The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1117
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Chapter 1117

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1117As for Gerald, Wagner had called for him so that both of them could head over to meet Master Ghost inLangvern Church—which was located in Langvern Mountain—as appointed by Wagner the day before.

In the past, Gerald hadn’t really believed in so-called ‘masters of fortune-telling’. He simply consideredthem to be people who were keen on deceiving others.

However, from the moment he first found out about the remarkable old beggar in the mural, his viewson fortune-telling began changing.

Aside from all the mystifying new experiences he had gone through, Gerald also had another reason tobelieve that Master Ghost was the real deal. After all, Master Ghost had successfully predicted eventsthat would befall Alice, Wagner, and even the Minshall family. Everything that he had said eventuallycame true.

Since Master Ghost had been able to predict that both Wagner and Gerald would eventually meet,Gerald knew that there existed a chance that he would be able to learn about Mila and his uncle’swhereabouts upon meeting Master Ghost.

With that in mind, Gerald was quite anticipated to meet the master.

Located on a mountain ridge north of Halimark City, Langvern Mountain itself was an area surroundedby cliffs and old pine trees. If one were to stand atop the mountain, they would be able to see theentirety of Halimark City. Since the city itself was pretty large, anyone looking at it from the mountainwould see it stretching into the horizon, so much so, in fact, that the end of Halimark City sometimeslooked like it was converging with the sky.

Staring down from above, even a space that could fit tens of thousands of people gave the impressionthat it was only the size of a matchbox. Anyone who saw such a scene would undoubtedly be remindedof how insignificant humans were.

One could normally find lots of people at the foot of the hill. After all, several people went to LangvernMountain to pray, and many others headed there to pay formal visits to Master Ghost in hopes ofgetting their fates foretold.

As for Langvern Church, it was a simple but ancient-looking building that, from afar, gave theimpression that it wasn’t overly spacious. While churches nowadays were usually refurbished quiteexquisitely and luxuriously, from the day it was built—many, many years ago—the Langvern Churchhad retained its mottled, greyish-white walls as well as its reddish-brown bricks and tiles that could befound all around the building.

Despite many people constantly visiting Langvern Mountain, the mountain was still able to maintain itslightness and delicateness, making it quite a unique place.

Returning to Gerald and Wagner, by the time both of them arrived at the foot of the mountain, the pathfrom the foot to the very top of the mountain was already crowded with people.

Looking around, Gerald ended up momentarily freezing. He wasn’t even sure if he was just imaginingthings, but standing quite a distance away from him, was an extremely graceful-looking woman. Well,at least her back was graceful-looking, from what Gerald could see.

Watching as the woman’s maids led her into her car, Gerald was unable to catch even the slightestglimpse of her face due to one of the maids holding a parasol—that completely blocked his view of her—as she entered the vehicle.

Eyes-widened as he gulped, Gerald could only stare as he watched the car drive off.

‘…She… She looked so similar…!’

If it wasn’t for the fact that he knew his girlfriend was missing, Gerald would’ve easily have thought thatthe woman he had just seen was Mila!

After all, the back of that woman’s fair neck looked incredibly similar to his girlfriend’s.

The sudden shock of the scene almost made his rational side crumble for second, thinking that it trulycould be her. However, he quickly gathered his thoughts again, deeming the situation as slightly odd.

He immediately reminded himself that not only had Mila gone missing for a long time now, but sinceshe had been captured by the Sun League, it was even less possible for her to be roaming around likethis!

Gerald simply shook his head, summing up the incident as being only an illusion of his. It was probablybecause he was missing Mila too much.

Still, Gerald couldn’t help but gulp as he watched the car continue to drive further away. He was nowseriously considering catching up with that car to see if it truly was Mila or not. Even if she wasn’t, hecould at least rest easy knowing that he hadn’t missed a chance to finally find her again.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a tug on his arm before hearing a feminine voice call out, “Hey,Gerald! I’ve already called out to you several times! Can’t you hear me?”

Pulled from his train of thought and back to the present, Gerald turned to look at the owner of the voice.As it turned out, the woman who had tugged his arm was Yasmeen!

“Who are you even looking at…? The moment you saw that beauty, your eyes widened a lot you know?I really didn’t think that you were such a person, Gerald!” said Yasmeen.

“What do you want?” asked Gerald in a clearly annoyed tone. After all, Yasmeen had interrupted himduring an extremely crucial moment.

“Now what sort of tone even is that! I came over to greet you but this is how you treat me?” saidYasmeen who seemed rather adamant about continuing to talk to Gerald.

Taking in a deep breath, Gerald turned to look at the car again. However, it was now completely out ofsight.

After thinking about it for a brief moment, he chalked it up as him simply thinking too much about it.

Regardless, since Yasmeen had been so enthusiastic to talk to him all of a sudden, he was now findingit quite awkward that he had treated her that way just seconds ago.

“…I was just deep in thought earlier. Sorry,” replied Gerald casually.

Covering her mouth to chuckle, Yasmeen then said, “Now that’s the Gerald I know! Haha!”novelbin

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