The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1420
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Chapter 1420

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1420 Doing as he was told, Gerald then began focusing on allowing the Mackusion to guide his body.Essentially, in order for the process to work, Gerald’s body had to first be completely broken down andonce that was achieved, the Mackusion would begin putting him back together again. With that in mind,it was only natural for Gerald to have to endure a considerable amount of pain.

With a sudden explosive sound, night seemed to change to day as a sudden bolt of blue light shotupward, seemingly tearing the sky apart! Following that, a thunderous sound could be heard aslightning began striking all around the circle that Gerald was standing inside!

Though the immense force continued destroying more and more furniture in the room, Zyla retained arelatively calm expression. Peter, on the other hand, had grown so nervous that his back was alreadydrenched in cold sweat by this point.

“Is everything truly going to be alright, Angelica? I really don’t know how much longer I can continuewatching all this!” asked Peter, worried half to death. After all, all that was currently happening wasrather eerie, to say that least.

“Had it been any other master who entered the circle, I’d surely be worried. However, this is Geraldwe’re talking about. He’s no ordinary person! With that in mind, you can rest assured that nothing willgo wrong!” replied Zyla.

The second her sentence ended, a violent electromagnetic explosion shook the entire room…!

And the next thing both of them knew, the blue light had already faded, and Gerald was nowhere to beseen.

All through this entire time, Gerald found himself feeling like he was within the belly of the embodimentof chaos. While he was slightly aware of what was happening throughout the process, he felt like he

had no control over his consciousness at all.

It was as though he was simply floating about in endless darkness, with invisible tentacles occasionallywrapping tightly onto him before dragging him deeper and deeper into the abyss…

Eventually, Gerald sensed a bright light shining upon him, and it was at that moment when he realizedthat he had finally regained control over his consciousness…

Slowly opening his eyes, he immediately shut them again upon being immediately greeted by glaringsunlight.

After shielding his eyes with a hand for a short while, Gerald finally got up to look around, his eyes nowfully adapted to the light.novelbin

From what he could tell, he was within a small, desolate forest that wasn’t too far off from MayberryUniversity…

With his extraordinary sight and hearing, Gerald instantly sensed the presence of a crowd of collegestudents walking beside a road not too far from where he was.

From all that he had gathered, he found himself thinking for a bit.

…Wasn’t this the small grove where he used to park his Lamborghini? With how barren it currentlywas… This must have meant that it was a success! He truly was back in the past!

Thinking about it, this was very likely a point in time when he hadn’t even regained his identity as ayoung master yet… As he continued pondering about it, he made sure to check the condition of hiscurrent strength as well.

As was expected, his training had stagnated at the point before he underwent the baptism of heaven.With that in mind, his training wasn’t all that high now. However, it still wouldn’t be too much of an issue

for him to defend himself for what he was trying to achieve in this mission.

As he looked down, he caught a glimpse of seven blue spots of light on his arm. It was clear that thiswas the Mackusion’s reminder for him that he only had seven days before he would be forced back tothe present.

Once those seven days were up, he’d be able to undergo the baptism of heaven up till the point whenthe final blue spot of light disappeared…

With that in mind, Gerald made a mental note to pay attention to his remaining time.

Now that he had all his thoughts sorted out, Gerald’s mind automatically reminded him of the personwhom he had constantly been dreaming of…


Mila was still present at this point in time, and he truly hadn’t expected that he would only be able tomeet her again under such circumstances.

‘Now wouldn’t it be great if I were able to remain in the past for good…’ Gerald thought to himself.

Just as he was about to pick up the pace and enter the campus, he suddenly remembered, ‘…Hold on,there’s still something I’ve yet to do!’

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