The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1572
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Chapter 1572

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1572 After all, the last thing they were able to see was a blinding light from atop the tower that had forced allof them to shut their eyes…

By the time their eyes finally readjusted, Daryl Crawford, the legendary King of South Asia, was alreadylying on the ground!

“…What?” muttered a voice.

With such a great battle taking place, it was only natural that those from the other Crawford familywould also be present at the dragon tower. The one who had spoken appeared to be some kind ofyoung master, and he had been watching everything through his sinister eyes from the moment thebattle began. Even so, he truly hadn’t expected that things would go this way.

‘Is grandpa unable to even lay a finger on Gerald…?’

Meanwhile, Carlos and Julian themselves were utterly amazed by what they had just witnessed… Thiswas a battle unlike anything they had ever seen before…

“…You…. Could you have learned all those unique techniques from Liemis…? If that’s the case, thenthat explains why I haven’t been able to find any records of the skills he had mastered, even aftercombing through the entire ancient tomb…!” asked the astonished and pale-faced old man as he slowlygot to his feet, his eyes affixed to Gerald’s…

“Honestly, had you not mentioned it, I would’ve surely forgotten to tell you about it! Regardless, therewas one thing that I didn’t tell you about after I returned from the ancient tomb… You see, BrotherLiemis didn’t have any physical records stored within his tomb, oh no. Instead, he stored all thatinformation within this jade pendant! Thinking back, it’s quite lucky that I didn’t inform you about this!”replied Gerald.

Finally seeing the bigger picture, Daryl then nodded before saying, “…Interesting…! How absolutelyinteresting…!”

Rather than continuing to be enraged, Daryl was now laughing… Once he was done, however, hecalmly shook his head before turning to look at Gerald as he added, “Still, what a pity…”

“What is?” asked Gerald.

“It’s a pity that you now have access to such talent that others won’t ever be able to obtain, even aftertraining for several lifetimes! A pity that you’re now truly an unparalleled genius on this planet… Andlast but not least, a pity that you’re my enemy…! With that said, you won’t be able to escape deathtoday no matter what! Thinking about it, I’m honestly a little pained by all this. If you were my realgrandson and you didn’t have the Herculean Primordial Spirit within you, everything would’ve surelygone fantastically… Just imagine, me and you, grandfather and grandson! With our powers combined,we could easily dominate the three worlds!” replied Daryl as he shook his head with a bitter smile.

“However, it’s now far too late for all that wishful thinking… I’m ending you today, Gerald! Otherwise,nothing in the world will be able to control you anymore with how rapidly you’re progressing!” addedDaryl.

The second his sentence ended, a black Dead Annie suddenly began materializing before the oldman’s chest… Though the flower was only the size of an adult’s palm, it was clear as day that itcontained an extraordinary power…

As the flower slowly floated into the sky, a beam of light shot out and completely enveloped Daryl!

Barely a second had passed when yet another massive explosion could be heard coming from beneaththe dragon tower!

“W-what’s happening?!”

“Is this an earthquake?!”

With even the ground below now trembling, the astonished crowd instantly began speculating what washappening.novelbin

Staring at all that was happening, Gerald found himself frowning slightly before he asked, “And whatspell are you casting this time?”

“Heh… I’m borrowing the energy from the entire nation just to initiate this ancient spell…! What I’mcasting was left behind as a legacy from the ancients! It’s called the great dragon exterminationspell…!”

The second Daryl’s explanation ended, he began charging the flower with all his power! With the last ofhis training aura, Daryl then sent out the Dead Annie!

The Dead Annie was the ultimate flower that Daryl had spent decades to nurture… It was atranscendent magic weapon.

With its power, he could enhance his holy sense in order to forcibly initiate the spell…

Naturally, all this power was well over what a magic weapon was capable of storing… With that inmind, Daryl had managed to get this far by doing something that nobody else had ever done before.

He had merged the Dead Annie with his heart. It was a process near-incomprehensible to ordinarypeople, but in the end, it worked out for Daryl.

However, this also meant that though Daryl had managed to attain the ultimate magic weapon, theDead Annie was now essentially his heart.

Despite knowing that, Daryl wasn’t daunted in the least. As long as he could take Gerald out, he didn’tmind sacrificing his life!

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