The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1376
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Chapter 1376

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1376

“…W-who are you…? And why are you here in our manor…?” asked the surprised Yume.

“Hahaha! Your manor? This is my manor! I was the one who founded the Gunter family, girl! Both ofyou are nothing more than my descendants!” replied the black light in a booming voice before slowlytaking the shape of an old man.

Having white hair that tufted around his old head and a beard that dropped all the way to his chest, itwas hard to deny that the old man gave off the impression of a skillful martial artist.

Regardless, the shocked Yume then replied, “…W-what did you say…?”

Gerald himself was now looking at the old man in slight surprise.

From what Gerald could tell, the old man’s form of existence was quite similar to that of the woman inwhite’s thought of the soul. However, there was a clear difference between the two. It was quiteobvious, honestly, that the power and energy that the old man had—and could release from himself—was much stronger compared to what the woman in white could achieve.novelbin

While the woman in white was nothing more than an ordinary thought of the soul before the fusion, thefigure currently standing before him was immensely different. After all, not only did he have the powerand energy to materialize himself, but he was also extremely strong!

Gerald wondered how strong and terrifying that old man’s training level would actually be if he actuallypossessed a physical body…

“I said that both of you are nothing more than my descendants! What, hasn’t Yreth told you two aboutthe Gunter family’s history before?” sneered the old man.

As Gerald found himself shaking his head, Yume—on the other hand—nodded quickly before saying,“Grandma’s told me lots about our ancestors ever since I was young! From what I was told, the Gunterancestors gained immense supernatural powers and founded the base of our family after discoveringsome historical relics from the great civilization of antiquity. However, when our family finally becamestable enough, one of our ancestors went on a journey to seek out more divine artifacts from the greatcivilization of antiquity… Unfortunately, that was the last anyone ever saw of him! …You… couldn’treally be suggesting that you’re that ancestor… right? But… But how? If you truly are who you claim tobe, then why did grandma keep you locked up in here?” asked Yume.

Watching as the old man simply laughed in response, Yume then asked, “…What’s so funny…?”

“…I don’t think he’s locked up in here… Rather, he probably can’t show himself for certain reasons,which is why grandma brought him into this secret chamber instead. Of course, though he doesn’tleave the chamber, I’m sure he’s been remotely controlling the entire family this entire time,” saidGerald while looking at the old man.

Hearing that, the old man simply scanned Gerald from head to toe in surprise. Following that, he shookhis head before saying, “I hadn’t expected our family to still have decent and capable descendants. Iadmit that you truly are smart, grandson! As you’ve said, I’ve been controlling the heads of the Gunterfamily for many generations now!”

As Yume’s jaw dropped in shock, Gerald himself felt slightly surprised.

While Zyla had already told him that the Gunters were an unusual family, he was now only realizinghow true her words were. Though he had previously been wondering how the Gunters had even gotteninvolved with those from the Judgment Portal in the first place, everything now made sense. As itturned out, the real mastermind behind the scenes was this old man—who had probably lived forthousands of years—this entire time!

Finally starting to believe what the old man was saying, Yume then replied, “…So… You truly are ourfamily’s ancestor…? But, if you really are our ancestor, why have you remained in here for so longwithout ever heading out? Didn’t you venture out to look for more divine artifacts…?”

“That’s going to be a long story to detail… Essentially, while it’s true that I headed off to seek out moredivine artifacts at the time, understand that all divine artifacts—in general—tend to be guarded byheavenly spirits. With that in mind, I failed to take down one of the heavenly spirits, resulting in my bodygetting crushed into pieces! However, not long after, I managed to barely escape with the thought of mysoul. Since the Gunters still had many strong enemies at the time, I took it upon myself to direct andcontrol the Gunters from behind the scenes in order to prevent our family’s utter destruction. As for whyI’ve managed to preserve the thought of my soul for so long, it’s because the Gunter’s heads havecontinuously supplied me with the spirit bodies of many top masters!” explained the old man.

“…Wait… W-what did you say…? Are… are you telling me that our family’s annual training meeting isnothing more than a means for you to absorb spiritual energy from the contestants….?” said Yume asshe came to a sudden realization.

“Bingo! Alas, even though those people possessed spirit bodies, their physical talents weren’t up to mystandards at all! You two have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to possessa spirit body that’s able to help me achieve true reincarnation!” replied the old man with a laugh.

“…I… I think I see the bigger picture now… The person you’re aiming to possess is Gerald, right? Theone grandma and those from the Judgment Portal are still trying to capture? After all, since his bodycontains the Herculean Primordial Spirit, his body is far different from an ordinary mortal’s… Is myguess correct?” asked the flabbergasted Yume.

“Right again! I can see now that you, too, are very intelligent!” said the old man before laughing oncemore.

Gerald himself was now so stunned that he muttered, “…Herculean Primordial Spirit…? What… iseven going on here…?”

Whatever the case was, Gerald was now sure of one thing. These people were currently searching sodesperately for him since his body contained a great secret that they urgently needed…

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