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Chapter 221-240

Chapter 221

During the last class, Madelyn left and went to the visitation room of the police station at 4:30 in the

afternoon. Danny, who had his head shaved, was dressed in prison uniform and sat in the detention

room. There was only a thin layer of glass between them. His eyes were lifeless. and sunken.

Madelyn had come alone secretly without Zach’s knowledge. No one knew about it. She picked up the

microphone hanging on the wall and pressed it against her ear. Danny did the same, but his gaze

never met hers.

After the police left, Madelyn said, “Don’t worry. No one knows I’m here.”

Danny had gone through a calamity. Now, listening to her voice, his eyes turned fierce gradually, as if

he wanted to devour her whole. He sneered, “Are you here to mock me? Are you satisfied now that

you’ve see me like this? Madelyn, you’re just relying on your family’s wealth and power, but in reality,

you’re nothing!

“You ruined me! It’s all because of you! I wouldn’t have done all this if it weren’t for you! I just wanted to

get money to treat my mother. It’s all your fault! My mother is dead! My entire life. is ruined! I regret not

killing you!”

Madelyn stared at him with clear eyes, “Danny, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. You say I ruined

you, but what gives you the right to think that way? I know you’ve realized that even with money, your

mother wouldn’t have survived that surgery. You’re just unwilling to accept or admit that you lost to me.”

Madelyn noticed his dilated pupils and a fleeting hint of shock in his

‘Maybe I’ve exposed the doubt in his heart.”


She continued, “Because I used to be the last in the class with the worst performance, and I only chose

Class One to escape bullying. The rumor in Class Six was that I only managed to switch classes by

cheating. Even when I joined the Math Olympiad team, you thought it was because of my relationship

with Yvonne. That’s why you felt it was unfair, making you resentful and jealous.

“I once doubted myself, wondering if all was my fault. I even thought about whether I shouldn’t have

transferred. Now, I’ve come to realize that I wasn’t wrong; I was simply making the most of everything

I’ve experienced in the past. When making these changes, I’ve never hurt anyone. It’s not me who’s

wrong, it’s you! You blame everyone and everything. You’re just looking for an excuse to vent your


“Over these three years at Ventrocloud High School, you didn’t have it easy. The high tuition fees and

loans overwhelmed you. You owed two years of tuition fees and had no choice but to turn to high-

interest loans. The day you laid your hands on me was the deadline set by the loan sharks. If you

couldn’t repay them, they would come to the school, and everyone would


know you couldn’t even afford your tuition. Eventually, your actions would negatively impact the

school’s reputation and force you to drop out.”

That day was what had finally pushed Danny over the edge.

Madelyn noticed his trembling body and pale lips, and continued, “Ventropolis High School was a better

option for you, but you wanted to enroll in Ventrocloud High School because of your vanity. You knew

very well that you couldn’t afford the steep tuition fees here, yet you still insisted on enrolling. You had

many opportunities to change your life, but you stubbornly kept choosing the wrong path.


“To the point where your mother worked four or five jobs a day just to earn enough for tuition, and it

wore her health out completely. She could have saved that money for her treatment, but she sacrificed

everything for you. She didn’t spend a single penny on herself, leading to her health deteriorating. You

were born into an ordinary family, yet you never accepted your mediocrity. You took a wrong step,

leading to a series of wrong choices.”

Even though Danny had known it was wrong, he had still forged ahead.

‘Just like me in my past life. I knew Zach had ulterior motives for me and the Jent family, but I still

stubbornly insisted on marrying him, and only at the moment of death did I finally realize my mistake. In

a way, Danny’s no different from me. It’s just that our desires were different.’

Danny’s eyes reddened, and his breath caught in his throat. He asked with a voice choked by soreness

and pain, “How do you know all this?”

Chapter 222

When Madelyn left, Danny received a nearly perfect test paper. He looked at the score and felt like he

had fallen into a frozen waste, trembling uncontrollably.

‘I was wrong! I should’ve done just like what Madelyn said. I shouldn’t have let my vanity lead me to

desperately try to get into Ventrocloud High School and borrow from loan sharks. My stubborn actions

caused my mother to die, and I’ve ruined everything now…”

Danny clutched the test paper tightly, crying and wailing in the detention room. No matter what Danny

did, he had to pay the price for his mistake. That was a fact.

As Madelyn left the police station, the setting sun cast a lingering glow at the end of an old alley. At this

moment, the snowflakes were beginning to fall from the sky.

From the corner of her eye, Madelyn noticed Forrest leaning against the wall. He wore a black school

uniform like hers, with one pant leg rolled up, revealing a section of his fair skin. He was carrying a bag

on one shoulder and gazing at the falling snowflakes. His handsome profile resembled a sculpted

artwork. A white snowflake landed on the tip of his nose, melting away quickly. His usual arrogance and

defiance seemed slightly more restrained,

‘He looks handsome when he doesn’t talk,’ she thought.

Madelyn took the initiative to ask, “Why are you here?”

Forrest straightened up and walked towards her. He tilted his head and asked, “Aren’t you going to

treat me to dinner?”

“So you’ve been waiting here all this time?”

“How is that any of your business?”

“That’s how he is. He turns aggressive after just a few words and never has a good attitude toward me,’

Madelyn thought.

She turned around and walked away without acknowledging him.

Forrest strode with his long legs, keeping a steady pace behind her. They walked silently for a while

until Forrest broke it, “Does what you said last time still count?”

Madelyn knew what he was referring to. “It’s exceeded the time limit, so it doesn’t count anymore.”

“How heartless of you!” said Forrest.

Madelyn was actually walking slowly, and he appeared to match his pace to hers intentionally.

“This is your last chance!” said Madelyn, and Forrest was at a loss for words.

She continued, “Forrest, this is your last chance. If you don’t come tomorrow, I won’t wait for


you anymore.”

Forrest touched the back of his neck, “Okay.”

‘She’s got me in the palm of her hand!’

The gathering took place at The Deli in the evening. The decoration here was elegant with a traditional

architectural style, creating a peaceful vibe. The wooden carved sliding doors lead to private rooms that

seated around a dozen people.

Madelyn arrived early and ordered a full table of dishes ranging from mild to spicy.

Beforehand, she had asked Alex and his friends about their preferences. Most of them enjoyed spicy

food, with only a few exceptions. Forrest had initially accompanied her to the entrance but had

somehow disappeared. She messaged him, but there was no reply.

Not everyone showed up as expected. The green-haired guy said, “Alex, there are so many dishes we

haven’t tried before. We have to eat our fill tonight.”

Alex rolled his eyes at him and scolded in a low voice, “Don’t act so inexperienced. Stop making a fool

of yourself.”

Ethan was seated next to Madelyn. He said, “No worries, this is my first time here too. I haven’t tried

their dishes, but they look appetizing.”

Madelyn had thought Ethan would look down on them due to their differing social statuses, but it

seemed she was wrong.

guy stood up

No one had started eating as some of them had not arrived yet. The red-haired and poured some

lemonade for his friends. “By the way, where’s Forry? Why hasn’t he come? He agreed to come and

spend some quality time together.”

Alex said, “Who knows where he’s messing around now? Just let him stay outside and deal with it

himself. We don’t need to bother about him.

Chapter 223

When Forrest was mentioned, Madelyn cautiously glanced at Ethan and saw that his expression was

cold. It seems like he did not want to hear Forrest’s name being mentioned.

The mood was immediately silenced. Madelyn noticed that something was amiss. She had not

expected to be placed in the middle of such a difficult situation.

Madelyn got up and poured a glass of water for Ethan as she said, “The flower tea is quite delicious.

You should try it.”

“Alright,” Ethan replied. His lips curled into a light smile. However, his displeasure was not


Madelyn did not know whether he was used to drinking flower teas. The flower teas here are brewed

with the most common jasmine flower and might not be comparable to the teas he usually drinks.

Hayson also liked to drink tea daily, and the tea leaves he used would be of the best quality. Their price

range would be in the thousands to ten thousands.

Then, the phone in her pocket vibrated. Madelyn took out her phone and saw that it was Forrest’s reply.

It was just a few words: [I have some business, I won’t be going!]

Madelyn held onto her phone and stood up before saying, “I need to go make a call.”

Ethan’s tattooed hand rubbed the sides of the teacup as he replied, “Go ahead.”

He might have figured It out, but he did not say anything. Madelyn walked to a quiet corner of the

corridor and gave Forrest a call.

At the Azure Bar, deafening music was playing noisily. Forrest was hanging out in this smoke- filled

establishment. Sitting on both sides of Forrest were babes with curvy figures. Some of them were

singing while others were busy playing cards. A pack of cigarettes, a lighter that was weighing down

some banknotes, and a pile of change sat before Forrest’s table. He then

threw a card out.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Forrest and his friends gestured towards his pocket. The art school belle

understood and took his phone out of his pocket. The art school belle pressed the button. to receive the

call and placed it by Forrest’s ear. Forrest asked, “Who’s this?”

Madelyn could hear the deafening music from the sound system and knew where he was. She had

expected him to be absent. Afraid that he could not hear her speak clearly, Madelyn opted to hang up

the call and send him a message: [Are you busy? I owe you a meal, but I’ll make it up to you next time.]

With a cigarette in his mouth, Forrest glanced at the message that popped up, then flipped the phone

over and proceeded to continue playing cards.

Zach and Jadie were the last to arrive, and by then it was almost half past seven. Based on


Zach’s timing, it was considered earlier than usual. However, the supposed two-person group had an

extra person mixed in. It was… Yvonne Young!

She openly held hands with Zach when she walked in while Jadie followed them from behind like a

servant. The moment they entered, Madelyn noticed Jadie’s jealous and indignant expression. Jadie

seemed to be faced with an actual adversary, someone would always get between her and Zach.

Surprisingly, the meal was eaten quite harmoniously. They ordered some liquor. The alcohol proof was

not high, so they would not get drunk. Madelyn was unsure whether it was because the food was not to

Ethan’s tastes, but he kept putting food into Madelyn’s bowl while not eating much himself. Yvonne was

quite clingy toward Zach, as if they were an actual couple, and they completely left Jadie out of the


Madelyn could not bear to eat anymore and escaped from the scene by excusing herself to go the

toilet. She entered the washroom and then came out to wash her hands. She then lifted her head to

look at herself in the mirror. The scene of Zach and Yvonne together came to her mind, but she was

oddly calm.

‘Does this mean I’ve moved on from the past relationship between Zach and I?

Chapter 224

Just as Madelyn was about to leave the washroom, someone appeared before her and called out, “Ms.


“George?” If he was looking for her, he probably had something to tell her.

“Could I borrow a bit of your time to have a word with you?” George asked.

‘So predictable!’ Madelyn thought. Inside the emergency exit corridors, the sound-activated lights lit

1. The floor below them was pitch black.

Madelyn asked, “What’s the matter, George?”

“I hope you’ll take a look at this,” George took out a piece of paper. Madelyn flipped it open, and it was

a psychology report evaluation report, and “Major Depressive Disorder” was written on top. The

evaluation report was from a week before. Madelyn looked at the line that wrote the name quite a few

times and confirmed that it was Ethan Arnold.

Madelyn’s heart skipped a beat, “This… this is?”

‘I can’t believe it. He seemed so normal when we were in the booth and at school. He looked like he

was totally fine,’ Madelyn thought.

“As you can see, Mr. Arnold has not fully recovered from his illness. Despite this, Mr. Arnold still refuses

to take his medication, even when we advise him to. He keeps using the excuse of being busy with

work to avoid it. Mr. Arnold also doesn’t have a good temper. At a board meeting a few days ago, he

even attacked one of the shareholders for criticizing him due to a project issue. If this continues, the

other shareholders might suggest removing Mr. Arnold from his post,” George explained.

Madelyn replied, “So…. what do you want me to do, George?”

George answered, “Please, for Mr. Arnold’s sake, who has helped you out so many times, convince

him to accept treatment. Besides you, no one else can persuade him.”

Madelyn’s eyebrows furrowed as she said hesitantly, “George, you’ve been by his side for so many

years, and even you still couldn’t convince him. I’ve merely met him a few times…”

George said, “You’re a smart woman, Ms. Jent. It’s impossible for you to not know of Mr. Arnold’s

intentions after he’s done so much for you. Mr. Arnold originally had an appointment for his surgery a

while back. Once he knew you were in trouble, he immediately got off the operating table and came to

the school…”

“Ms. Jent, Mr. Arnold had explicitly forbade anyone from telling you this. However, at such. times, I

have no choice but to say something,” George continued.

‘Turns out, he did so many things for me! Besides this, what else has Ethan done for me?’ Madelyn


After a while, Madelyn returned to the booth and sat firmly beside him. She looked up and met with his


“What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?” Ethan’s voice was gentle as he held her hand. His hand

Was warm.

“Why are your hands so cold?” he asked.

Zach saw the intimate interaction, and anger flashed within his eyes.

“I just washed my hands.” Madelyn replied, getting up and putting the bowl before Ethan. She helped

him pour some minestrone. It was originally ordered for him, but he had not eaten since entering. All

eyes turned to look at the two of them Yvonne looked on as if seeing a movie scene unfold before her.

She then said playfully, “Madelyn, why are you treating my brother so nice? You even poured some

soup for him. Why don’t you give me some? Aren’t you being too biased?”

Madelyn lowered her head and fell the blazing gazes on her. She pretended to not see them and said,

“If you want it, I can pour some for you.”

Yvonne glanced at Ethan, chuckling, “Never mind, I wouldn’t dare compete with my older brother for

attention. Ethan, you’ll have to eat more today.”

“Yvonne, stop running your mouth,” Ethan warned her.

“I know,” Yvonne replied.

Madelyn sat down and then put the bowl before him. She said softly, “You can try and see if it’s gotten

cold. If it is, I’ll have the kitchen make another bowl.”

Ethan smiled, “Alright.”

Yvonne felt sick from them being lovey dovey. She then turned away to look at the person beside her,

“Mr. Jardin, let me help you get some food. You should eat more beet and kale salad; it helps with

beauty and skin rejuvenation. It would definitely hide the fact that you’re already thirty years old.”

“Pfft,” Alex, who was still eating, let out a snicker.

Chapter 225

Yvonne yelled at him, “What are you laughing about!?”

Alex immediately denied it, “No, I wasn’t laughing. I just choked a little.”

Yvonne ignored her, placed the beet and kale salad before Zach, and said, “You should try and see if

it’s cold… If it is… I’ll have the kitchen make another one.” She was copying what Madelyn said.

Madelyn lowered her head, ears red with embarrassment. She was acting like this to try and get him to

eat more because of what George had said…

Ethan’s condition was worsening, and he stopped using his antidepressants. He was also eating much

less every day. Ethan had helped her a lot, and Madelyn was grateful to him. Hence, Madelyn could not

refuse such a small request, even if it was in front of Zach.

Everyone has their own unique personality, after all. Madelyn could not stay like a puppet under his

control, listening to his every command. At half past nine, Jadie told Zach, “Zach, I’m a little tired. Can

we go home now?”

Zach raised his wrist to look at the time, “It’s getting quite late. Let’s go back!” His tone was slightly

colder than usual.

Jadie only ate a little because she was lost in thought, thinking about something unknown. Ethan then

said to Madelyn, “We should definitely go home. You still have class tomorrow, SO

I’ll send you home.”

Yvonne quickly interjected, “Ethan, you should fetch Madelyn home! I came in Mr. Jardin’s car, so I’ll

have him send me home now!”

She quickly held onto Zach’s arm. Ethan stared at Madelyn as if waiting for her answer. She retracted

her gaze and said hesitantly, “T-That should be fine!”

Yvonne concluded, “Then, it’s settled then.”

Madelyn said, “Alex, I’ve already helped you call for a chauffeur to send all of you home. Be careful on

the way back.”

Alex had overeaten while a few of them were lying on the chairs to rest. Alex replied, ‘We know. You’re

nagging too much.”

After that, Madelyn left with Ethan as they walked to the exit. It was going to take a while for Leyton to

drive the car out from the underground garage.

The wind blowing around was a little cold, but a coat swiftly appeared over Madelyn’s


Madelyn turned around and saw Ethan’s smoke-gray suit. She said, “You’ve already left a lot

of clothes at my place. I’m not that cold, anyway. You should put it on for now!”

The corner of Ethan’s lips pulled into a light smile which warmed her a little, “I’m fine. You can return

the clothes in the future.”

Madelyn left it at that. Suddenly, she felt something in the coat pocket, so she reached into it.

“What is this?”

She took out a pack of cigarettes and a metal lighter. The lighter seemed to be the same brand as the

one Zach used, but the color was different.

“You still haven’t fully recovered yet. Don’t smoke so much from now on! I’ll keep this for you for now.

I’ll return it to you when you get better.”

“Whatever you say,” Ethan replied.

He noticed that even though he had heard these words so many times before, having Madelyn say it

made him want to jump for joy. Madelyn would always have a special place in his heart.

‘She finally looked at me and she’s not trying to avoid me anymore! Madelyn… how nice it would be if

you stayed like this. All this affection only for me!’ Ethan thought.

“Are you still taking your medication? Why didn’t you bring it with you?” Madelyn asked him.

Chapter 226

“I forgot to bring it. I’ll definitely bring it next time,” Ethan said.

“Mhm,” Madelyn replied. After that, Madelyn got in Ethan’s car. The air conditioning in the car was on,

but it was not very cold. However, Ethan’s coat was still draped on her shoulders. By the time they

were on their way home, it was already quite late, so Madelyn had already fallen asleep while leaning

against the car seats.

Leyton could see this from his rearview mirror, so he dimmed the lights in the car. The inside of the

vehicle was so silent that you could hear Madelyn’s breathing clearly. Ethan took out a blanket he had

prepared and covered her gently. Madelyn shifted her position comfortably. She felt some movement

and opened her eyes slightly. She was still groggy and could not see clearly, until she saw a familiar


“Sorry for startling you,” Ethan said in a gentle voice.

Madelyn lowered her head and saw the blanket on her body. She shook her head drowsily and

mumbled, “It’s fine. Have we arrived?”

“There’s still a while more. You can continue to sleep. I’ll call for you when we reach,” Ethan said.

“Mmm-mmm,” Madelyn was prepared to go back to sleep when suddenly, a warm hand wrapped

around her and had her lean onto Ethan’s body with her head resting on his shoulder. Madelyn’s heart

skipped a beat, and she was immediately awake and alert.

The position was intimate, and to an outsider, they looked like a couple who was in love. However,

Madelyn had no way to push him away. She could only let him hug her, although she did not like it. She

was not sure why.

‘Was it because we were moving too slow? It might be!’ Madelyn thought. Zach had arrived earlier than

them and had probably gone up already. Since Madelyn and Ethan reached the Grand Court very late,

the car could only move slowly to avoid being noisy and disturbing others.

As they reached the stairs leading up to the apartment, Madelyn said, “I’m fine going upstairs myself.

It’s already very late, you should go home soon! Remember to call me when you get home!”

Ethan replied with a light smile, “Okay.”

Madelyn was shrewd and had figured out his intentions from his actions earlier. Ethan did not act overly

clingy, leaving after they had said their goodbyes and Madelyn had gone upstairs.

Madelyn sat in the elevator. When she got home and opened the door, Rosario was cleaning the

kitchen. When she heard the noise, she stopped what she was doing.

“Why are you back so late?”

Madelyn exhaustingly changed into a pair of cotton slippers in the foyer. She replied, “I fell asleep and

sat downstairs for a while.”

Rosario brought a cup of warm milk and a heating pad, “I bought this today. You can stick it on your

body to make it warmer. Your period hasn’t ended yet, so remember to wear extra clothes and not let

yourself get cold.”

“I know,” Madelyn took the milk up and took a sip.

Rosario continued to ask, “Why didn’t Jadie and Mr. Jardin come home together with you?”

Madelyn answered her, “They have something to do, so they weren’t with me. Rosario… there’s no

need to wait for them. You should go and rest soon!”

“Alright, you remember to rest early too,” Rosario said.

Madelyn nodded her head. She then removed the coat and placed it on the side. Madelyn finished her

milk and went back to her room. She took some change of clothes and went to shower. After half an

hour, she left the bathroom and took a dry towel to dry her hair. The phone on her nightstand suddenly

rang. It was a call from Ethan.

Madelyn paused what she was doing and silently watched the phone hang up automatically. She

looked away and sat by her nightstand. Her heart felt heavy, and she felt suffocated.

She actually had many chances to refuse Ethan’s feelings. She had been planning to clear things up

with him tonight, but she had not expected George to tell her about his illness. If they carried on like

this, she was afraid she would just cause him more harm…

Madelyn thought for a moment and still sent him a message: [Sorry, I was showering just now. I didn’t

hear the call.]

He replied: [Can I hear your voice? Just tell me good night.]

Chapter 227

After half a minute, Ethan accepted that call in his unlit room. The clear voice of a girl sounded, “You’ve

reached home?”

“Mhm,” Ethan replied.

The phone call went silent for a moment. He also did not know what to say. Then Madelyn said, “I…

asked George, and he said you’ve been taking your medication on time recently. Do you feel better


“I feel slightly better,” he said.

“If you don’t feel well in any way, remember to go to the hospital,” Madelyn reminded him.

“Alright,” Ethan said.

George was retrieving his medication and a cup of water. When he heard the phone call from within the

room, he stopped at the door, not wanting to disturb the call. He waited until around four or five minutes

until the call ended before turning on the dim lamp by the bed and walking over.novelbin

“Was that Ms. Jent?” George asked.

Ethan turned around and said gently, “Yes. Did you tell her everything about me?”

George denied it and said, “It was Ms. Jent who asked me about it. I just told Ms. Jent about it but

avoided mentioning certain things. Actually, Ms. Jent still cares about you, you know. She isn’t doing so

well at home. You should take care of your health, Mr. Arnold, not just for your own sake but hers as

well. You need to convince the shareholders and reaffirm your position. Only then can you save Ms.

Jent from her suffering.”

“You’re right…” Ethan turned around to look at the distant streets that were lighting up. His gaze

deepened, “Only after I have complete control over the Arnold Corporation will I have the power to

bring her to my side.”

The incident during the shareholders’ meeting had caused dissatisfaction among most shareholders,

and it was threatening to affect his position as CEO. If he did not settle of this issue properly, how could

he expect those shareholders to be comply to his leadership?

“Mr. Arnold, why don’t you listen to Ms. Jent’s advice and take your medication on time so you can

recover from your illness?” George advised.

Ethan took the medicine and fell asleep quickly. He also managed to hear her bid him goodnight.

Madelyn woke up at midnight feeling thirsty. She went to the kitchen to pour some water, but it was

already cold. Madelyn could only boil the water again and mix the cold and hot water together. As she

took her cup of water and prepared to return to her room, she suddenly heard

the door being opened.

Jadie walked in first, her eyes red and wet with tears, as if she had just bawled her eyes out.

“Jadie, if there’s anything that you want to say, please do it tomorrow, okay?” Zach pleaded.

Regardless of how much Jadie threw her tantrums, Zach would always have endless patience to coax

her. Once Zach got in the room, he shut the door tight. Madelyn quickly hid behind the fridge.

“Zach… are you really going to be together with Yvonne? You said before that you’d never leave me. If

I have to see you together with someone else, then you shouldn’t have fetched me back in the first


“Jadie, you know I don’t like you being like this.”

“…Zach! This isn’t like you! You were never like this in the past!” Jadie wailed.

It was as if Zach’s single word of “dislike” left Jadie completely heartbroken.

Tears are a woman’s best weapon, so when she heard Jadie cry, Madelyn already knew what

Zach was about to do next.

From the reflection of the black tiles, Madelyn could see that Zach had moved forward to hug Jadie, as


At the same time, his sharp gaze was locked on a different spot in the corner.

Chapter 228

“Jadie, this is the last straw. You’re not a kid anymore, stop being so childish!” Zach warned Jadie, his

voice shaking.

Jadie nuzzled her face into Zach’s chest, his clothes soaking wet from her tears.

“We’ve been joined at the hip since we first met. You promised that you’d never leave me. Zach…can

you promise me that you’ll never fall in love with someone else? If you do, I’ll be alone…”

Zach and Jadie had been friends since they met at the orphanage. Only the two of them could

understand the hurdles they had gone through together.

However, Zach was a greedy man, and nothing could ever be enough to quench his thirst for power

and status.

‘If only I’d thought of having the Jent family in the first place, then I would have Yvonne by now…This

power battle between the Young and Jent families is way too tempting, how could I say no?

‘Perhaps there might be others who aren’t swayed by the temptation of money, but one thing’s for sure,

no one would ever refuse power. Once I have that power, I’ll be able to control Ventropolis once more

and the Arnold family will be in the palm of my hand.’

“Jadie, how could I ever break the promise we made? I’ll never leave you.” Zach coaxed Jadie as he

wiped away her tears.

Jadie returned to her room.

Madelyn heard the sound of doors closing and waited for Zach to leave. Just as she stepped out of her

room, a figure suddenly appeared before her.

Madelyn looked up and was met with Zach’s cold gaze, and her heart immediately skipped a beat.


Suddenly, she felt a huge force bear down upon her. Madelyn clenched her mug tightly, lowered her

eyes and faintly explained herself, “I just came out to get some water. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Your

private affairs have nothing to do with me. I swear I won’t say a word to anyone! I promise!”

Madelyn tried to escape but was forcefully grabbed by Zach once more as he slammed her hard

against the wall. The water in her mug spilled all over her hands.

He snapped, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Madelyn shot him a defiant look.


‘Rosario and Jadie are both at home; I doubt he’ll dare to actually hurt me.’

Zach snatched the mug from Madelyn’s hands and thumped it forcefully on the table beside. her. He

noticed her gaze was cold,”…So you like being a tease, huh?!”

“What the hell are you talking about? Fuck off! I’m going to bed.” Madelyn shot back.

Suddenly, Zach grabbed Madelyn’s wrist forcefully and dragged her out the door. Madelyn struggled to

break free from his grasp, and managed to do so as they reached the end of the hallway.

‘What the fuck is wrong with him?”

It was almost midnight and Madelyn was dressed in a thin pair of pajamas and the temperature outside

was below zero.

‘I’ve never been kicked out of the house in the middle of the night like this. Not even Hayson would do

such a thing!

“It’s so fucking late, what the fuck are you doing?!” Madelyn crossed her arms trying to shield herself

from the cold wind that was blowing.

Zach forcefully pinched her cheek hard with one hand, the other pinning her down against the wall,

“I’ve been too nice to you recently, haven’t I?”

“Nice? Zach, do you even know what ‘nice’ means?”

“I didn’t think you’d show up during dinner today. You brought this upon yourself. If you really cared

about Jadie, then you shouldn’t have gotten so close with Yvonne! It’s obvious. that you only care

about of yourself!”

Madelyn hissed in pain, “This dick!”

Zach’s face turned grim as he tightened his grasp on her.

“You’re that desperate to get a private meeting with her, aren’t you?”

Madelyn winced in pain as she stuttered, “I… I don’t know why she showed up.”


you feel like I’ve ruined your day today, then I sincerely apologize for it, and you don’t have to worry

about me. We can go back to how we were before, and you can completely ignore me. Just don’t take

your anger out on me just because you can’t handle your personal affairs properly.”

‘He’s so cruel, how dare he say I’m greedy? It’s just a damn meal. How stupid can he be!’

She continued, “I’m living under your roof right now and I don’t have anywhere else to go. If you really

think I’m such a headache, then I’ll move out right now! I can survive on my own, even without the Jent


She thought, ‘I’m not the same person I was before. If he hadn’t driven me to my breaking

point, I wouldn’t have known how far I can go. From living in fancy mansions to sleeping on the streets,

I’ve experienced it all.’

Chapter 229

It is human nature for people to change.

Zach’s expression hardened as he thought, ‘Madelyn has definitely changed. She’s changed from an

arrogant snob into a daring and outspoken woman.’

Zach quickly let go of Madelyn, “Confidence is a good thing… but don’t you forget Madelyn. You’re a

Jent! Do you even know what your family did behind my back and how many lives they are held

accountable for?’

“Trafficked people and sold them off to be prostitutes and to have their organs traded and sold.’ Zach’s

expression hardened.

‘Let’s see how long she can keep up the act.’

“Did you think you were invincible just because Ethan Arnold is around? Don’t you know? You’re just

another one of his toys. Did you really think you were going to be his wife? Don’t be such a fool!

“Come back inside once you’ve come to your senses.”

Madelyn was taken aback; she would never think to have any connection with Ethan. The hallway’s

light switched off as Zach left, Madelyn stood there in the darkness alone.

‘Does he even know what he’s doing? He must be out of his mind! He’s going to drive me crazy!’

Zach could not stand Madelyn getting close to another man.

‘I hate the idea of having to share her with anyone. I’ll never let it happen, not a chance! Even if she

isn’t mine, she has no right to like others either! Or else… I’ll destroy her!’

It was half past midnight and Madelyn was outside sitting alone in the cold. Her mind was

blank. No matter how she tried to piece things together, none of it made sense.

“Yo, did you get kicked out?” A rough voice suddenly rumbled from above her.

Madelyn recognized immediately who it was without raising her head.

‘Forrest Arnold.’

Forrest noticed that Madelyn was sitting out in the cold dressed in thin clothing, and her hands were

frostbitten. He took the cigarette from his mouth on to the ground and stamped it

out with his foot.

Forrest took off his coat and threw it over Madelyn’s head.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” Madelyn asked.

“That’s my line. I was walking on the road and thought I ran into a ghost. If you hadn’t promised to tutor

me, do you think I would care?”

Madelyn took the coat off and put it aside, “Don’t worry about me, just go on your way.”

“If you end up dead, I would be the main suspect!” Forrest took a seat next to her and crossed his legs.

The reeking smell of alcohol and tobacco engulfed Madelyn’s senses, ‘He must’ve gone out partying. I

don’t know if choosing to tutor him was a good decision.’

“You’re a Jent! How can you let yourself be bullied by an outsider? Madelyn, you’ve changed. How

could you let yourself be trodden on like this?’ Heh. If you beg me, I might just take you in for a night.”

“Forrest, this is my business. It’s got nothing to do with you. I can sit for however long I like, so don’t

worry about me,” said Madelyn monotonously.

‘I can do whatever I like, who is he to tell me what to do? I have my own rights. I don’t have to answer

to whatever they tell me to do!”

Chapter 230

Forrest silently sat beside Madelyn as he puffed away on his cigarettes. It was not long before Madelyn

could not stand the smell, so she got up and left.

By the time she reached home, it was almost one in the morning. The living room was dark.

As soon as she walked into their room, Jadie tossed and turned. Madelyn wondered whether she was

still awake, or whether she had woken Jadie up.

Madelyn quickly climbed on to her bed and switched off her bedside lamp. She closed her eyes and

pondered, ‘Perhaps what Zach said was right…’

Madelyn tossed and turned the entire night, kept awake by her thoughts.

At half past six the next morning, Jadie was already awake. She walked into the living room and stared

at the person sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. She stood dumbstruck for a moment before

making a beeline to the dining table.

As a habit, Jadie would always greet everyone with a “good morning”. However, today felt a bit


At this time, Rosario came out of the kitchen with a pot of carrot ginger soup.

“Jadie, where’s Madelyn? Is she still getting ready?” Rosario asked.

“I didn’t see her when I woke up.” Jadie replied.

Rosario furrowed her eyebrows, “Where could she be? Did she not come home the entire night? Mr.

Jardin…have you seen Madelyn?”

“Don’t bother.” Zach spoke without looking up from the newspaper even though he did not understand

a word of what he was reading.

A while later, Rosario went to tidy up Madelyn’s room as usual.

“This kid always stays up late reading and makes a mess on her desk.’

It was a daily routine for Rosario to clean up Madelyn’s desk.

Rosario’s eyes widened as she entered Madelyn’s room and saw that her desk was empty. She quickly

rushed and checked the closet; it was empty too. Madelyn had shared a closet with

Jadie, and all of Madelyn’s things were gone.

Rosario rushed out of the room in a hurry, her face filled with worry, “Mr. Jardin, Madelyn’s things are all

gone! She hasn’t…left us forever, has she?”

Zach frowned; his facial expression hardened. He turned to look at Jadle.

“I slept soundly last night and didn’t hear anything. I did hear her walding up really late last

night, but I didn’t pay much attention to it,” said Jadie.

‘I doubt she would have been able to pack her things in the room and get out so quickly.’ Jadie thought.

“All her things are gone except for the bear plushy!”

“Zach, did Madelyn go


Zach stood up, dragging the wooden chair to the balcony. A deafening screeching sound echoed

around the room. He stopped at the balcony, whipping out his phone and began to dial

a familiar set of numbers. It was then he saw he had an unread message and clicked on it.

[Zach. I can’t deny what you’ve said, but so what if my surname is Jent!?

Does everyone named Jent deserve to die?


you said might happen, but when that day comes… I might not have the courage to bring myself to

continue living. I’ve already died once and I’m not afraid of doing it again. I know you want revenge,

and I won’t stop you.

But one thing’s for sure. You have no right to interfere with my life or how I choose to live my life!

I’m only eighteen and I still have a long way ahead of me. I don’t want to rely on anyone, not even you

or Ethan!

I want to do it myself and make things happen all by myself! I do have to thank you for this; without

your insightful words, I guess I would really be nothing without my family, huh.

How my future turns out is my own business. It has nothing to do with any of you. I’m not Jadie White,

nor am I Yvonne Young…

They can make their own decisions and do their own thing, but me? I’m not allowed to do anything!

Zach Jardin, I don’t care whether it’s you or Ethan Arnold. I only see you guys as friends, nothing


Chapter 231

[I pose no threat to you. After much reflection, it’s evident that since we can’t get along, it’s best for me

to leave. Please let Rosario know she needn’t worry; I’ll take care of myself.



Zach’s expression soured as he quietly muttered to himself, ‘That fool.’

He had made a call earlier, but it was cut off after just a few rings a clear sign that Madelyn had blocked

his number. Inside, his frustration boiled over, ‘Madelyn Jent, how dare you!’

Jadie, looking worried, came up to Zach on the balcony. “Zach, did you find anything?”

Zach slipped his phone into his pocket without saying anything. He turned around and walked away,

saying, “Let’s go. I’ll take you to school.”

“But it’s still early,” Jadie said.

She wanted to finish her breakfast. But with Zach’s visible anger, she chose silence. She grabbed her

backpack and followed him out of the apartment.

The traffic flowed smoothly, and in just fifteen brisk minutes, they arrived at the school.

Zach’s mood was far from good. He hardly spoke during the ride, and Jadie had never seen him. this

angry before. She wondered to herself, ‘Could it be because Madelyn left?’

Jadie hesitated, then gathered her courage to ask, “Zach, did you have a fight with Madelyn last night?”

To be honest, Jadie felt a little jealous. She didn’t like how much attention Zach gave to Madelyn

instead of her.

But deep down, she knew the truth: Madelyn had truly given up on Zach.

She reasoned with herself, ‘Madelyn is the only daughter of the Jent family, not like us – Zach and me

– we’re just common folks that Hayson adopted. She had enjoyed a luxurious life that most people

could only dream of. Yet, she left without a word. Zach must be worried something bad might happen,

and Hayson won’t be happy if he finds out about this.’

“Zach, don’t worry, I’ll try to talk to Madelyn and ask her to come back,” she said, “If she doesn’t want to

share a room with me, I can move to the study or find somewhere else to stay.

Zach’s eyes got even colder. “I’ll deal with it. You focus on your school stuff and don’t worry about the


Jadie bit her lip. “Okay, Zach.” She thought to herself, ‘He’s just saying I should mind my own



After Jadie got out of the car, she walked to school with a heavy heart.

Meanwhile, Madelyn was rushing, pulling her suitcase to a budget-friendly apartment near the school.

Even though it was old and didn’t have an elevator, it was in a good spot – downstairs was a busy

street with lots of food stands. Noise wasn’t a problem as long as she shut the windows tight.

Inside the apartment, there was a well-equipped kitchen, living room, and bathroom. The best part was

the rent was just three hundred dollars each month, which was why so many students chose to live

around that area.

A balcony that faced south was an added bonus, complete with a water pipe – the perfect setup for

growing plants. In short, the apartment turned out to be even better than what Madelyn had in mind.

Once she was done unpacking, it was time for Madelyn to head back to school for her classes.

As she reached the school, she found herself in the middle of a two-hour break between classes. It was

too late to head to the library for some studying, so she decided to look for Forrest at Class Six. With

her bag slung over her shoulder and her notes in hand, she made her way through the corridors.

In the back row, right next to the window, Forrest was still fast asleep at his desk.

Madelyn went up to him and gently shook him awake.

“Hey Forrest!”

Chapter 232

In Class Six, some of the students whispered, “Wow, she’s trying to wake Forrest up. Is she out of her


“Get your popcorn ready! Forrest is gonna show her who’s boss for messing with his sleep!”

Whenever Forrest was taking a snooze in class, nobody would even think about bugging him. His

classmates would talk so quiet, it was like they were sharing secrets.

Usually, Forrest would just skip class or take a leisurely walk outside in the afternoon. But to everyone’s

shock, he was actually the first person to step into the classroom today.

“Hey, Forrest? Forrest!” Madelyn was, like, gently tapping his shoulder and saying his name, like, a

bunch of times.

Right when that was happening, Jadie and Serena had just rolled back in from lunch.

“Madelyn? What brings you here?” asked Jadie.

She then glanced over at Forrest, who was still sleeping over the desk. “You’re here for Forrest? He

seems a bit under the weather. What do you need from him?”

‘He’s sick?’ Madelyn pursed her lips and said, “Oh, never mind then. Forrest, we’ll talk some other


She thought it might be nice to give him a break this time. The day before had been super chilly, but

even so, Forrest had handed over his jacket to her. He just sat there on the bench, wearing only a

black shirt with short sleeves, puffing on a cigarette for nearly an hour. She couldn’t quite figure out why

he gave her his jacket. ‘Wasn’t he, like, totally hating on me before?’

Suddenly, Forrest stirred awake. His black hair was a bit messy over his forehead. He stretched slowly

and looked at Madelyn, his voice sounding all scratchy and weak, like he might be sick or something.

“Need something?”

Madelyn put her notes down on his desk. “These are the notes for geography and history. You’ve got a

test next week, so they might help. If you go through everything, you could easily get a good score, like

seventy or eighty percent.”

Forrest flipped open one of the notebooks. The pages were filled with really neat writing, and he

thought her handwriting was pretty nice.

“All of it?”

As they listened to Forrest and Madelyn talk, the whole Class Six felt like they couldn’t believe their

ears. ‘Wait, are Forrest and Madelyn actually talking nicely? Weren’t they enemies before?’

Everyone was utterly shocked because Forrest and Madelyn had been at odds for as long as anyone

could remember. But now, Forrest was actually checking out Madelyn’s notes and seemed serious

about studying.

“Yep. All of it. No slacking. I’ll be checking,” Madelyn said.

Forrest scratched his head, sighed in frustration, and said, “Got it.”

Studying wasn’t really his thing before. Now, he had to remember so much stuff, and he felt like it was

kind of hard. ‘Ugh! Why did I get myself into this mess?’

Madelyn had to go to her Math Olympiad class, so she left the room.

After she left, Timothy stared at Forrest in disbelief. “Have you lost your mind? How did end up being

nice to Madelyn? And you’re actually taking her notes? Seriously?”

Forrest shot back, “Get lost!”

Jadie chimed in, “Forrest, if you need notes, you can borrow mine. Madelyn is busy with studying and

after-school lessons. She doesn’t have much time.

Forrest just turned his head and went back to sleep, ignoring her.


Trying to make Jadie feel better, Timothy laughed and said, “He’s just pretending. Don’t mind

him. Or maybe you could let me borrow your notes.”

Chapter 233

Jadie smiled and said, “Sure!”

Timothy was only kidding. His grades were so poor so that even his family had pretty much given up on

him excelling. His dad was even thinking of enrolling him in the military after he finished school. His dad

went so far as to shave off Timothy’s hair.

Timothy took the notes from Jadie and looked through them. The notes were super detailed. He was

just saying that to make Jadie feel good. He didn’t really plan to read them. But since she worked hard

on them, he didn’t want to waste her effort.

The evening classes in Class One were like study time without a teacher.

Madelyn had been sick before and missed a lot of these classes. Now, she had to catch up.

It had only been a few days, and there were already a bunch of practice tests. They had questions from

the books on one side and harder questions on the other.

As Madelyn did the practice tests, something felt different. She heard Yvonne and another girl talking

as they came back from the restroom.

‘Oh, I almost forgot about her,’ Madelyn thought. Yvonne hadn’t talked to her all day. ‘No wonder it’s

been so quiet.’

Madelyn thought it was because of what she said to Yvonne last time. Maybe Yvonne was offended,

and that was why she wasn’t talking to her.

It didn’t really bother Madelyn. She had wanted to set up Yvonne with Zach, but after that dinner,

Madelyn felt like Yvonne didn’t need her help.

She thought, ‘Yvonne is outgoing, happy, and her family is important. She doesn’t need to be friends

with me.’ Madelyn didn’t think she would have a hard time without Yvonne’s company at school.

“Yvonne, who are you texting?”

“Who else! That clueless guy.”

Yvonne sat in the second row, third desk from the back. Her voice was clear in the quiet room.

“Zach Jardin, right?”


“Why are you texting him? He’s cute, but he’s a bit old… At our last gathering, didn’t you meet other

guys you liked? Didn’t you add some of them to your contacts?”

Yvonne replied, “Those guys? No way, they’re all immature and clingy. I like someone mature,

someone not easy to get. That’s more fun.”

The other girl had an idea, “I remember you said your family works with his. Why not… have him come

pick you up after school? You’re like a princess; nobody says no to you.”

“Sure, if he doesn’t listen, he’ll be sorry.”

‘Is Zach coming?’ Madelyn looked at her watch. Evening classes had thirty more minutes. Zach’s place

wasn’t too far; it would take about fifteen minutes to get there.

Madelyn had left Zach’s house without telling him. She worried he might get mad and do something

bad when he saw her.

So, Madelyn wanted to leave early. She finished the last question with fifteen minutes left, packed up,

put on her bag, and left without waiting.

It was around nine. At this time, the rest of the school would be dark except for Class One.

Madelyn walked along the long corridor and took the elevator down to the first floor.

She then noticed that the lights were still on in Class Six. She walked over and took a peek through the

window into the corner of the room.

Forrest was there, sitting with his head down and his hair blowing in the breeze. His one hand reached

out, the other bent and tucked under his head. He was still sleeping.

Madelyn tiptoed closer and saw that her notebook was still under his hand.

Chapter 234

Another notebook was buried beneath, one that Forrest had copied Madelyn’s notes into.

Madelyn tilted her head and looked at his handwriting in the notebook. She had thought his handwriting

would be messy, but it turned out to be neater than hers.

In fact, this notebook was meant for him, as Madelyn didn’t expect him to copy it down.

She thought to herself, ‘Well, copying it might actually help him remember better.’

Madelyn woke him up; if he went back to sleep, the school gates would be locked.

After a while, she remembered that he was sick.

Madelyn noticed a pink thermos and some medicine at the upper right corner of his desk.

She called his name several times, but he didn’t respond until she reached out and lightly touched his

forehead through his bangs to check his temperature.

‘It’s really hot!’

In the next second, Forrest, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. Madelyn met

gaze calmly, and they locked eyes for a few seconds.


The atmosphere felt strangely silent and eerie until Madelyn withdrew her hand and spoke first, “Just

happened to be passing by. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

“Always sticking your nose in others’ business?” His voice was low and husky, not very friendly.

Madelyn was not offended as she realized that he wasn’t wrong. She said, “The school is about. to

close. Remember to head back early.”

With that, she turned and left the classroom.

“Seriously, what a drama queen!” Forrest muttered to himself, though he wasn’t sure if he was referring

to Madelyn or himself.

A few minutes later, Forrest gripped his backpack strap. The bag swung behind him, and he

unbuttoned three buttons on his school uniform to reveal a black short-sleeve shirt


His demeanor was different from before, walking calmly behind Madelyn.

By now, the lights in all the school buildings on the street had been turned off, leaving only the

streetlights. At night, the road was quite deserted, with hardly anyone around, and all the shops were


Madelyn spoke up, “You don’t have to follow me. You can take a cab back.”

Forrest said, “Take me to the hospital.”

Madelyn was taken aback.

“What, can’t understand human speech?” Forrest continued.

She thought, ‘Wasn’t he just saying I’m nosy? Now he needs my help, and he’s acting so proud.

Madelyn sighed deeply but didn’t say much.

Madelyn couldn’t quite figure out his attitude toward her. ‘How could someone who dislikes me so much

be willing to help me so selflessly?’

Madelyn said, “Button up your shirt properly. It’s chilly at night, your cold could get worse.”

“Can’t be bothered. Stop talking, let’s go.” Forrest’s tone was weak and his words were harsh.

Madelyn lifted her backpack slightly, reaching out to button up his shirt for him.

Under the streetlight, Forrest looked at her, his eyes flickering with mixed emotions.

Madelyn then wrapped the scarf from her neck around his, and Forrest could feel the warmth and

pleasant scent from it.

After everything was settled, Madelyn said, “Going to the hospital is too much trouble. I’ll take you

somewhere else.”

To Madelyn, these gestures didn’t feel like a big deal; she was simply used to caring for someone, or

precisely, Zach, in a considerate and meticulous manner in her previous life.

But to Forrest, it wasn’t so simple. In his eyes, her actions seemed to imply something, and his heart

was racing. “Okay,” he replied.

Chapter 235

Across the street, near the school entrance, a black Audi was parked. Yvonne sat in the passenger

seat, feeling angry as she watched what was happening.

“I can’t believe Madelyn would do this behind Ethan’s back. She’s befriending that bastard! I need to so


Yvonne snapped some photos with her phone, thinking to use them as evidence.

“They’re leaving. Drive after them, Mr. Jardin. I want to see what else they’re up to!”

Zach found it hard to refuse Yvonne’s requests, maybe because of his own thoughts about Madelyn.

He slowly followed Forrest and Madelyn.

But when they turned into a narrow alley, the car couldn’t go through.

Yvonne exclaimed in frustration, “My brother treats her so well. How could she be with Forrest? No

wonder she defended him last time; they must have a thing!”

She added, “Mr. Jardin, she’s your sister. She’s dating someone while still in high school. Shouldn’t you

do something?”

The moment she looked at Zach, she felt an unsettling aura from him, sending a shiver down her spine.

She had never seen him look so gloomy.

Zach averted his gaze from the alley and said, “This is our family matter. Just mind your own business.”

Sensing his annoyance, Yvonne chose to remain silent.

Zach stepped on the accelerator and left the street swiftly.

Meanwhile, in the dimly lit alley, Forrest and Madelyn walked together. The only source of light came

from the flame of Forrest’s lighter.

“Looks like the streetlights are out here,” Madelyn observed.

As Forrest extinguished the lighter, darkness enveloped their path.

“Madelyn, it’s really dark, and it’s just the two of us. If you have feelings for me, you can just tell me

honestly. No need for these games.”

“You must be really sick. Your words don’t make sense,” she replied, pointing to a spot. “Over there, it’s

still open. Let’s go quickly.”

They entered a clinic.

Madelyn said, “Bear with it for now. If you go to hospital, it’ll take forever to wait to see


She anticipated his complaint, but he surprised her by sitting down calmly, crossing his legs and

placing his bag beside him.

The clinic had a sterile smell, and it was empty.

“Hello, anyone here?” Madelyn called out, stretching her neck.

Forrest’s gaze shifted to the side as he chuckled softly, a faint dimple forming, thinking to himself,

‘Haha, she looked like a duck just now!’

Madelyn found his amusement puzzling.

Before long, an old doctor with glasses emerged from the back room.

The doctor checked Forrest’s temperature and tongue, diagnosing a regular fever.

The clinic was known for alternative medicine practices. After a more thorough assessment of Forrest,

the doctor discreetly mentioned kidney care.

Madelyn stifled her laughter. Alternative medicine often associated kidneys with sexual


Forrest’s face turned dark, but he controlled his anger. In the past, he might have set the clinic on fire.

Madelyn reassured him, “Don’t worry! I won’t tell anyone.”

“Get lost,” he grumbled.

“A young man like you, having kidney issues at your age, could lead to infertility in the future. I’ll give

you some herbal supplements. Remember to take them when you get home.”

“How thoughtful of you! I’m truly grateful,” Forrest said through his gritted teeth while clenching his fist.

Staying by Forrest’s side, Madelyn watched as he received the IV treatment. Four bags of fluids were

hanging above him, indicating that the process would likely take some time. As the minutes ticked by,

her patience started to wane, and she struggled to keep herself awake. Adjusting her position, she

found a more comfortable spot and slowly slipped into sleep.

Chapter 236

About an hour and a half later, Forrest shook Madelyn’s foot. “Hey, wake up, It’s time to go,” he

whispered to himself, ‘She’s sleeping so soundly.’

Startled, Madelyn roused from her slumber and realized that Forrest’s IV drip had been. completed.

She saw a cotton swab taped to the back of his hand.

Checking her phone, Madelyn saw that it was nearly one o’clock. She yawned and asked, “Did you

remember what I told you?”

“Thinking about that now, at this hour? Let’s discuss it tomorrow,” Forrest replied, slinging his bag over

his shoulder and making his way to the counter to settle the bill and collect hist


The doctor gave Forrest a stern look. “Kid, take your kidney health seriously. I wasn’t joking. If it

worsens, you might not have children in the future.”

Rolling his eyes, Forrest retorted, “Alright, enough with the lecture, old man.”

Madelyn chimed in, “Forrest, show some respect to the doctor.” Then she turned to the doctor and

assured, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he follows your advice.”

The doctor nodded. “See, your friend understands.”

Forrest carried a big bag of medication, and the two of them left the clinic.

“Did you hear what the doctor said? You should smoke and drink less. Hey Forrest… I…”

“Spit it out if you have something to say!”

“I noticed the scars on your lower back and stomach. What happened?”

“Heh… Concerned, are you?” Forrest’s voice took on a seductive tone, his raised eyebrow adding to

the effect.

But Madelyn was unfazed by his attempt at charm. Having lived for two lifetimes, she felt she had been

around long enough to be his mother in terms of age. So, even if she cared about him, it was more like

maternal instinct.

Changing the topic, she asked, “How do you plan to get back?”

“At this hour, it’s hard to find a cab. I’ll probably stay in a hotel. And you?”

“I have a rented place nearby, just up ahead.”

Forrest then frowned as he checked his wallet. “Guess what? I forgot my ID. Mind if I crash on your

couch for the night?”

Madelyn narrowed her eyes, suspecting his intentions. ‘Did he plan this?’ she wondered.

Regardless, she decided to be generous.

So, she brought him to her rented apartment.

Upon entering, Forrest acted as though he owned the place. He sprawled out on an old couch, draping

a blanket over himself. However, the blanket fell short of covering his tall frame, and his feet poked out

at the end.

Madelyn went into her room and then came back with a blanket and bedsheet. “Get up. Lay down the

sheet before you sleep.”

Forrest complied, rising from the couch.

As she spread the bedsheet, Forrest stood behind her. “When did you become so caring?” he asked.

“I’ve always been,” Madelyn responded.

As for she cared, they both knew, yet neither broached the subject.

Madelyn fetched unused toiletries from the room. She had them on hand as backup, though she hadn’t

anticipated needing them today.

After Forrest came out of the bathroom, Madelyn had a glass of water ready, placed alongside his

medications on a coffee table. “Remember to take your medicine.”

As for the herbal supplements, they required brewing into tonic, but considering the late hour, Forrest

would have to wait until the next day to take them.

Having taken care of his needs, Madelyn was also exhausted. She went to the bathroom to quickly

freshen up.

In the bedroom, she settled onto the pillow and almost instantly succumbed to sleep.

That night, she slept well, free from any haunting nightmares.

Chapter 237

Madelyn woke up naturally and got out of bed. It was now seven o’clock, and she had half an hour

before she needed to leave. That was more than enough time for her.

She tied her hair into a ponytail and used a headband to keep it in place before opening the door and

stepping out. She glanced at the couch and saw that the blankets and bedsheet were neatly folded and

placed on it.

She thought to herself, ‘Forrest must have left already. ‘

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and there stood Forrest, wearing a black bomber jacket with a

hat on his head. Snowflakes had settled on his shoulders, and he brushed them off before coming


“Hey, Madelyn. You’re awake.”

Madelyn asked, “Where did you go?”

Forrest held up two bags of food for her to see. “Breakfast, bought downstairs for you.”

He added, “Hot cocoa and cinnamon rolls.”

Madelyn replied, “But I’m running out of time.”

“Oh, then I’ll toss it.” He said indifferently.

“You’re really wasting food. I’ll go brush my teeth and wash my face, and then we can eat.”

“Fine.” Forrest placed the breakfast on the table. He had also bought some garlic breadsticks and

crescent rolls. He didn’t know what she would prefer, so he decided to get a variety.

After finishing breakfast, they left half of the breadsticks and crescent rolls in the fridge.

They didn’t leave together.

Madelyn had left after eating a bit, while Forrest stayed behind to use the kitchen stove to brew the

herbal supplements he got last night into tonic.

Madelyn wasn’t worried about what he might do in her apartment. He was richer than her, and there

wasn’t much in her place that was worth stealing anyway.

Walking along the street, Madelyn took out her concealer and dabbed a bit under her eyes with her

fingers. After all, she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for two or three days, and her dark circles were

getting worse by the day. She was worried that her health would be affected if this continued.

The early self-study in Class One was not supervised by any teachers. Since she was already running

late, she decided to take her time.


“Sir… it’s Miss Jent.” Leyton noticed Madelyn not far away, looking into a mirror as she applied makeup

to her face. Her complexion seemed a bit worn out.

Ethan glanced in the direction she was coming from. Although he looked impassive, his hand tightly

gripping his phone.

“Do you want me to call her?” Leyton asked.

Ethan didn’t respond.

Leyton and George had already knew what Ethan was here for Ethan and Yvonne rarely got along, yet

today, he had surprisingly accompanied Yvonne to school. He didn’t leave after dropping he off. So,

they knew he wanted to see Madelyn.

Ethan asked Leyton, “Where was Forrest last night?”

Leyton replied, “He didn’t return to his apartment last night. He was either at the bar or the club. But I’m

not clear about his exact whereabouts.”

Ethan knew that Forrest had been with Madelyn last night. His frustration and annoyance were growing

inside him.

He caressed the screen of his phone absentmindedly while lowering his eyes. His gaze was unsettling

“How dare he ignored my words! From now on, cut off all his fund. He won’t get at single cent without

my permission.”

“If he’s fooling around with anyone else, I can turn a blind eye. But if he’s getting close to Madelyn with

ill intentions, I can’t simply ignore it. Especially since it’s Madelyn! He’s just like his filthy mother,

resorting to vile means ‘ With that thought in mind, a cold

determination flickered in Ethan’s eyes.

Leyton added, “If your father asks…”

“Just tell him about my decision. He won’t dare say a word.”

“Yes, sir.”

Madelyn was about to enter the school gate when a familiar voice called out to her.

“Miss Jent!”

Chapter 238

Madelyn stopped in her tracks when she realized it was George calling her. She wondered, ‘ Why is

Ethan at the school at this time?’

However, she had no choice but to get into Ethan’s car, taking the passenger seat.

The car was warm, thanks to the air conditioning.

Sitting in the car, Ethan appeared pale and weak. He had his hand pressed against his mouth,

coughing a few times. His breathing was labored, as if he was feeling uncomfortable.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, Madelyn broke the silence, “Why are you here today? You’re not

feeling well. Do you need to go to the hospital?” she said with concern.

“It’s just a common cold, nothing serious,” Ethan replied.

Madelyn nodded in response.

Ethan’s voice was soft as he asked, “Yesterday, Yvonne mentioned that Mr. Jardin couldn’t find you

when he was here to pick you up after school. Where did you go?”

“He was here to pick me up?” Madelyn responded, a bit puzzled. She wondered, ‘Wasn’t he here for


Ethan nodded, “Yvonne was worried when the evening class had ended later than usual, so she called

him. Did you not run into them?”

Ethan’s gaze was fixed on her, as if he were trying to read something from her expression.

Suddenly, it dawned on Madelyn, ‘So Yvonne said that!’ She had never asked Zach to pick her up.

Zach was aware that she had already left his apartment.

Madelyn felt that it was unnecessary to make a big deal out of it. Yvonne was simply using her

as an excuse.

Madelyn replied calmly, “My phone died, so I didn’t receive any calls. After school, I accompanied a

sick friend to the clinic.”

She wondered, ‘So, Ethan purposely came here to ask me these questions?’

But then she reconsidered, ‘It shouldn’t be. This minor incident wouldn’t be enough for Ethan to come

question me. Maybe Yvonne found out something or saw something. Could it be that she saw me

leaving the school with Forrest and then told Ethan?’

“Is your friend feeling better now?”

“Much better,” Madelyn replied with a faint smile, though she felt a bit uneasy inside.

Ethan’s indirect questions made her feel like she was being interrogated. She didn’t feel like


she had done anything wrong. The pressure was making it hard for her to breathe.

“Thank you for your concern. Oh, by the way, my class is about to start, so I should should head back

too. Don’t forget to take your medicine.”

Ethan nodded gently, his eyes filled with tenderness, “Sure.”

He continued to watch Madelyn heading to her school.

1. You

‘She said thank you for my concern. Is it really just a matter of a few days for us to become this distant?

Madelyn, why did you hide your relationship with Forrest from me? Do you really not want me to


There were some things that Ethan just wanted to hear directly from her. He couldn’t help but wonder,

‘Or is it that you’ve actually developed feelings for him?’

After Madelyn got out of the car, the smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

As she walked into the school, her brow was still furrowed. She couldn’t seem to shake off the


Madelyn walked into the classroom and happened to catch Yvonne’s gaze. Yvonne glanced at her

briefly, then quickly turned to chat with the person beside her.

Madelyn thought to herself, ‘Maybe I am just overthinking things today, and nothing actually happened.’

She continued to go about her day alone, attending classes and completing assignments more

efficiently than usual.

She thought, ‘I won’t disturb Forrest today… he’s still not feeling well, so I’ll let him rest for the day.’

The results of the test Albert had arranged were out. Madelyn wasn’t surprised to find herself in the

second place among the six team members.

The first place went to a slim boy with thick glasses who always carried his workbook. He sat next to

Madelyn and rarely spoke. Yvonne was in third place.

Chapter 239

Yvonne’s performance was pretty impressive. She rarely did her homework, and she occasionally

skipped classes. It seemed like she could perform well academically effortlessly.

Today, Yvonne had once again skipped the Math Olympiad training class. Albert seemed unfazed and

began teaching at the blackboard.

In the final period, the homeroom teacher, Hailey, made an announcement. There would be a parent-

teacher meeting this Saturday, and every parent was expected to attend. Additionally, there was a

camp during the upcoming break, and if anyone wanted to participate, they needed to sign up. The

camp was organized by Ventrocloud High School and was open to the entire school.

Madelyn stashed the camp participation form into her drawer.

She didn’t need to think twice about the parent-teacher meeting. Hayson had never attended any of her

parent-teacher meetings before. In the past, she had convinced Zach to attend as her parent.

But this time, it seemed unlikely that anyone would show up.

As for the camp, Madelyn considered joining. The camp would end just one day before the long break.

Madelyn felt whether she went home for the holiday or not didn’t seem to matter


Unlike other classes, Class One didn’t end early. After the last class, Madelyn headed to the

cafeteria to have dinner.

Madelyn was wearing a long white down jacket. Her delicate face was slightly flushed from the cold,

hidden beneath her hat.

Just as she was walking peacefully, a hand lifted her hat. Madelyn turned her head to look, but saw no

one. Before she could react, someone had appeared beside her.

When she saw who it was, she wasn’t that surprised.

“Madelyn, where are you headed?”

“Dinner,” Madelyn replied, keeping her head down. “School’s over, aren’t you going home?”

Seeing Forrest with his hands in his pockets and no backpack, she thought, ‘Don’t tell me he’s going to

the cafeteria too…’ Suddenly, she felt she should change her plan.

“Are you planning to join the camp?” Forrest asked.

Madelyn was taken aback. She thought, ‘Is he asking me about this? ‘She mumbled, “I don’t know.”

Forrest pressed on, “You don’t know? Do you not want to go, or do you want to go? Or is it


because you know I’ll be there, so you’re avoiding it?”

Madelyn thought, ‘Is he playing word games with me?’ She then slowed down her tracks and said,



Madelyn pursed her lips and looked at him. She said, “Apart from our tutoring sessions, it’s better if you

keep your distance from me just like before.”

Forrest chuckled, “Do you have some kind of problem?”

“I’m doing this for your own good.” One of the reasons was she wasn’t used to his sudden. change of

attitude toward her.

“What kind of good is that? Blink your eyes if someone’s threatening you!” Forrest raised an eyebrow

and put her hat back on for her, hands in his pockets as he walked away.

Madelyn wasn’t bluffing. Her mind hadn’t settled down all day.

Madelyn’s hunger outweighed her wandering thoughts. She quickly ordered a serving of chicken risotto

and a bowl of onion soup, and Forrest ordered the same meal.

In the spacious cafeteria, there were only a few people.

Madelyn bit down on her spoon, silently complaining, “Why does your risotto have so much. chicken,

and I only have a few pieces?”

He had a whole plate of chicken, while she looked at her risotto with only three or four pieces.

of chicken.

Seeing her frustrated look, Forrest smiled. “Here, take it,” he said, giving her most of the


Chapter 240

Forrest asked, “Satisfied?”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” Madelyn replied, looking at the generous portion of chicken. She knew she

wouldn’t be able to finish it all.

“And you’re not even happy when I give it to you? Geez, you’re really hard to please,” Forrest


In reality, Madelyn had only wanted to express her frustration.

After finishing their meal and heading back, Forrest unexpectedly asked her to tutor him. Madelyn

thought, ‘Normally at this time, he should be at the bar hanging out with some pretty girls. Now he’s

voluntarily asking to study.

It was six o’clock, and the sky was already dark.

They walked to the classroom building.

Madelyn said, “Let’s do so tomorrow instead. You’re not fully recovered yet; take a day to rest.

“If you’re not down in ten minutes, I’ll come up there myself,” Forrest responded.

Madelyn believed he would follow through with his threat. So, in the end, she compromised.

As Madelyn packed her belongings and prepared to leave, Yvonne suddenly appeared in front of her

and asked, “Are you leaving? I just called your brother. We can go together.”

Madelyn replied, “I’m just heading to the library; I’m not going back yet.”

Yvonne looked at her and said, “Don’t go. I already talked to your brother. We’re going to have dinner

together tonight. I’ll try to ease the tension between you two. Don’t worry, with me around tonight, I’ll

make sure to teach him a lesson so he won’t dare to bully you again.”

She added, “You should move back home. It’s dangerous for you to be out here alone. If Ethan finds

out, he’ll definitely be worried about you.”

Madelyn thought, ‘How did their relationship progress so quickly? Did Zach tell her everything? Did she

know the issues between Zach and me are more far more complicated?’

Madelyn brushed off Yvonne’s hand as she said, “Yvonne, you’ve misunderstood. There was nothing

happened between my brother and me. My family house is currently undergoing renovations, so I

found a temporary place to stay. It’s also more convenient since it’s closer to the school. Whether

Ethan knows about this or not doesn’t matter, and there’s no need to worry about me. It would only

trouble him. Evening self-study session is about to start, so I’ll be going.”

Yvonne’s face showed a hint of impatience, but she managed to suppress it and said, ”


Madelyn! Zach is coming soon. You won’t refuse this meal, right? Even if you say nothing happened

between you guys, just consider it as keeping me company, okay?”

“I’m sorry! I’ve already eaten. Maybe next time!”

Madelyn knew well that Yvonne had tried to get closer to her through Zach. Yet, it had become clear

that Yvonne’s need for Madelyn’s assistance had diminished, given that Yvonne had successfully

achieved her objectives. Yvonne’s resourcefulness and capability allowed her to pursue her goals

through alternative avenues.

Losing her patience, Yvonne watched Madelyn walking away and said, “You’re really set on sticking

with Forrest, aren’t you? Have you considered that with Ethan back, Forrest’s days with the Arnold

family are numbered? It’s only a matter of time before he’s expelled from the city. Can’t you see who

holds greater significance? Why can’t you understand that Ethan is the one you should be with?”

Madelyn stopped in her tracks, turned around, and addressed Yvonne from a distance, “I think. you’ve

misunderstood. I’ve never had any intention of attaching myself to anyone, including Ethan. What

Forrest and I do is none of your business, and you have no right to interfere!”

“What if you have to choose between Forrest and Ethan? Flirting with both, are you any different from


They were now right outside the classroom. Even if dozens of students didn’t look directly, they were all

secretly eavesdropping.

Yvonne stepped closer. Her demeanor had changed.

Yvonne was straightforward. She spoke her mind, and she did things as she pleased. Even if she made

a mistake, she had her family to back her up.

But Madelyn was different. She had to rely on herself to break free from Hayson and change her future.

Every step she took now was shaping her destiny.

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