The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1366
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Chapter 1366

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1366 Adding that to what he had earlier said, Jasmine instantly began trembling all over as she asked, “…Could… Could it be that you’re my aunt’s missing husband…? The uncle me and Gerald share…?”

Chuckling as he smiled, the man then replied, “You truly are as smart as your aunt, Jasmine…”

“…So, it’s really true…?!” exclaimed Jasmine as she covered her mouth in shock.

“…Sir- No, uncle… Haven’t you gone missing for ages…? Why are you only showing yourself now….?Also, how did your appearance turn out this way…?”

Based on what her aunt had once told her, Peter Crawford—her uncle—was quite a handsome andelegant man. With that in mind, his current hideous expression would shock just about anyone!

“Let’s just say that I needed to end up this way in order to escape! Still, this appearance isn’t all thatbad since it allows me to hide my true identity. In fact, it’s thanks to how I look that I’ve been able toeasily investigate a few incidents!” replied Peter, his eyes returning to their former tranquillity.

“Then… I’m assuming that Gerald still has no idea who you are, right? That you’re the uncle he’s beensearching for this entire time…?” asked Jasmine.

“Of course he doesn’t. After all, I haven’t concluded on whether a certain someone is good or wickedyet… Anyway, it’s just better if I don’t reveal who I truly am to Gerald yet. Besides, I can still help him insecret!” said Peter with a smile.

“Who exactly are you trying to find out is good or wicked…?” asked Jasmine.

“Sadly, I can’t elaborate on that. Just know for now that all my efforts will go to waste if that incident isaccidentally exposed. Speaking of which, I wasn’t even supposed to reveal my true identity to you

today, Jasmine! With that in mind, please promise that you’ll keep my identity a secret in themeantime!” said Peter.

Peter had always been a calm person, and for the sake of his investigation, he had constantlysuppressed his desire to meet up with his family this entire time, regardless of how much he missedthem.

Unfortunately, the second he found out—from Gerald—that Jasmine had been captured by Queena, heknew that he wasn’t going to be able to continue keeping that desire suppressed.

With that in mind, he had secretly begun his search for Jasmine ever since that day. Upon eventuallyfinding her, he took the chance to go on a rescue mission.

While he had simply planned to rescue her without revealing who he really was at first, Jasmine wassimply too similar-looking to her aunt for Peter’s mind to not be bombarded with a series of thoughts. Inthe end, he gave in and ended up revealing his true identity Jasmine.novelbin

“But of course, uncle! Still… Where are we headed to now…?” asked Jasmine.

“What, don’t you wish to meet Gerald? I’m guessing that he’s returned for some time now, so I’ll bebringing you over to reunite with him!” said Peter.

After seeing Jasmine nod, Peter then began leading her back…

However, it was only a few steps later when he stopped dead in his tracks. His once tranquil eyes nowslightly widened as he felt a chill run down his back, Peter found himself carefully scanning hissurroundings before saying, “…I’m afraid that we’ll have to delay our return for about an hour,Jasmine…!”

“…Huh? Why…?”

“Because I don’t want those stalkers to follow me all the way back. Once they know where I live, they’llsurely ruin that place! With that in mind, I’ll be spending some time getting rid of them first!” repliedPeter with a brief smile.

“But… There’s nobody here but us, right uncle…?” said Jasmine as she looked around. No matter howhard she scanned the area, there just didn’t seem to be any traces of humans nearby!

“Don’t bother looking for them. They’re about fifty miles away, and they’re divided into four main groupsthat are headed in the four cardinal directions. There are currently about a dozen of them heading inour direction now!” replied Peter as his eyes momentarily flashed a dark green.

Hearing that, the simultaneously frightened and surprised Jasmine then asked, “…You… You’re able toclearly see up to fifty miles away, uncle…?”

“Haha! Fifty miles is nothing to me! I can see even further away…” replied Peter with a bitter smile.

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