The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1102
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Chapter 1102

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1102 Then again, she had always been this way. After all, while it wasn’t uncommon for the students inMayberry University to date other students there, Yasmeen was on a whole other level. Back then, shehad dated the president of one of the companies in Mayberry who had had a divorce.

Due to their relationship, the president arranged for fireworks to be placed at every corner of theuniversity on Yasmeen’s birthday. That night, the entire university was lit by the beautiful glow offireworks, easily resulting in all the other girls there both admiring and envying her.

However, that wasn’t what Gerald remembered most about the incident. No, what he recalled mostabout that event was the fact that Yasmeen had told him to clean up all the firework remains around theuniversity—when morning came—for fifteen dollars.

That, however, was a lot to him at the time. Once he got the money, he immediately treated Xavia to ameal at KFC. He even remembered adding another seven dollars of his own to make their feast a littlegrander.

How the memory played out pretty much summed up how his relationship with Yasmeen used to be.After all, how could someone like the past Gerald even have the right to befriend her?

It was the reason why he was quite surprised that she was willing to greet him now.

“So why did you come over to Halimark City, Yasmeen?” asked Gerald as he looked at all the people—who were dressed like upper-class individuals—standing behind her.

The city itself was a place that had grown quite strong economic-wise throughout the years due to allthe natural advantages its geographical features granted.

“Well, my chamber of commerce is holding functions here in the next few days. Because of that, mybusiness partners and I have come over to seek some amusement! I’ve established a cosmeticcompany, after all! Haha!” replied Yasmeen as she smiled faintly while smoothening her hair.

“How truly impressive!” said Gerald as he watched her business partners begin walking over, one byone.

One of them was a middle-aged man who seemed to have quite an intimate relationship with Yasmeen.Frowning, the man then asked, “Who is this, Yasmeen?”

“Oh, him? He’s just a junior from university! I talked about him before, remember? The particularly poorstudent while I was studying there? That’s him! You know, he could barely afford to pay for his mealsback then! I also remember his clothes being filled with patches, since most of what he earned—fromdoing part-time jobs daily and also from the many errands he ran for others—went into either his livingexpenses or his tuition fees! He didn’t have the money for anything else!” jabbered Yasmeen on and onwithout needing to even stop to take in a single breath.

Her friends, on the other hand, simply widened their eyes as they continued listening to her.

“How could such a poor person even exist!” said one of them as the others exchanged glances of bothshock and dismay with each other.

“I know right? But that’s not even the most surprising thing! See, even though he was that poor, he stillmanaged to get himself a girlfriend!”

As the others were filled with even greater surprise, Yasmeen turned to look at Gerald who had beensilent for quite a while. Seeing how calm he looked, Yasmeen realized that she may have said a bit too

much already.

Smiling rather awkwardly, she then added, “…Regardless, being able to bump into each other againmust be the work of fate! Pray tell, are you here to attend Halimark City’s Enchanted Feast, Gerald?”

“Afraid not!” replied Gerald as he shook his head.

“Why are you even asking such an unnecessary question, Yasmeen? Didn’t you already tell us howpoor he was back then? How could he even afford to attend the Enchanted Feast?” said a woman asshe walked over.

“…That’s true… Since we’re ex-schoolmates, I’d have loved to invite you over to join us for the feast,Gerald… Sadly enough, I don’t have an extra admission ticket! Regardless, there’s an app you shouldreally download on your phone later! You can find all my company’s products there! Speaking of mycompany, since it’s only recently been established, I’m in need of agents to distribute the products! Youcould try applying to be an agent! Worry not, one of the makeup sets I’m selling was designed forlower-income people, like yourself! Due to that, I’m sure you can promote it to your less wealthyfriends!” suggested Yasmeen.

Following that, she instantly began detailing the steps required to apply to be an agent, leaving noroom for Gerald to even say a word.

A little later, she handed him the contact number and business card of the regional manager beforesaying, “Alright, it’s getting a bit late now and I really should be leaving. After all, I still need to head tothe city with my friends! Also, don’t worry about calling the manager, I’ll let him know in advance to takespecial care of you.”

With that, Yasmeen flashed Gerald a faint smile before leaving while waving her hand with her otherfriends.

Watching them walk off, Gerald could only look at their backs as he shook his head while smilingbitterly.

Yasmeen truly hadn’t changed in this aspect.

Tossing the card away, Gerald then continued walking by the beach, deep in thought.novelbin

He continued doing so for quite a bit, and the next thing he knew, it was already late at night, with veryfew tourists still walking around.

At that moment, he suddenly saw the faint outlines of five speedboats at the corner of his eye. Turningto get a better look at what was happening, he saw that all five of them were in hot pursuit of anotherspeedboat that currently wasn’t too far off from them.

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