The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1076
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Chapter 1076

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1076 Upon walking over to have a look for himself, he had to agree with her on how strange they looked.

From what he could see, the murals depicted how the people living here back then went about withtheir lives. However, some of the people that were painted looked extremely odd.

To put it simply, the murals seemed to be telling a story. Upon closer inspection, they seemed to tell thetale of the items that had been hidden in this stone room.

Noticing the Giya was also looking intently at the murals, Gerald then asked, “Do you understand whatthe murals are trying to say, Giya?”

“…W-what? What… did you just call me?” asked Giya as she immediately came to her senses andstared at Gerald, a blank expression on her face.

“…Why, Giya of course! I didn’t get your name wrong, did I? After all, I’ve heard quite a few peoplecalling you that by this point!”

“…Y-you got it right… My name’s Giya, yes…” replied Giya as she felt her heart quivering slightly.

Shaking the feeling off, she then replied, “…I’m able to understand some of them… But the tale theytell is rather odd… The first mural here seems to say that something… incredibly odd happened, to saythe least… From what I can gather, apparently strange corpses fell from the sky!”

“All the corpses were wearing odd-looking clothes as well, and they each bore strange appearances.The corpses seemed to have suffered a miserable death before falling from the sky… Regardless, itcaused quite a stir back then since the locals were all superstitious. They believed that the corpses

were heavenly soldiers, so they planned to build them a tomb in order for the locals to make offeringsto them!” explained Giya.

“Unbelievable, right…? As if corpses could just fall from the sky… I’m guessing that all this was justsome fairy-tale they came up with!”

“Anyway… The second mural talks about the heavenly soldiers as well. Among the corpses, one ofthem seemed to be particularly more mysterious than the others. This heavenly soldier seemed to havereceived very special and different treatment from the locals. Based on the murals, it appears that theyworshiped this particular corpse like a king, even going so far as to kowtow before him while they weretransporting his corpse! Actually, after taking a closer look, they seemed to worship the dead body likea god more than a king!

“This corpse was apparently more special than the rest since they found his body on a big tree that hadfallen from the sky with all the other corpses!” added Giya, feeling that the story was getting a bit toounrealistic, even by fairy-tale standards.

“Aren’t there two coffins being transported though?” asked Meredith.

“Well, the third mural seems to explain that… According to the mural, a woman dressed in white shouldbe buried in the other coffin… She was supposedly extremely beautiful, and everyone who saw herwould end up feeling shocked. Apparently, she looked extremely beautiful even though she was asdead as the other corpses! What more, she was found lying on top of the heavenly soldier who wasfound on the same big tree I mentioned earlier. From what the locals could tell, the two of them werelovers who wanted to be buried with each other! Because of that, the people of that country held a verygrand burial ceremony for the two spiritual beings on the day they found them!”

“As for the fourth mural… I only understand the former part… Apparently, the mysterious heavenlysoldier had a weapon with him, though it was placed someplace else… Also, both he and the woman

dressed in white ended up not getting buried together… This was supposedly because some oldbeggar had stood in their way, preventing them from proceeding with the plan. Due to that old man’sinterference, the mysterious heavenly soldier ended up being placed inside a very special coffin beforebeing stored in a secret room… As seen on this part of the mural, the ones present at that particularscene were the king, the ones burying the mysterious heavenly soldier, and also… that old beggar.From the looks of it, the old man was laughing the entire time!”

“…I see. And the latter part of it…?” asked Gerald, feeling extremely confused as he was bewildered.

“I… don’t quite get the latter part… It mentions something about the old beggar knowing blackmagic…? Apparently, the moment the burial ceremony was over, he laughed a few times beforedisappearing into thin air! Right after that, a massive object appeared that shrouded the entire royalcity! It’s… improbable to say the least, but it looks like a battleship! I… can’t make sense of this parteither…” replied Giya as she shook her head.

How the hell could such a huge battleship even exist thousands of years ago?!

Meredith shook her head as well before saying, “I guess this is all just the result of people of old’sexaggerated imagination… From what I can see, the heavenly soldier couple must have been theprince and his most beloved concubine. It would make sense for the people of that time to paint themural this way to symbolize their deep love for one another. What more, the prince theory also explainswhy everyone in the murals is bowing to him! He’s a noble after all! As for the corpses that fell from thesky… I’m assuming that they’re the prince’s personal soldiers. Since the countries in the westernregions were constantly at war in the past, the prince could’ve died while leading his soldiers intobattle…”

Hearing Meredith’s theory, Giya couldn’t help but laugh before saying, “Though the love story you cameup with sounds a little unrealistic, it still makes sense, in a way. At the very least, it’s by far the most

logical conclusion we’ve arrived at! I’m guessing most of what you said was right!”

“Still… The ancients must have had really amazing imagination for them to even draw such a hugebattleship thousands of years ago!” chimed in Gerald without putting too much thought into it.

After saying that, he turned to look at the stone platform before adding, “So… the item hidden withinthat stone box should be the weapon the heavenly soldier carried, right?” said Gerald as he gentlytouched the stone box.

Luckily, he was easily able to open the stone box!novelbin

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