The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1305
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Chapter 1305

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1305 With that, the Gunters and those from Judgement Portal agreed to cooperate to hunt Gerald down. Itwas evident that seeking Gerald out was crucial for both Yreth and the King of Judgement Portal.

At the same time, both forces were also well aware that even Queena—who owned the Squad ofDivine Grimness—was looking for Gerald. Unlike them, however, Queena’s aim of finding Gerald wasto make him marry her.

Despite the clear differences in their interests in finding Gerald, both Lady Gunter and the King ofJudgement Portal still made sure to keep a close eye on Queena’s actions.

Regardless, the task of seeking out Gerald was given mainly to Felton and Hogan.

While the Gunters were indeed in full control over Ancient City, their true influence spanned the entiretyof Querton City.

With that in mind, the Gunters immediately ordered the Simes—from Querton city— to aid them in theirsearch for Gerald by utilizing large groups of people as well as by providing them with any necessaryresources.

Even with so many people dedicated to hunting Gerald down, however, Yreth was unable to find him atall despite having investigated every spot she could think of in Qerton City! Naturally, this greatlyinfuriated her.

Eventually, every nook and cranny in the city had been searched, though there still weren’t any signs ofGerald… All that was left, was the vast shantytown…

By that point, both Felton and Hogan were already feeling extremely anxious due to their failure tolocate Gerald, even after a week. With that, both of them then headed to the shantytown with a team—

provided by the Simes—that consisted of around two hundred people.

‘If we still failed to find him here, then Dordwell Heights is the only place left for us to search…’ Feltonthought to himself extremely sternly.

He knew for a fact that Gerald hadn’t left the city since his grandmother had previously used the DeadAnnies to check for Gerald’s presence. But where the hell was he…?

Meanwhile, an adorable little girl—who had her hair tied in pigtails and looked to be around six—couldbe seen standing in a small courtyard of a house within the shantytown as she delightfully said, “I’ll beheading off for school now, Brother Crawford and Sister Monica! I’ll come play with you againtomorrow! Oh! And these are some eggs that my mom told me to hand over to you!”

Turning to look at the elder brother and elder sister figures, she then smiled before adding, “Sinceyou’re sick, be sure to eat more eggs to get healthier sooner, Brother Crawford!”

Upon hearing that, the woman—who had been standing at the side—instantly burst into laughter.

Naturally, the ‘Brother Crawford’ in question was none other than Gerald. Though he was now doing farbetter after that man healed him, his body was still extremely weak at the moment. As for ‘SisterMonica’, she was the woman that had been looking after Gerald—along with that middle-aged man—this entire time, and her full name was Monica Leonard.

“What a good girl! But yes, I’ll make sure your Brother Crawford eats lots of eggs till he gets healthyagain! Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on him!” replied Monica with a grin.novelbin

Knowing that the child meant no harm with her words, Gerald simply laughed along as he looked at theyoung girl with adoring eyes.

Still, he truly had suffered from massive injuries this time around, and it wasn’t a stretch to say that hecould’ve easily died back then after being tortured so much by Hogan. By the time he was rescued, notonly had most of his veins and bones already snapped, but he was also suffering from terrible internalinjuries as well as from highly potent poison.

Even so, from the middle-aged man’s point of view, Gerald already had it good enough since he hadmanaged to escape with his life intact. Still, while the man had estimated that Gerald would only regainconsciousness after at least a month had passed, he truly hadn’t expected the youth to wake up justthree days later!

The fact that his broken bones and internal injuries were healing so rapidly honestly made Monica bothfrightened and jealous of Gerald’s unique—and quite frankly abnormal—physique.

While it was true that he had regained consciousness on the third day he was there, he was only ableto get out of bed on the sixth, which was the day before.

Due to how weak Gerald currently was—since his body was still recovering—the middle-aged man hadset off for Dordwell Heights first thing in the morning to gather herbs for him again.

Speaking of that man, ever since Gerald had regained consciousness, he had found the middle-agedman to be extremely familiar and friendly, though he wasn’t quite sure if that was just a biasedviewpoint since the man had, after all, saved his life.

Both Monica and the man were quite mysterious to Gerald.

After all, when asked where she originated from, Monica refused to give him a clear answer. All heknew about her was that she had stayed by that man’s side for a good two years by now.

The man himself was even more mystifying. After all, even though Gerald had asked him time andagain why he had appeared all of a sudden to save him, the man simply avoided giving a directanswer. Not wanting to continue being rude to his savior, Gerald soon decided not to pry any further.

Instead, he chose to obey the man’s orders to simply remain in the shantytown—for the time being—torecuperate with peace of mind.

As for the little girl from earlier, she went by the name of Sierra. Throughout his time awake, Gerald hadgotten to know the cute and kind girl fairly well. From what he was told, she was the youngest daughterfrom Elias Leakin’s family, which was one of the families here in the shantytown.

He also found out that when she was younger, she had fallen terribly ill. Ever since she was saved bythat man, however, she had treated him like her godfather, which explained why she kept coming overto his house whenever she could.

In fact, she was there so often that she was tasked with wiping Gerald’s face for him every day.Additionally, she even brought lots of food for him! The fact that the food mostly consisted of candiesand snacks—foods of which Sierra treasured most—certainly warmed Gerald’s heart.

Regardless, Gerald waved at the girl—who was now running off while waving back at him—beforeshouting, “See you, Sierra!”

From what he had been told, the girl was studying in the middle class of kindergarten…

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