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Chapter 798

Chapter 798

“If the CEO of Jardin Corporation and Madelyn are coming, they’ll be welcomed,” Luke declared. “Yousaid she’d be coming, right? Let’s wait twenty minutes. If they don’t show. we’ll start the party.”

“Alright, twenty minutes,” Mya replied. “We aren’t scared.”


Luke’s aunt chimed in, “It’s like we’ve never met important people before. What’s the big deal?

A teenage boy sitting nearby turned to his sister and asked, “Do you think Mya knows the woman fromthe Jent family? I’ve never heard Mya mention her.”

“I don’t know, so quit asking!” she replied, clearly irritated.

“Did you sneak into Mya’s closet and wear her clothes again? I’ve told you, those outfits look good onMya, but on you? Not so much,” he said.

“Ugh! You’re always talking about Mya. If you like her so much, why don’t you just make her your sisterand leave me out of it?” she retorted.

The waitstaff at Supreme World set the table and cleaned everything up fast. Luke wanted freshdishes. Only two minutes of the twenty remained.

An old man, about eighty and using a cane, stood up. “Let’s start now,” he said.

“Agreed!” another guest replied. “Luke, your grandpa isn’t feeling well. With this current drama, there’llbe gossip. How can he go around Ventropolis without folks talking?”

Another person said, “Right. I think the talk about someone important coming is just a rumor. We paidso much money, but where’s the security? Shouldn’t they be removing the troublemakers?”

Blake wished she had Madelyn’s number.

“Maybe the CEO of Jardin Corporation won’t show up,” someone said. “Considering his status andours, it would make sense. Mya, what do you think?”

Suddenly, Mya turned to Luke, her face filled with distress. “I don’t want to be with you, and I certainlydon’t want to marry you!” The thought of continuing with the dinner and potentially being tied to Lukeforever made her heart race with fear.

Luke had already called the hotel’s security. Large men in suits quickly restrained Blake.

“What are you doing? Let me go! There are still two minutes left! Luke, you jerk!” Blake yelled.

Luke remained unfazed, his eyes gleaming with greed. Pointing to a painting hidden by a cloth, hesneered, “Toss that out too. Let’s see who’ll help you now, Mya.”

“I want to see who’s brave enough to touch her.”

Suddenly, a clear, confident voice captured the room’s attention. Guests turned, their expressionsshowing surprise and curiosity, as they looked toward the entrance.

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