larger than he had first imagined, Rey couldn’t help but exclaim, “Mygod! What a massive boar!”

Gerald and Juno had to agree.

“…Well, as they say, good meat shouldn’t be wasted! I guess we now know what’s for dinner! In caseyou’re worried, wild boar meat is pretty good!” replied Gerald with a smile as he began using theAstrabyss Sword to slice off a large chunk of meat off the wild boar.

As Gerald had said, they hadn’t had their dinner yet, and he was glad that they hadn’t. After all, he—ofall people—knew that wild boar meat tasted superb!

Ironically enough, the wild boar was now getting eaten even though it was the one on the hunt forfood… While the experience was definitely a frightening one, none of them were complaining sincetheir dinner had essentially come to them.

Regardless, Gerald quickly relit the bonfire before starting to roast the meat over the fire…

Soon enough, a sweet scent began waffling around, causing Rey’s mouth to water as he stared at theroasting meat while saying, “This is going to be my first time tasting wild boar!”

Disregarding Rey’s comment, Gerald paused for a moment before asking in an inquisitive tone, “…Tellme, Rey, do you know what a cultivator is…?”

“…A cultivator…? Is it an item of sorts…?” asked Rey curiously.

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