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Chatper 889

The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning by Max Charming Chapter 889

“You’re always so carefree, Mya. You get bullied, and then you just forget about it, not holding a grudgeat all. I wonder who you take after,” Grace said, kinda scolding but feeling sad about how Mya hadbeen treated.

Mya said, “Mom, go ask Dad to come down for dinner.”

“Your father’s still caught up in a meeting; he won’t be back until late,” replied Grace.

Ever since the company was severely depleted by Luke, it was in a weakened state. Only whenMadelyn extended a helping hand under the name of Jardin Corporation during the crisis that theHarper Nutritional Enterprise was saved from ruin.

Mya’s parents had thought Luke was an honest man and believed that Mya’s marriage to him wouldhelp the company. However, they didn’t expect his greed. Not only did he and his family swindle a lot ofcompany money, but they also tried to take over the company entirely.

Now, as Mya’s parents were getting older and the company was struggling, they worried about whatwould happen to Mya after they were gone, especially if the company ended up in the hands ofstrangers.

During this time, Mya stayed home, often talking on the phone with Madelyn. Mya lay on the floor,holding the phone with one hand and rubbing her big belly with the other. She told Madelyn, “My baby’sbeen so good recently, not causing me any trouble. I can even eat two more portions of Mediterraneanrice than usual now. How is Dal? Is he being good?”

On the other end of the phone call, Madelyn, in her room, felt an indescribable feeling. She truly enviedMya; no matter what happened, Mya always managed to stay happy, never letting anything weigh on

her mind.

‘If Mya decides to keep the baby, I’ll respect her decision. As long as she’s willing to accept it, at leastthe child… will be her own flesh and blood. And I…’ Madelyn thought. Madelyn replied, “Dal has beengood, not giving me any trouble.”

“Madelyn… who do you think the baby will take after it’s born? I hope it doesn’t turn out like that badseed. It should be more like me,” said Mya.

“Mya, you need to get enough rest. Make sure you don’t catch a cold, okay? “advised Madelyn.

“Don’t worry, I’m all bundled up,” Mya assured her. After a few more exchanges, Madelyn ended thecall. Back at Mya’s side, the call was unexpectedly cut off.

“Why is there no signal on the phone, Mom?” Mya asked, puzzled. Grace came in from outside,explaining, “The servants are on it now; it seems the whole house has lost its signal. Strange, we can’teven make calls or watch TV.”

“I guess I’ll read a book then,” Mya said.

‘Reading a book? That is something new. Mya had always not been a fan of reading; she would dozeoff the moment she picked up a book, but now she is starting to read. I’m glad she picked up that habit.No matter what she’s reading, the fact that she was flipping through books is already a good sign.’Grace thought to herself.

When Mya’s father, Simon Harper, came home, Grace shared the news, which made him very pleased.He went upstairs, and softly opened the door to find Mya asleep in a thick nightgown, spread-eagled onthe bed. He gently covered her with the blanket she had kicked to the floor.

After Simon stepped out of the room, Grace asked, “How’s the company doing? Have the financesbeen sorted out?”

Looking all tired and older from his recent troubles, especially after being in the hospital, Simonseemed really worn out. He said, ‘The company is okay now. That bastard took millions away from usand conspired with our finance dept to make fake records. If Jardin Corporation didn’t step in, I mightbe in jail right now.’novelbin

“We supported Luke because he seemed so decent and hardworking. How did he end up like this?”Grace asked. Simon scoffed, “He’s an animal, that’s all he is!”

“And what’s happening with him? What did the court decide?” Grace asked.

“Jardin Corporation’s legal team is handling it. They filed the case not too long ago, and the trial isabout to start. They say Luke might have to spend at least thirty years in jail. Prison won’t be easy forhim.”

“Don’t stress too much, honey. Your health matters most now,” Grace comforted Simon, giving hischest a gentle pat. “Lately, I’ve overheard the staff talking about some strange folks hanging around ourneighborhood. And out of the blue, we’re having problems with our signals at home.”

Simon nodded seriously, adding, “I also find that odd too.”

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