The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1475
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Chapter 1475

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1475

“The underground festival has been around for a long time, and every time this festival is held, it’susually in conjunction with the emergence of certain powerful resources!” explained Julian.

“Powerful resources? Could you be referring to the training resources necessary for those who wish totrain themselves to achieve spiritual enlightenment?” asked Gerald with a nod, seeminglyunderstanding what Julian was getting at.

“Indeed, but the reason the festival is held isn’t limited to the emergence of regular training resourceseither, sir! At times, the festival is also held when magic artifacts capable of destroying the world arefound! While such items are certainly tempting for ordinary people to purchase and boast about, they’reinvaluable treasures to those training to attain spiritual enlightenment!”

“With that said, there’s always competition when it comes to such resources. It’s the reason why thosetraining to attain spiritual enlightenment choose to ignore their agreements during times like these andabruptly join society in order to compete for the resources!”

“Naturally, there are also ordinary people who wish to obtain such magic artifacts. Speaking of which,I’m not sure if you already know this, but as long as a powerful family owns such a magic artifact, therewill definitely be a cultivating family who supports them from the shadows. While the buyer wouldcertainly get protection, the truth is, the cultivating family usually ends up remotely controllingeverything that happens within the buyer’s family!” detailed Julian.

Upon hearing that, Gerald found himself nodding. After all, from what he now knew, though theCrawfords owned a few magic artifacts and things appeared to be fine on the surface, the truth wasthat there had always been another Crawford family who had been secretly supporting them.

On the other hand, if an ordinary family acquired similar magic artifacts, they’d surely face the dangerof being reduced to nothing but a puppet.

“So that’s the reason you’ve been concealing your identity after entering society, right? Because you’reaware that several people—who are also training to attain spiritual enlightenment—have rushed overand are very possibly already among us with their identities concealed?” asked Gerald.

“Sharp as always, sir. Regardless, had I not kept a low profile and ended up getting discovered byothers who are also training to attain spiritual enlightenment, they’d surely lay endless traps for me oreven besiege me the second they’re able to!” said Julian.

“I see… The Waddys are the ones responsible for providing the platform for these contenders, correct?Are they trying to allow for reasonable resource allocation using certain methods in advance?” askedGerald.

“That is correct, sir. You could say that the underground festival is similar to a martial arts conference.During the actual event, many of the participants—who are actually people training to attain spiritualenlightenment—will be disguising themselves as wealthy or even ordinary people. From what I’vegathered, many of them will also be relying on the prestige of influential families in order to get a betterchance of competing.”

“If the rumors are true, then the winner of the competition—or the winning family—will also be given thedominant right to take the lead in discovering the miracle on Tierson Mountain! That’s a big deal sincesuch an honor would only ever be granted to someone with the rank of a martial arts leader outside thecompetition!”

“Oh? Has a miracle already been discovered on Tierson Mountain?” asked Gerald.


“I see… Tell me, though the Waddys are the organizers of the event, do you think they’ll be sending ina participant of their own for the competition?” asked Gerald.

“I do, though do note that being the organizer doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re the one leading theevent. Regardless, in order to secretly observe the situation this year, I’ve chosen not to cling ontoanyone training to attain spiritual enlightenment or join any powerful and influential families, which iswhy I settled with the Duns before this.”

Hearing that, Gerald felt that he now fully understood the ins and outs of the matter.

With that, he began thinking about Master Ghost’s letter again. From what he could now guess, MasterGhost wanted him to join the underground festival because he wanted Gerald to participate in thecompetition.

‘Could there be hidden things relating to the secrets of my elixir-of-life field within the miracle onTierson Mountain…?’

The more Gerald thought about it, the more he realized how possible that was.

Gerald also finally understood why Master Ghost had been laying low this entire time. As it turned out,the undercurrents of the Jenna Province were already surging despite how calm it appeared on thesurface.

Though there were probably already countless training forces that had secretly snuck into the JennaProvince and were already present, Master Ghost had hinted that the miracle would be of great use tohim. Knowing that, Gerald knew that he definitely had to get his hands on it.

Still, though Gerald was confident that he was currently powerful enough to belittle many of the existingforces, after his little lesson with the King of Judgment Portal, he now understood that no matter hownovelbin

good he thought he was, there would always be someone better than him out there. With that in mind,Gerald knew he couldn’t be too high-profile now. Thankfully, Julian’s explanation had given him someinspiration.

His current plan was to sneak in by joining certain families so that he could secretly observe the peoplewho were training to attain spiritual enlightenment. With any luck, he’d be able to find out about theirsituations. Following that, he’d hopefully be able to eventually come up with a plan for himself.

After thinking about it for a while, Gerald then asked, “So, where exactly is the underground festivalbeing held?”

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