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Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Madelyn surveyed the scattered food strewn across the floor, her brow furrowing in confusion.Thoughts raced through her mind, ‘What is he up to now?’ She cast a reproachful glance at Forrest andquestioned, “Forrest, what on earth are you doing?” As she crouched down to retrieve the lunchboxfrom the ground, Forrest kicked it once more, causing it to slip from her grasp.

In a swift motion, Forrest seized Madelyn by the collar, hoisting her up and forcefully pinning heragainst the wall. His intense gaze locked with hers, his grip tightening around her collar as he angrilyexclaimed, “What the hell did you say?”

The jutting corner of the windowsill dug into Madelyn’s back, causing her discomfort, but her impassivestare remained fixed on Forrest. She asked, “What exactly are you trying to say?”

Forrest’s narrow, upturned eyes exuded a bone-chilling coldness, colder than ice itself. He seethed,“Jadie got beaten up because of your damn big mouth. She’s in the hospital now. Didn’t you claim shewas your sister? Is this how you treat your siblings, Madelyn Jent? You don’t have the balls to confrontme directly. If you have something to say, say it to my face instead of scheming behind my back! Ifanything happens to Jadie, I swear I’ll break the same damn bones of yours!

Madelyn observed the prominent veins bulging on his hand. If it weren’t for the presence of others, shebelieved Forrest would actually strangle her right there. She remained calm, her breathing steady. Shehad faced much greater storms, the immature Forrest standing before her couldn’t intimidate herBesides, she had already experienced death once before, so why would she fear it a second time?

Gasping for air under his grip, Madelyn grabbed onto his increasingly tightened hand. ” Forrest… calmdown!”

Adrian stepped in, his voice firm, “Forrest, that’s enough. Madelyn would never be foolish enough toharm Jadie. They’re family. There’s no reason for her to do something like that.”

Madelyn’s face flushed crimson, acutely aware of the terrifying hostility emanating from Forrest. “Fo-Forrest… It hurts… You’ve hurt me! Let… Let go!”

Adrian interjected, “That’s it, enough. Do you really want to escalate this situation? Have you forgottenwhat happened the last time you got injured?”

The animosity in Forrest’s eyes gradually subsided, though the coldness remained. Finally, he releasedhis grip.

Madelyn clutched her neck, coughing several times as she tried to regain her breath.

“Don’t think Ethan’s protection makes you untouchable! I still have ways to deal with you!” Forrest spatout those words before storming out.

Madelyn felt bewildered, her mind racing, ‘Did he mention Ethan? Does Forrest know Ethan?’ Sheyearned to confront him and uncover the truth, but given his current state of anger, approaching himnow would be akin to walking into a deadly trap.

Inhaling the fresh air deeply, Madelyn began to feel more composed. She straightened herself up andexpressed her gratitude to Adrian, saying, “Thank you.”

Adrian glanced at her and uttered five piercing words, “You brought this upon yourself.”

Timothy chimed in, “Serves you right!”novelbin

After Jadie was bullied, Forrest was the first one pointing the finger at Madelyn, holding heraccountable. Madelyn couldn’t shake off the thought that Zach would be next in line, ready to inflict

similar harm upon her. The bone-chilling realization of what Zach could potentially do sent a wave ofshivers down her spine.

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