The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1052
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Chapter 1052

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1052 With any luck, that would greatly increase his chances of finally being able to find Mila and his uncleagain!

Moved by the realization that there was a higher chance that he would be able to reunite with hisgirlfriend, Gerald then asked, “…So, about the wooden token-”novelbin

Gerald’s sentence ended prematurely since he noticed that Kort was smirking instead of displaying hisfearful expression just seconds ago. However, the realization had come a second too late since thenext thing Gerald knew, there were already two beads in Kort’s right hand!

Before anyone could make a move, Kort tossed the two beads at Gerald and Daryl’s feet, causing thebeads to explode with ear-shattering loudness!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Kort then made his escape!

“That scoundrel of an old man truly is as cunning as they say! Send people in pursuit of him, Welson!Don’t let him escape!” shouted Daryl as the Soul Palace subordinates immediately obeyed.

“It’s useless to do so, sir! While he’s known for both his cunningness and strength, his greatest skill ishis ability to make himself lighter! Even Christopher has praised his adeptness with that skill! No matterthe situation, once he’s made his escape, it’s extremely difficult to re-capture him due to how stealthyhe is,” said Parker as he took a step forward while shaking his head.

With an apologetic look on his face, Gerald added, “It’s my fault, grandpa… My mind wandered for a bitthe moment he mentioned Mila and uncle just know… Leave it to me, I’ll get him back!”

Though he knew that Gerald regretted his lack of concentration on the enemy, Daryl simply raised hishand before replying, “No, it’s better if we don’t press a cornered enemy too far… Even if he gets awaythis time, we’ll catch him again sooner or later. If my guess is correct, he should be returning to theMoldell manor now. After all, I’m sure he’s well aware that only Christopher is capable of saving himnow! Until we go after them again, try not to be too anxious, Gerald.”

Hearing that, Gerald simply clenched his fists before nodding slightly in defeat.

“Christopher… Kort…” muttered Daryl to himself at the moment.

After a brief silence, Daryl seemed to recall something, thus he added, “Come with me, Gerald. Youand the others should come along as well, Dylan.”

Meanwhile, Kort himself was running as swift as an arrow. As Parker had said, Kort’s ability to makehimself lighter truly increased his speed tremendously.

However, Kort was still severely injured from his fight against Gerald. Despite that, he continuedrushing back to the Moldell manor in Yanken, refusing to stop moving his legs till he reached hisdestination.

Soon enough, the next dawn came, and with loud ‘flop’ Kort knelt as he wept with grief in front of thesecluded courtyard within the Moldell manor that was located near the back of a mountain.

Catching his breath, Kort then cried out, “I, Kort, am an ungrateful descendant of the Moldell family! Ikneel here today to beg my third uncle to meet me! I have some urgent issues to report to you!”

With that, Kort bowed deeply, his forehead touching the ground.

Since nobody replied even after some time passed, Kort simply lifted his head before pushing hisforehead deeper into the ground, making sure to make a louder sound.

Despite that, there was still no reply.

After a few more bows, Kort’s head was already bleeding. Understanding that what he was doing wasfutile, Kort finally got up before saying, “…I see you’re reluctant to meet me, uncle… Does that meanthat I won’t ever be able to avenge my two children, even on my dying bed? With or without your help,I’m heading over to the Soul Palace to fight both Daryl and his grandson with all I have! At the veryleast, I’ll die and protect the honor of our family that’s existed for over a thousand years!”

“…Hold on a minute… That name… Did you say Daryl from the Soul Palace…?” said an old voice outof the blue from within the courtyard.

Eyes-widened, Kort watched as the cobweb-covered door to the room he was bowing in front of slowlycreaked open.

Out stepped a trembling old man who had snowy-white hair and a body that was all skin and bones.

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