The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1032
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Chapter 1032

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1032 “Bring the Lovewell over!” ordered the young man as his frown deepened.

Hearing that, the man’s subordinates brought a severely injured Zander and Kaleb over to face him.

“Are you absolutely sure that you didn’t lie when you said he was coming over to Everdare Forest?”asked the young man.novelbin

“Why would I even lie to you about such a thing, Mr. Moldell? He truly did say that he was headed tothis place! Also, I do hope that you realize that it wasn’t the Lovewells who killed the eight Moldellfamily members! Please keep that in mind…!” replied Zander, a fearful expression on his face.

The young man who had been asking the questions went by the name of Yuvan Moldell, and he wasthe second son of the Moldell family’s head. Zander himself had already heard tales about him longago. Tales of how cold and ruthless that man’s methods were.

Being a businessman, Zander knew that he couldn’t afford to further offend either Gerald or theMoldells. However, when the Moldells sent people over to investigate once they caught wind of theeight Moldell family members’ deaths within the Lovewell Manor, he had no other choice but totruthfully tell them where Gerald was.

It was the reason why Yuvan and his subordinates were currently conducting their search for Geraldhere.

“The Moldells have always deeply resented Gerald, and it’s already been over a year since theMoldells have actively gone against the Crawfords. Therefore, I truly hope that you’re not lying to me

for your sake. After all, it would be better for you not to get involved in our battle!” replied Yuvancasually.

“B-but of course, of course!” replied Zander hurriedly.

“Second young master, we may have found traces of him!” reported one of Yuvan’s subordinates atthat moment as he walked over to face the man.

Long story short, they had located a few corpses lying on the ground who were dressed like villagersfrom the foot of the mountain. What more, their corpses were still quite fresh and there were somesigns of a struggle at the scene. They were also able to locate a faint trail of trampled greenery that leddeeper into the forest.

All of a sudden, the search dogs that the Moldells had brought along with them suddenly began barkingwhile facing a particular direction!

“…Hmm? …There are people in the vicinity. If the dogs are barking, then he mustn’t be too far off!Double your search efforts!” ordered Yuvan.

Hearing that, his subordinates immediately obeyed.

“Still, I recall going to the Crawford family’s mansion about a year ago… Back then, Gerald was stillliving there, and as far as I can remember, he was just a fragile young lad at the time! It truly makesone wonder what the boy had gone through during his year of absence. After all, he managed to killYaster and the seven other Moldells! A group of people who could be considered to be masters in ourfamily! How could he have grown so strong to be able to defeat them so easily? How incredible!” saidan old man who was walking behind Yuvan as he frowned.

“So what if he managed to end Yaster’s life? After all, he has yet to face the true experts from ourfamily…” replied Yuvan, a wry smile on his face.

It was a little while later when from within a valley that lay ahead, a person shouted, “We’ve found him!”

Upon hearing that, Yuvan hastened his steps as all of them arrived at a cave’s entrance. Beside it, wasa large stone that must have been used to block anyone from entering.

Though one of Yuvan’s men was desperately holding onto his profusely bleeding neck as he lay on theground, Yuvan’s full attention was on the pale and lifeless-looking man who was lying motionless insidethe cave.

“I… I’ve finally found you, Gerald!” declared Yuvan as he knitted his brows before turning to look at hisinjured subordinate.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He was attacked by that fierce dog over there, second young master! Seeing that the dog serves asGerald’s protector, I’ll kill it immediately!” explained Yuvan.

With that, the subordinate began approaching the puppy with a rope in hand. Upon managing to lassothe puppy, it immediately growled before barking wildly, all the fur on its body standing upright asthough it was ready to launch an attack!

Hearing the fearsome barks, several of the subordinates couldn’t help but back away from it. Thepuppy was so intimidating that some of the men even ended up messing up their pants!

“…Hmm? Interesting… Don’t kill it first. Bring it back to the Moldell Manor together with Gerald!”ordered Yuvan when he saw his subordinates’ reactions toward the puppy.

Obeying his orders, a few of the subordinates then began transferring Gerald out of the cave. Afterbringing him out, an old man—who had been standing beside Yuvan—checked Gerald’s pulse andupon realizing that it was very weak, he said, “Didn’t everyone say that this lad was all-powerful and

capable? He seems half-dead to me! Though that’s honestly a good thing. Otherwise, he’d definitely tryto escape again!”

His comment on Gerald’s situation clearly wasn’t anything crucial. The old man had simply stated itwithout giving it much thought.

However, upon hearing that, Yuvan turned to coldly look at him before replying, “Escape? He’s alreadyin my hands now. Even if he were to wake up, do you honestly think he would be able to escape undermy supervision?”

“N-not at all, second young master!” said the old man hurriedly.

Knowing that he had just dodged a bullet, the old man then lowered his gaze to look at Gerald again.Though it only lasted for a split second, the old man was shocked when he saw a sudden flash of redon Gerald’s pale face as the subordinates began carrying him away.

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