The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1338
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Chapter 1338

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1338 He had said that he could hear and sense danger, and he could escape as soon as he predicted thatthere was any form of danger.

That was the reason why he was not afraid of any wild animals or beasts in the mountain at all.

“How can you hear it?” Gerald asked.

If it was true, this young kid was indeed a little special, then. Gerald could not even sense anyone oranything all the way to the shanty town which was so far away, but this young kid could actually sensehim coming in advance. It was rather mysterious!

“Hehe! My sister said that this is my biggest secret! By the way, big brother, uncle, why are you lookingfor my elder sister?” The young boy said.

“Why don’t you take us to see your sister first? To tell you the truth, I have something that I need yoursister’s help with!” Gerald said frankly.


After that, Seth led the two men toward his house.

“Brother Gerald, Uncle, can the both of you teach me some fighting moves? I want to be as strong andpowerful as both of you so that no one will dare to bully me in the future! I can only run away when Isense and predict danger. However, there is no way for me to fight back at all, just like what happenedyesterday when those b*stards caught hold of my sister!”

Seth begged on the way back home.novelbin

Seth did not know why, but he felt as though Leo, and especially Gerald, were particularly easy toapproach and get close to.

That was the reason why Seth dared to speak his mind in front of them.

“You want to learn some fighting moves from us, but you have not told us how you have suchsupernatural powers. How did you know that we were going to come and find you today?” Geraldasked as he smiled wryly.

Of course, Gerald would not make Seth reveal his secret to him in vain. If Seth were to tell him hissecret, Gerald would certainly help him to get what he wanted, then.

“That is a secret, and it is my biggest secret. But Brother Gerald, you have to keep your promise. If I tellyou my secret, you and uncle will have to teach me how to fight, then!” Seth said.

He was truly very interested in martial arts.

Leo smiled before he said, “Even if you did not tell us about your supernatural powers, we could alsoguess what it is. Young kid, you must be clairaudient, right?”


Gerald was surprised.

This vocabulary sounded very strange and mysterious to him.

Even Gerald would not have known this.

However, it was obvious that Leo seemed to know even more than Gerald did in certain aspects!

True enough, Seth was extremely surprised, and his eyes widened in shock as he said, “Uncle, howcould you tell at a single glance?!”

“Hahaha! Some people have the same skills as you or even stronger skills than you have where I camefrom!” Leo said in a domineering tone.

“However, it seems as though you have not received any special training at all. So, how is it possiblefor you to possess this kind of ability, then?” Leo asked as he scratched his head.

“My guess was right indeed. The both of you are truly people with great abilities! Hehe. I am indeedclairaudient. Based on my calculations, I think that I can hear sounds up to about five hundred milesaway. That is how I can sense if any dangers are approaching.” Seth said.

“Sigh! I originally thought that I would be able to make a fortune because of this magical ability that Ihave. However, I realized that being clairaudient does not mean anything at all. I cannot make anymoney, and I cannot even afford to treat my grandfather’s illness. That is why I have to go into themountain to gather some medicinal herbs!” Seth said as he sighed.

“Leo, how do people gain clairaudience? I’m guessing that they must have gained this ability through acertain method, right? I don’t think an ordinary person would be able to become clairaudient simplythrough any cultivation or training!” Gerald asked out of curiosity.

“Well, we will have to ask this young kid, Seth, about it. We should ask him how he becameclairaudient. When I transformed in the beginning, the abilities that I gained were infinite strength!” Leosaid.

“Moreover, some sort of elixir is needed to achieve that kind of mutation!” Leo said.

Gerald nodded.

‘Leo came from Jaellatra, which is a very strange and mysterious place.’

‘Many abnormal changes and transformations can occur there. Therefore, it would be understandable ifa person went through a transformation there. However, Seth has been living here all this while. So,how did Seth come to possess a certain special ability just like Leo, then?’

Gerald could not help but wonder.

So, he hurriedly asked Seth about it.

Of course, Seth was not a foolish person, and he was actually very witty and intelligent.

Therefore, Seth only told Gerald the truth after he had made Gerald swear repeatedly that he wouldteach him martial arts after he had told him everything.

“Brother Gerald, I gained this special ability inside a snake cave in the mountain when I was twelveyears old. I ate one of the fruits there, and then I ended up like this. Besides that, there were manyweird paintings and murals inside the cave…”

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