The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 151 “Are you kidding me, didn’t I just see you holding it?”

They arrived at the entrance, and other rich young men advised him.

“Yeah, but just now I had to pee, didn’t I? The car stopped somewhere on the way and I peed in thewoods. Damn it, I was holding on the admission ticket, and after I finished peeing, I don’t seem toremember holding anything in my hand, I guess that’s when I lost it!”

The group started poking fun at him, but they were clearly just joking as friends.

Everyone was getting a bit anxious.

“Let’s look for it again, but if we can’t, we’ll go back and get it…”

“That’s pretty far from here!”

They discussed and explained to the female receptionist about how he had the ticket but he lost it, andif he was still allowed to enter and such.

The female receptionist directly denied their entrance.

“What’s the matter?”

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit walked towards the group of men and women.

“Oh, you must be Yancy Zimmerman.”

The middle-aged manager originally had an indifferent expression across his face, but when he sawthe person who had lost his ticket, his face brightened up.

“Do you still remember me? I had dinner with your father, Mr Taylor Zimmerman, in a restaurant in thecounty state. You were there with us!”

The middle-aged manager smiled.novelbin

“Oh, I remember, are you Ted Lopez, the manager of the tour company?”

“Yes, yes, yes it’s me. So, what’s all this commotion here about?”

Ted asked with a smile.

Usually, Yancy had an easy-going personality and everyone loved to joke around with him, but hisfamily’s billion dollar assets were considered big in the County state.

And it was obvious that Yancy was the main focal in the group of men and women.

So, no matter how much they fooled around, once they heard that Yancy is in trouble, none of themwould leave his side.

Especially the girls.

“Hahaha, well, Mr Lopez, I lost my entrance ticket, but if I go back to search for it, that wouldn’t be sucha great idea. So, is it okay if I can enter without the ticket?”

Yancy smiled, thinking in his mind, everything would be fine.

He tried to brush it off and was ready to step inside.

“No, Yancy!” Ted stopped him. “If it were the usual old days, you could do whatever you want, but thistime, it is a special occasion. I’ll just give you a direct explanation. On the surface, this cruise party wasseemingly organized by Mr Holden for a group of rich young people to have fun and party. But in actualfact, Mr Holden actually wanted to invite Mr Crawford from Mayberry!”

“Mr Crawford?”

Yancy and the others looked at each other.

“Ahem, I don’t think you’ll know who Mr Crawford is based on my direct explanation, but you must’veknown about the commercial street at Mayberry, right?”

“Nonsense, the street was known as the Gold Fountain of Mayberry! That street was always bustlingand crowded. I used to want to go to Wayfair Mountain Entertainment, but I almost could not afford it!”said Yancy.

“Ahem, forget about Wayfair Mountain Entertainment. Actually, the entire Mayberry Commercial Streetis owned by one person, and that person is Mr Crawford!”


Yancy was shocked.

The pretty girls next to him were all shocked as well.

Some of the second-generation rich people were indeed rich, but they got the money from theirparents. As for someone like Gerald Crawford, who had his own big industry, he was simply way too upthere. They were wondering who were the ones supporting him from behind.

The entire crowd was shocked.

“Yancy, that is why the entrance rules are stricter this time. They’re afraid some nasty people or thepaparazzi would sneak in or something.”

Ted explained, patiently.

“Okay, okay, then we’ll go back and look for the ticket!”

They drove back and searched for half a day, but to no avail.

“F*ck, does this mean I can’t get in?”

Yancy said bitterly.

There was only one admission ticket per person, and this was not a commodity that one could just buy.

And at that very moment, the female receptionist who had been standing quietly by the side, suddenlyturned red.

She was dying to say something just now, but she did not dare because what the manager had saidwas a little too frightening.

She did run into a very suspicious person going in earlier that evening.

Should she say or not?

She was afraid she would get fired if she said it, but if she did not, thinking about it, she felt like sheshould as this was a very grand event.

She could not bear the burden even if it kills her.

In the end….

She decided to say it out loud.

“Mr Lopez and Mr Zimmerman, you don’t have to worry. Maybe the reason you can’t find your ticketwas because someone must have picked it up!” The female receptionist immediately spoke up.

“What? By whom?”

Yancy asked.

Hadley Zamora, the female receptionist, immediately told everything that she had seen about thesuspicious man right on the spot.

“Why didn’t you call out to me then, if something like this happens, we’ll all be in trouble, didn’t youknow that!”

Ted slammed his thighs.

He hated the sound of this person whom Hadley had described to the very detail.

In that instance, he ordered Hadley to look for the person.

As for Yancy and the others, they went in and mingled with the crowd.

Gerald seemed to not know anything that was happening outside. He was enjoying the wide, beautifulgolden beach.

As he listened to the sea whistling, he figured the party that will be held tonight would be really cool.

Next to the beach was a hotel overlooking the ocean.

Gerald took the admission ticket and entered the hotel under the guidance of another male receptionist.

Earlier that day, Aiden Baker gave him a call.

They were still in their rooms and they had not woken up yet. They never thought Gerald would comeso early.

They immediately went out to find Gerald.

“Stop right there, someone please stop him!”

Suddenly, Ted ran all the way here and saw Gerald was about to enter the elevator. He immediatelyshouted at him.Gerald saw a group of people running towards him.

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