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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning by Max Charming Chapter 883

Holding two cups of water, Blake approached Kevin and asked, “Mr. Harrison, did Mr. Jardin assign usa new task? I overheard Mya’s name just now. She’s my cousin, you know? Given that I’m yourapprentice, could you maybe share just a tiny bit of what’s going on? It’ll help me shoulder some of theburden, and be part of the solution.”

Kevin took his cup of water with his face turned icy. He said, “Mind your own business, Blake. Focus onyour work.”

As Kevin walked away, Blake rolled her eyes and mimicked Kevin. “Mind your own business, he says.”

Kevin had seen Blake’s mockingly exaggerated expressions reflected in the fire extinguisher’s glasscasing. He caught everything in his gaze.

Having ended his call, Zach went upstairs to pacify Madelyn who was brooding in silence.

Madelyn sought refuge in her art studio, where she drowned her frustrations in swathes of color oncanvas. Next to her palette was a vase with a freshly cut flower. Zach came in and crouched downbeside her, taking her about-to-paint hand into his, and said, “I’m sorry about Mya. It was my fault. Ioverlooked it.”

“What would you like as compensation? I’ll do anything,” Zach said softly, planting a gentle kiss on theback of Madelyn’s hand. At that moment, he looked like the most devoted follower in front of Madelyn,the only one who could make him humble.

Madelyn tried a few times to pull her hand away, but it didn’t work. She kept her feelings inside, makingher voice calm again. “I know you’ve gathered information. Do you think your dirty money can just solveeverything? You’re still the same, Zach. You’re as heartless as ever!”

This was the first time Madelyn was really mad. She quickly pulled her hand away and wouldn’t look atZach. She wanted to be far from anywhere he was. She rushed into the nursery, slamming the doortight. Even from far down the hall, Zach could hear the door slam.

Dalton, who was playing with his toys on the floor, was startled but did not cry. Margaret hurriedlyemerged from the bathroom, drying her hands, and said, “Good heavens! What happened?”

“It’s nothing,” Madelyn said, brushing it off. Margaret wasn’t convinced. She continued, “Oh, come on!You might as well write ‘I’m mad’ on your forehead!”

Dalton crawled over and grabbed Madelyn’s leg, standing up. He said, ” Ma… Mama… hug… hug.”

Feeling warmed by Dalton’s newfound vocabulary, Madelyn picked him up. He nestled into hershoulder without saying another word.

Margaret tried to lighten the mood. She said, “Dalton’s getting smarter by the day. He’s learning so fast.Look, he’s already asking for hugs.”

Whenever Madelyn saw Dalton, she felt an urge to bond with him. No matter how upset or aggrievedshe was, those feelings vanished the moment she saw him. She locked the door from the inside withthe only key.

Madelyn played with Dalton, stacking some blocks. She rarely spent time with him. Whenever hereached up to be held, she fought the urge to embrace him, fearing the vulnerability that came withdeep emotional ties. She feared that it would make it difficult for her to leave one day, even consideringhim a burden.novelbin

In less than an hour, a maid knocked on the door three times. “Madam,” she said, “Mr. Jardin hascooked some pasta for you…”

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