The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1560
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Chapter 1560

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1560 Though Gerald was pretty much at the level of a Chakra King now—meaning that he was at the top ofthe world—there were still many things that surprised him. For one, it hadn’t occurred to him that Milawould get so strong throughout her absence.

Lifting his hand, he stared at his burnt palm… To think that the searing aura from Mila’s body wasactually able to breach his thunder essential qi with such ease…

As Gerald released a long sigh, over ten ghostly and strange-looking ships swiftly appeared beforehim, completely blocking his path in seconds…

Following that, it didn’t take long for Master Ghost, Carlos, and the others to notice their presence aswell.novelbin

Walking over to stand behind Gerald—who was already staring at the ships with his arms against hisback—everyone then watched rather curiously as a white-haired old man—alongside ten other middle-aged people—leaped off one of the ships before slowly descending toward the ship that Gerald and theothers were all on.

Now that they had a good look at the old man, both Carlos and Julian’s eyes widened as they mutteredin unison, “That… That’s the leading priests from the Ringmasters of Obliteration!”

“The Ringmasters of Obliteration?” asked Gerald who clearly wasn’t familiar with that name.

As the leading priest gently stepped onto Gerald’s boat, he laughed before saying, “Indeed! As theysaid, I’m the leading priest! Regardless, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Crawford! If I recall correctly,you tested your power with the aid of the Sceolium a few days back, correct? Well, when theRingmasters of Obliteration learned that there was yet another Chakra King in the world, they instantlygrew excited!”

Watching as the leading priest laughed aloud again, Gerald then placed his palms together beforereplying, “You flatter me, sir. However, I do believe that your arrival here today isn’t just for the sake ofcongratulating me, correct?”

“Hahaha! You’re rather straightforward, Mr. Crawford! However, you are correct! I’m here in person withan important mission from the Ringmasters of Obliteration!” replied the leading priest, choosing not tobeat around the bush either.

Looking into the polite elder’s clear eyes, Gerald couldn’t help but have a good impression of him.

Due to that, he had no problem with inviting the elder into the cabin.

Once inside, the leading priest wasted no time and instantly said, “Since you’ve probably only heardsnippets about the Ringmasters of Obliteration before, I wonder if you’d be willing to allow me to give amore detailed introduction about ourselves? Just to make things as clear as possible between us!”

Watching as the leading priest then took a sip of tea before smiling, Gerald casually replied, “I’m allears.”

“Excellent! See, the Ringmasters of Obliteration is an organization that’s existed for thousands ofyears, and it’s responsible for coordinating all the unbalanced forces around the world, just to ensurethat an objective balance is always maintained. As the name implies, the organization consists ofrepresentatives who are sent out by the most powerful people across the globe. A united nation, if youwill! Hahaha!”

“Regardless, there are currently seven extremely powerful people leading the Ringmasters ofObliteration, and they were chosen for good reason. All seven of them have managed to enter theRune Realm, you see, making them the cream of the crop. With that in mind, their common discussionstogether oftentimes influences the direction of how things happen within the cultivation realm. Also,while they each have their own regions, it should be noted that none of them ever interfere with what

happens within the world’s secular society. It’s simply a limitation under the principles of theRingmasters of Obliteration!”

“Moving on to its members, the seven powerful people include Murray Click, the King of NorthernEurope, Petros Ambers, the King of the Northern Dessert, Yellowleaf Laelia, the King of SouthernIsland, Sergius Leuke, the King of East Asia, Odin Duras, the King of Northern America, Feit Foreswift,the King of the Ocean, and as for the last one… I’m sure you know him well, Mr. Crawford! Hahaha!He’s Daryl Crawford, the King of South Asia!”

Upon hearing that last name, Gerlad found his eyelids twitching slightly.

As it turned out, Daryl had not only hidden himself well, but he had also been busy to the point wherehe eventually managed to become the ruler of South Asia… That explained why he could do whateverhe pleased.

Noticing a hint of resentment in Gerald’s eyes at the mention of Daryl, the Priest Jenkins then added,“Each of the Chakra Kings owns magical powers and are pretty much omnipotent. Due to that, theyeach possess near-endless honor as well. With all that out of the way, I’m here to tell you that you’renow one of the eight most powerful people in the world! In relation to that, the Ringmasters ofObliteration naturally wish for you to send us a representative, just as the others have done. Do youagree to that?”

“Well, since all this is for the sake of keeping the cultivation realm stable, there’s no real reason for meto object. With that said, I agree!” replied Gerald.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Crawford! Speaking of which, we learned that the SacrasolisPalace—that you’re currently leading—is located North in Weston. With that in mind, the Ringmastersof Obliteration have given you the title of King of the North, a title of which they will be using to addressyou from now on!” said Priest Jenkin as he took out a wooden token and placed it before Gerald…

On it, were the characters, ‘King of the North’!

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