The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 1014
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Chapter 1014

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1014 The simultaneously surprised and delighted voice had come from a middle-aged man who stood up assoon as he saw her.

“It’s truly been a while, uncle!” replied Xavia with a slight nod.

“Humph! It’s just as they say. When you’re poor, nobody looks for you even if you’re living in a bustlingcity! When you get rich, however, even the most distant of relatives will come running to meet you,even if you’re living in the middle of a forest! I do wonder if that saying applies to a certain relative ofmine who just so happened to hear that my family’s Zion just got promoted!” sneered a woman—seated on one of the couches—before flashing a cold smile as she continued peeling an orange.

Hearing that, several of the other young men and women in the room took turns staring at Xaviacontemptuously.

“It’s been so long yet your way of talking never changes, does it, aunt? Now that I think about it, thiswas also the place where you mocked and embarrassed my mother so much back then, right?” repliedXavia with a smile.

Clearing his throat, the eldest uncle then asked in a concerned tone, “Let’s not talk about the past rightnow… Regardless, I remember your father falling sick that year… We haven’t contacted each other inso long… How is he doing now?”

“He was cured ages ago,” replied Xavia as she recalled the incident that had taken place around eightyears ago.

Back then, Xavia’s father had fallen sick. Due to being cheated of his money in the years prior, he didn’thave the money to cure his illness. As a result, Xavia and her mother had gone to the Logan Provincein an attempt to borrow some money from her uncle.

However, no matter how much her mother begged, none of them extended a helping hand.

As if that wasn’t enough, in the end, her eldest aunt kicked both her and her mother out of their home!It was akin to them chasing away a few stray dogs. Her aunt even went so far as to throw out all thelocal mountain products which Xavia’s mother had so carefully picked.

Upon seeing all her mother’s hard efforts scattered on the ground, Xavia had kept that painful memorywithin her heart till this very day.

In fact, the pain from that incident had been her motivation to try her best at studying. Her goal was toearn her respect so that she wouldn’t ever be looked down upon again. Due to that, she eventuallymanaged to get admitted into Mayberry University!

After getting in, however, she soon realized that no matter how hard she worked, she could never trulyrid herself of her poverty.

Even after finding a boyfriend whom she truly adored, both of them ended up being looked down uponby everyone else.

She just couldn’t endure it anymore. She wanted to be prestigious, to be a person with high status.

Today, Xavia finally had all that, and she had come here to finally achieve a wish of hers which she hadkept in her heart this entire time.

“Humph! Then why have you returned? If it’s your mother’s turn to be sick now, then I’ll save us all thehassle, right this instant. We don’t have any money!” scoffed Xavia’s eldest aunt as she haughtily

walked over to her.

“If you haven’t noticed, she’s wearing some pretty nice clothes now, mom! I’m assuming she’s here toshow off! By the looks of things, she may have found herself a rich husband!” said another woman inthe room.

Ignoring both their statements, Xavia then continued, “Speaking of which, I remember that it wasSecond aunt who had thrown that ten-dollar note at my mother while all of you were chasing us out.You called it a ‘compensation’ for the local mountain products, if I recall correctly. Do you rememberany of that, Second aunt?”

Taking in a deep breath, her second aunt then replied, “So what if I did? Are you here to take revengeon us?”

As her second aunt then stood up in anger, Xavia simply said, “Oh no, I would never! I honestly camehere today to return the ten dollars to you! You know, I swore to myself back then that I’d repay themoney by a hundred- no, by ten thousand times the amount one day!”novelbin

“Well today is that day! Do look out the window, Second and First aunt. The money I intend to return toyou is all downstairs,” added Xavia as she pointed toward the window.

Upon hearing that, both her aunts were instantly stunned. Looking out the window, both of themcovered their mouths in shock as soon as they peered down.

“My god!”

Their eyes were practically bulging out from their sockets as they stared at all the luxury cars that hadbeen parked outside. That, however, wasn’t what shocked them most.

No, they were flabbergasted by the sight of several extremely full bags that had been placed in front ofthe cars. Even from afar, they could see the tips of green dollar bills peeking out of each bag.

It was nothing short of dazzling, and Xavia’s second aunt ended up wobbling over to the couch beforesitting down feebly with a loud gulp.

All of a sudden, the entrance door was opened and Xavia’s team of black-suited bodyguards swiftlyentered the house.

“Listen closely now. While the money downstairs is all yours, you won’t receive it until you’re able to tellmy men the correct amount. Also, you aren’t allowed to eat or drink until you get the exact amountright. Don’t try anything funny either since my men will be keeping a close eye on you,” said Xaviacoldly as she glared at her second aunt whose legs had now gone weak.

Nobody in that house even dared to even say another word after seeing all that.

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