The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1294
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Chapter 1294

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1294 Gerald, however, simply caught the shackles and tugged the person toward him! Due to the suddentug, the person fell onto the bridge, struggling the entire time as Gerald pulled him closer and closer!Once he was near enough, Gerald simply positioned his foot before kicking him right in the face! Flyingbackward, not only did the kick cause the person’s head to explode like a watermelon, but the headlessbody’s collision also ended up destroying at least ten of the bridge’s guardrails!

Following that, cries upon cries of pain could be heard as Gerald swiftly dealt with the men. ThoughGerald wasn’t at his strongest now, his current training still far surpassed his strength before heunderwent the baptism of heaven.

What Gerald found strange, however, was the fact that all these people were similar to Tiara in the waythat their inner strength seemed to have undergone some rapid and immense changes. Gerald usedthe term similar since there definitely were slight differences between these men and the duo—Tiaraand Belzebob—whom he had killed, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on what the differenceswere yet.

Still, why were there so many exceptional people who had suddenly undergone such rapid changes intheir inner strength? Whatever the case was, Gerald made short work of all the remaining men, savefor the one on the boat.

Speaking of him, the now wide-eyed man—who hadn’t moved an inch from his boat—barely evenregistered that his straw hat had just been blown away by the wind.

Despite the fact that he gave off the first impression that he was someone extremely skilled—based onthe way he dressed—after witnessing Gerald’s true strength, he was now in deep shock. Even so, heknew better than to stick around, so he quickly began rowing his boat away.

‘He’s far too strong…! If I don’t leave while I can, I’ll be next to die!’

Of course, there was no way that Gerald was going to just let him escape like that. With a massiveleap, Gerald landed right onto the wooden boat with a loud ‘crunch’!

As massive ripples formed due to the wildly bobbing boat, the man—who was about to attempt to diveinto the water—ended up losing his balance and was momentarily tossed into the air! When his feettouched the boat again, however, he found—to his horror—that he was now right in front of Gerald!

Before he could make another move, Gerald instantly held him by the neck. Now being strangled, heheard as Gerald asked in a frigid tone, “I only have one simple question. Who was it who sent you?”

“Humph! As if I’d ever tell you just like that! After all, I’ll be dead the second I share that information!How about thi-”

Before the man could even finish his sentence, a soft ‘crack’ was heard.

Looking at Gerald with sheer disbelief in his eyes, the man heard as more tiny cracks followed withGerald’s slowly intensifying grip. Knowing that his neck was going to snap clear in half soon, the manwondered if Gerald truly didn’t wish to know who had sent him.

With his life now flashing before his eyes, he thought about how he had planned—just seconds ago—on manipulating his secret technique in his final attempt to make it out alive. The technique in questioninvolved using Dead Annie flowers!

In fact, all seven of them were proficient in the secret technique. They simply hadn’t felt that it wasnecessary to use it on someone like Gerald when they first saw what he looked like.

Alas, Gerald’s attacks were swift as they were fierce.

To think that he had assumed that Gerald wouldn’t kill him as long as he refused to tell the truth… Atthe very most, he had thought that Gerald would only resort to torturing him! Oh, how wrong he was!

That was the last thought the man had before he went completely limp.

With that, Gerald tossed the corpse into the river. Watching as it floated near the head of the bridge,Gerald then said, “If you refuse to tell me, so be it!”

Following that, Gerald went silent for a while as he fell deep into thought.

Up till today, three powerful groups had already assaulted Gerald, each seemingly intent on killing him.Regarding who was orchestrating all this, Gerald knew—at the very least—that Queena and the King ofJudgement Portal were heavily involved.

Regardless, all of his assailants were similar in the way that they had undergone immense and rapidchanges in their inner strengths. Even so, Tiara, Belzebob, and the seven he had killed tonight allseemed to have acquired their surges of inner strength slightly differently from each other.

Speaking of the seven, they were clearly from a new group separate from the Divine Grimness and theJudgement Portal. In other words, he now had another group of powerful people going after him. Thefact that his location and identity had now been exposed only served to make the situation worse.

As Gerald continued pondering on his next move, the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse ofa few strange petals drifting away from one of the floating corpses in the river…

Gerald, for one, was certainly no stranger to them.

‘…Dead Annies…? They brought Dead Annies with them?! Could they be from the Gunter family then?Were they the ones who wanted to capture me?’

As Gerald continued speculating the situation, he jumped in fright upon hearing coughing sounds out ofthe blue! Looking around, the sound seemed to be coming from the cabin on the wooden boat…Judging from how high-pitched the coughs were, Gerald simply assumed it was a female.

Regardless, Gerald carefully lifted the curtains to clear his doubts… And there, lying on the floor, wasan unconscious woman.novelbin

From how much she was coughing and wrinkling her brows in her knocked-out state, Gerald couldguess that her mental state was currently under attack by Dead Annies. Even so, that wasn’t whatshocked Gerald the most.

No, what made Gerald momentarily stupefied, was the fact that the woman in question was none otherthan Yume…

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