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Chapter 590

Madelyn got up at eight-thirty in the morning. She walked into the living room, and her bodyguards

looked at each other. Breakfast was already on the table. But then, she heard a loud noise from

upstairs, like something had broken.

Zach was still sitting on the couch, reading the news. He didn't look up but said, "Hold on, eat first

before heading upstairs."

Rosario was busy in the kitchen and smiled when she saw Madelyn. There were so many yummy

foods on the table, and a lot of them were things Madelyn liked.

Madelyn replied, "I'm good, I had some pasta already."

With a 'snap,' Zach closed the newspaper. He stood and walked over, saying loudly, "You can't go out

at night anymore."

Madelyn ignored him and started walking up the stairs.

She stopped halfway and turned to say, "I'll make my own food from now on. I don't want anyone

putting weird stuff in it."


Rosario, who was preparing a meal in the kitchen, accidentally dropped something, and it broke into

many pieces.

Half an hour later, a doctor who practiced alternative medicine came to the Jent residence, right on


Madelyn got the call and went downstairs to welcome him.

The doctor was an older man with gray hair. He had a big medical bag. Madelyn tried to help him with

it, but he said, "It's pretty heavy, young lady. You shouldn't carry it. Can you show me to the patient?"


She took him upstairs.

After checking on Hayson, the doctor did a special needle treatment. Hayson seemed to get better and

wasn’t shaking as much.

"Doctor, how is my father? When will he be better?"

The doctor replied, "Looking from an alternative medicine point of view, his blood flow isn’t great, andnovelbin

his organs are weak. This might be because of how he lifestyle and what he eats. I used a needle

treatment on him. Later, you can get some herbs from my clinic. If you follow my advice and massage

him for 30 minutes every day, he could get better in about three months."

"Alright, thank you," Madelyn said.

Three months would mean pushing back her training courses. But for Hayson's health, Madelyn was

ready to do whatever it took. She couldn’t leave him alone, especially in the Jent residence where she

felt she couldn't trust anyone else.

Madelyn left the mansion with the doctor in the car to pick up the prescribed herbs.

Madelyn waited at the clinic for about fifteen minutes before she was handed the medicine. The Jent

family's car was parked right outside.

As she stepped out, she caught sight of a luxury car she recognized. A man holding a child stepped

out, followed by a woman, and they all walked toward the nearby mall.

Leyton was driving when he saw Madelyn. His heart beat fast as he wondered, 'Did she see them?'

He checked behind him. Ethan, Donna, and Robin were already inside the mall.

Suddenly, Madelyn's car began to move.

The driver, looking confused, asked, "Miss Jent, was that Mr. Arnold?"

Madelyn simply replied, "No, it wasn't him."

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