The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1646
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Chapter 1646

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1646 Hearing that, Gerald simply closed his eyes in silence, spreading his divine sense out to scan throughthe rest of the mountain top…

Sadly, the range of his divine sense was rather limited, so he was only able to scan up to a fewhundred feet. Though that wasn’t a small range by any means, Gerald still wasn’t able to find anytraces of the adventure team after quite some time.

Eventually, Quest found himself asking, “…Say… Do you think that the adventure team isn’t herebecause… they’ve headed further up the mountain…?”

Upon hearing that, Gerald turned to look at Quest. Though the suggestion sounded ratherpreposterous, it wasn’t completely out of the question either. After all, since there were zero traces ofthe adventure team here, the only other way they could’ve headed to—without bumping into the rescueteam on their way up—was further up the mountain…

“…That could be the case. Since we’re already here anyway, let’s proceed further up the mountain tocheck!” replied Gerald in agreement.

With that, both of them then continued scaling the mountain…

Since he could’ve very well died earlier without Gerald’s intervention, Quest now had total trust inGerald. He felt that as long as he remained close to Gerald, he would surely make it out safely…

Regardless, after walking for a while—with gentle breezes and snowflakes caressing their cheeks theentire time—the duo eventually arrived eleven thousand feet above sea level…

Upon arrival, they were immediately greeted by the sight of a cave. With how pitch dark it was inside,Gerald and Quest found themselves instantly wary of it.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, Quest found himself saying, “How odd… A cave in the middle ofnowhere!”

“Indeed… Well, let’s go in and have a look around!” replied Gerald as he began walking into the cave.

After a few steps in, both of them took out their glow sticks before activating them. Now having a lightsource each, the duo then proceeded further into the cave…

Though the cave was quiet, it was also quite damp. With that said, occasional drops of water could beheard every once in a while as they walked on.novelbin

Eventually, both of them came to a sudden halt when they saw a faint orange glow from within thecave… It appeared to be the light of a campfire, and the duo could see flickering shadows from time totime.

Looking at each other, Gerald and Quest felt that they must have finally located the adventure team.

After swiftly making their way toward the light source, the duo was greeted by the sight of severalsleeping people lying against the cave’s stone walls.

Just as they had thought, they had finally located the adventure team! Gerald was made extra sure ofthis when—after scanning through the people—he saw that Nori was among them!

“Nori!” shouted Gerald.

Hearing that sudden shout, everyone jolted awake, and this included Nori.

Upon realizing who had called out to her, Nori instantly teared up as she cried out, “G-Gerald…!”

Quickly getting to her feet, the girl then ran over before embracing Gerald tightly…

It took her a while to calm down, but once she did, Nori looked at him in surprise as she asked, “But…what are you even doing here, Gerald…?”

Realizing that she hadn’t anticipated him to come over, Gerald then explained, “Well, after finding outthat something had happened to you and your adventure team, I came over with a rescue team thatwas tasked with locating your group!”

“…Does… that mean that you came over just to save me…?” asked Nori as she stared straight intoGerald’s eyes expectantly.

In response, Gerald simply revealed a gentle smile and nodded, not seeing any reason to deny it.

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