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Chapter 827

Chapter 827

Zach savored the last bite of the pastinas that Margaret had brought him, ‘Madelyn had always lovedthe pastinas made by Rosario. Her taste is still the same.’

Outside, the snow that had stopped for a while began to fall heavily again. Big, feather-like flakeslanded in profusion, covering the ground with a thick layer that sparkled with a silvery white glow.

With hope filling his voice, Zach said, “I’ve invested in a cancer research institute. Kai is involved, too.You’ll be fine in no time. In just a few more weeks, Dalton will start talking, and he will call you Mama…Don’t you want to watch our child grow up? Madelyn, don’t keep me waiting for too long.”

Madelyn’s post-surgery scars on her head had healed, but she was still in a coma. Zach lay beside her,his body cold despite being fully clothed. He shut his eyes, taking in the scent of her skin. He thoughtperhaps this was the only way he could find some semblance of peace.

Zach had never felt such torment. He had managed to wait for Madelyn through the four years she hadbeen away from the capital. But these past three months had nearly broken him. It was a torment likehe had never known.

Meanwhile, in a hospital ward not far from Madelyn’s, Lana’s belly was slightly rounded. She staredaround, her gaze unfocused as though she were waiting for someone. The sound of footsteps echoedfrom the doorway. A hint of a smile finally touched her otherwise expressionless face.

Lana rushed to embrace the person walking in and said softly, “I’ve been waiting for you so long.Where have you been? Andrew, I’ve missed you so much today, and so has our baby.”

Kai hesitated before raising his hand to stroke Lana’s long hair. He asked, “Have you eaten?”

Lana disentangled herself from his arms and took his hand. She replied, “Yes. I know you’re busy, andyou haven’t eaten. I saved some food for you. It’s your favorite dish.”

Together, Kai and Lana walked into the kitchen area of the VIP hospital suite, furnished for theconvenience of visiting family. He said, “You shouldn’t be doing this while you’re pregnant. Let thecaretakers handle it.”

“It’s okay. I don’t have much else to do,” Lana assured Kai, offering a comforting smile. “I know youworry, but rest assured, I’ll be very, very careful in protecting our child.”

She continued, “Andrew, could you get the plates and utensils? I can share a meal with you.”

“Alright.” Kai bent to retrieve a set of plates and utensils from the sanitized cupboard, then helped Lanawith the dishes.

“Let me do that. You’ve had a long day. You eat first, then take a bath and rest,” Lana insisted.

“I’m not busy tomorrow,” Kai reassured Lana. They sat down at a table set with four dishes and a bowlof chicken soup, all prepared by Lana herself.

Cradling her belly with one hand, Lana used the other to offer a chicken drumstick to Kai from the soup,“By the way, Andrew, has the girl in the next room woken up yet?”

“No,” Kai said, pushing the chicken drumstick back into the bowl. “I don’t like chicken


“I’ve already eaten one today; I saved this one just for you. You work so hard to provide for me and ourchild; it breaks my heart to see you this tired. Speaking of which, when can I be discharged? I feelmuch better. Can we go home?”

Kai felt as if a massive weight had been pressed onto his chest. He said, “I won’t be coming here often.A research institute has extended an invitation to me. You can stay in the hospital while I’m away; it willgive me peace of mind.”

“When will you be back?” Lana’s voice tinged with disappointment.

“I’ll try to come back as soon as possible,” Kai assured Lana.

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