The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1700
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Chapter 1700

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1700

When they arrived at the mouth of the alley, the group arrived just in time to see the four menshredding the woman’s clothes to bits. These people are beyond savagery.

As a result, the entire population became enraged!

Gerald had an intense hatred for these kind of people, and because of that, he was forced to point outthe attackers while shouting, “Stop that right now!”

While Gerald’s shouts drew the attention of the men, they simply lifted their brows to regard the youngman in question.

Go away, you pesky child! “This has nothing to do with you!” a man bellowed, frowning.

Gerald and his companions were urged to go on their way by a concerned second companion whodrew his fearsome longsword and uttered menacing threats as he prepared to end Gerald and hiscolleagues’ lives.

Let me tell you about all the terrible things you evil people are doing to this woman in broad daylight!You’re nothing but a lowlife. You’d better think twice before pulling another stunt like this. Gerald let outa string of curses as his face twisted with fury.

What are you doing?” This is obviously no ordinary child to you, but you still don’t know who you’redealing with. It should be known that we’re from the Hulkeroic Union! The man wielding the swordchallenged the intruder, saying, “It’s all the same to me if you’re offended. You won’t be leaving this cityalive!”

Without hesitating, Gerald responded with a sneer, “Who you are does not concern me in the slightest!”Just so you know, I’m only going to give you one warning. Releasing the woman who knows what is

best for her is your best option. Otherwise, you must not hold me responsible for the deaths of yourcomrades!novelbin

While Gerald was fearlessly advancing on his attackers, the four assailants were incensed, feeling asthough Gerald were mocking them. This young man must really be crazy to think he could possibly bea threat to them. Even though the people he was talking to were a part of the Hulkeroic Union, heshowed no fear.

the rude child damn it! Rather than stand around waiting to be executed, the three other members ofthe group had drawn their longswords and joined in the battle, brandishing their weapons.

The quartet of four who charged at Gerald’s group swiftly rushed into his own group, and Gerald, withcomposure, turned around to face his friends before warning, “Do not move an inch. It’s my problem,and I’m handling it personally!

It came as no surprise to his party when that occurred. When they thought about it, they each knewhow strong he was. It was going to be a walk in the park for him to oppose the opposition.

This event unfolded just as the fighters ahead turned to face the attackers, which enabled Nori and theothers to catch a brief glance of Gerald’s icy demeanour as he looked back at the opponents.

Gerald allowed himself to get so close to the two attackers that the handles of their swords touched hisarms, but he did not make any sort of move until that point. However, as soon as the bladesdescended, Gerald was no longer in their way!

The masked man was utterly shocked to see that. He was about to take off in search of him, whenGerald popped out from behind him. However, this time, Gerald already had his blade out, with hisaurablade already drawn.

There was a momentary silence, which was expanded with a swift swipe. At this point, everyone couldsee that the four assailants’ necks were covered in blood, and that blood was pouring out of themrapidly.

With a single move, Gerald had decapitated all four of them, which was something of a feat as theywere all tough opponents. Even though Gerald had already entered the Avatar State, the gap betweentheir levels of strength was too large for either of them to overcome at the moment.

No matter, as long as the scum had been dealt with, Gerald walked over to the young woman andoffered to help her up. After he had retrieved his coat from the storage ring, he placed it on her.

At this moment, feeling considerably warmer and more pleased with how considerate Gerald wasbeing, the woman found herself compelled to say, “T-thank you, my benefactor…!” I… It’s hard for meto offer much in the way of material resources, but I will follow you wherever you lead.

Instead of the initial interest, Gerald revealed a warm smile when he learned that she was on boardwith having him as her dom. “There is no need for the interest I began with,” he told her, with a gentlersmile. If you truly want to show your gratitude, please exercise more caution in the future. Additionally,take these gold coins. Also, make sure you make it out of here safely with them!

Then, Gerald gave the woman a handful of gold coins and went on to say, “And now, here are somefrom my own personal storage ring.”

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