The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1650
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Chapter 1650

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1650 The second he heard that, Gerald’s eyes immediately widened. Though he thought that he had heardwrong, he quickly realized that that wasn’t the case.

Two thousand years… To think that this young-looking woman was at least two thousand years old…!How terrifying! And to think that she had stayed here—remaining completely undiscovered—throughoutthat period! What kind of person even was June…?

Had he not fallen into the valley, Gerald could’ve very well have missed her as well…

Seeing that Gerald had no further questions, June took the chance to ask, “Now then… enough aboutme. Why did you come to the holy mountain?”

Upon hearing that, Gerald recalled why Nori and the others had hiked up the mountain in the firstplace. With that in mind, Gerald then replied, “I came here to look for an ancient herb known as thethousand-year-old panax ginseng!”

“You… came here looking for that herb…? What do you need it for? Are you trying to create arejuvenating pellet?” asked June as she frowned slightly while looking at Gerald.

“Oh? Do you know anything about it?” asked Gerald who was now sure that June knew more about theherb than he did.

“The thousand-year-old panax ginseng is an extremely valuable herb in Magic Land… After all, it onlygrows once every thousand years. With that in mind, it’s currently about time it grew again!” repliedJune.

Hearing that, Gerald found it almost inconceivable! To think that the herb Nori was looking so hard forwas in Magic Land all along! No wonder they weren’t able to find it on holy mountain!

“…Truth be told, what I said was only partially true. You see, I came here on a rescue mission to save afriend who found herself in danger while looking for that herb… I don’t really know much about thatherb, and I just happened to get to where I am by chance!” said Gerald, not wanting June to continuemisunderstanding his reason for being here.

While Gerald could tell that June had only entered the First-soul-rank in the Sage Realm—which meantthat there was no way she was ever going to be able to defeat him—Gerald wasn’t a vicious person.With that in mind, there was no way he was going to attack June over that herb.

Whatever the case was, after hearing what Gerald had to say, June gave him a long stare beforeturning around while stating, “…Come with me!”

Doing as she instructed, both of them soon arrived at a rather large garden… and within it, severalflowers that had petals resembling ice crystals could be seen…

His eyes now widened, Gerald realized that the garden was filled with thousand-year-old panaxginsengs!

“Those are the herbs you seek!” declared June as Gerald continued staring at the beautiful flowers thatlooked exactly like the one that Nori had showed him in her photo.novelbin

After a while, Gerald turned to look at June before asking, “…Could you tell me what the herb isspecifically used for…? Why is it so valuable in the first place?”

Laughing in response, June then revealed a faint smile before explaining, “As I said before, it’s used tomake rejuvenating pellets, and they can be used to bring the dead back to life! With that said, you tellme if they’re valuable or not!”

Hearing that, Gerald now realized that the rumors Nori had heard weren’t exaggerated in the least. Byrefining thousand-year-old panax ginsengs, rejuvenating pellets could truly be made!

“Then… has a rejuvenating pellet ever been made…?” asked Gerald.

Giving no verbal reply, June instead took out a scroll from one of her sleeves before handing it toGerald.

Curious, Gerald opened the scroll and slowly began scanning through it… only to find himself gettingincreasingly stunned the more he read!

The scroll recorded every single time rejuvenating pellets had been created as well as where they weremade… Despite there only being three pellets to have ever been made, every time one was broughtinto existence, major disasters were always imminent! With that in mind, rejuvenating pellets weredefinitely categorizable as ominous items…

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