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Chatper 855

Chapter 855

The snowfall reminded her of Ethan’s visit to Paris. Ethan, dressed in a black coat, sat on her favoritelong wooden bench with snowflakes settling on his shoulders. After brushing them off, he waited for herfor a long time.

“Ms. Jent, why are you crying?” Margaret entered and saw Madelyn sitting on the floor with tearsstreaming down her face. Concerned, Margaret quickly approached and asked, “What happened?” Shetried to comfort Madelyn, wiping away her tears.

Madelyn said, “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

Margaret noticed the person in the photo album Madelyn was holding, “Who’s this? She’s so beautiful!”Eager to get a closer look, she picked up the photo, saying, “She looks like something out of a fairytale.”

Madelyn replied, “That’s my mom.”

Margaret grinned, “That makes sense. You have that same fairy tale look.”

Only the Jent family’s old servants knew about Alicia, the previous lady of the house.novelbin

Madelyn began softly, “My mom was always such a gentle soul. She loved painting and especiallyloved peonies. Erick planted a whole field of peonies at the manor to make her happy. When theybloomed, the entire place seemed blanketed in them!” At the Jent residence, Margaret was the onlyperson she opened up to. Talking about it felt like she was finally letting out emotions she had keptinside.

“You love painting too. Did you get that from her? What happened to her later?” Margaret asked,piecing things together.

Madelyn hesitated, then whispered, “She… passed away when she had me.”

There was a knock, and a maid said, “Mrs. Jardin, Mr. Jardin’s back.”

Margaret immediately stood. Chatting with Madelyn always felt natural; when they were together, theusual boundaries between employer and employee seemed to disappear. However, Zach’s merepresence was daunting to Margaret, making her uneasy each time they crossed paths.

After parking his car, Zach entered the foyer through the main entrance.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Jardin.”

“Where’s Mrs. Jardin?”

The maid replied, “She’s been upstairs since breakfast.”

With a nod, Zach headed up.

Madelyn hung pictures with Margaret’s help, “Ms. Jent, be careful. I couldn’t bear it if somethinghappens to you.”

“I’ll be careful,” Madelyn said.

Margaret quickly spotted Zach at the doorway. As he gestured for her to leave, she quietly stepped out.Madelyn, still on the stool, asked, “Is this photo tilted?”

“Looks just right,” Zach replied.

Madelyn, casting a sidelong glance, realized Zach was watching her. He seemed uninterested in thephotos. Instead, his entire attention was on her. Holding out his hand, he said, “You should let the

maids do this. It’s risky.” Madelyn hesitated for a moment, then placed her hand in his. With care, hehelped her down from the stool.

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