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Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Frida sipped on the tea brought by the assistant, “I heard that Madelyn’s back, and you kicked Yvonneout of the Southern Haven Villas. Is that true?

“I asked you to take care of Yvonne for me and is this how you treat her? Don’t forget who helped youto get where you are today.”

Zach walked straight to his desk and threw the documents In his hand on the table. “Mrs. Young, ofcourse I remember your kindness and am very grateful for your help. However, I believe that you didn’tcome all the way here just to tell me these things.”

Zach took his seat and adjusted his tie with his slender lingers, looking relaxed.

Frida sneered, “Mrs. Young, huh? You’re married to my daughter. Have you no respect for your elders?You should be addressing me as your mother–in–law!”

She put her cup of tea down as she spoke. Then, she stood up and walked over to Zach beforehanding him a red and gold invitation card. “This is the quest list I’ve prepared for the banquet nextmonth.”

Zach smiled arrogantly and opened the Invitation card. The name, ‘Madelyn Jent‘ was the first namewritten on it.

With a resounding clap, Zach closed the invitation card. “Mrs. Young, I’ve always thought that you werea wise person.”

The expression on Frida’s face turned cold, “Zach, It has been four years, and it’s time for you to fulfillthe promise you made back then. Don’t forget about the agreement we signed.”

“Times are different now. Do you really think those so–called agreements would still mean anything tome?” Zach said mockingly.

Frida slammed her hand on the table. “Are you going back on your promise to marry Yvonne?

“Zach Jardin! It’s been seven years and Yvonne has always loved you. Even a dog would become loyalafter so long. She wasted seven years on you! She’s the light of my life, how could you have the heartto treat her like this!”

Zach crossed his legs, lit up a cigarette, and exhaled a pulf of smoke. “Mrs. Young, what do you think Ishould do then?”

Frida’s gaze turned cold as she retorted, “Marrying her is your only option now. I want you to tell theentirety of Ventropolis that my daughter, Yvonne Young, is your wife.”novelbin

Zach chuckled deeply and his voice was filled with arrogance and disdain as he said, “Of course, I’llkeep my promise. Also, I’ll be sure to include the Arnold family on the list.”

Frida was taken aback and at a loss for words.

“The Arnold family… Do they still exist in Ventropolis?‘ Frida thought inwardly.

Zach’s words were like a dagger stabbing through her heart.

Frida then went into the elevator and left. When she arrived at the entrance of the company, thereceptionist bowed respectfully to her after learning about how wealthy she was, “Goodbye, Mrs.Young.”

Frida opened the car door and heard Yvonne asking her anxiously, “Mom, how did it go? Did he… sayyes?”

“Of course, he did. We still have his secret with us. I’ll never let him off the hook if he dares to go backon his word.”

Yvonne thought that Zach would break his promise alter Madelyn’s return. She was aware that theirrelationship was not as simple as it appeared to outsiders. Madelyn’s existence was like a chip onYvonne’s shoulder.

She was engaged to Zach for four years, yet he had never touched her. In the hospital back in France,Yvonne saw Madelyn lying on the hospital bed with a patient gown, and there were hickeys all over herneck. Yvonne was not stupid, and she could guess what they had done behind her back.

Shortly after Frida left, Zach received a call from the Southern Haven Villas.

Zach frowned as spoke with a stern voice, “Bring her to the company first.”

“Yes, Mr. Jardin.”


Chapter 670

Madelyn’s phone rang as soon as she said those words. After seeing the caller ID, she hesitated for amoment before answering. Then, she spoke in an annoyed tone, “You said you were going to give methree days, and the time hasn’t come yet.”

“If you want to go to her grave. I’ll come with you in the afternoon after I’m done with my meeting.” Zachreplied.

“I don’t need you to go with me. I can go alone.

“It’s either you don’t go or let me come with you. Your choice,” he responded, his voice immediatelyturning cold.

She did not really have a choice, did she?

So. Madelyn reluctantly agreed. “Then I’ll wait for you downstairs later.”

She did not want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

The sky was sunny and bright in the morning but suddenly turned cloudy by afternoon, as if there mightbe a heavy rain later. So, Madelyn brought an umbrella with her, just in case.

The bodyguard drove as Madelyn sat in the rear passenger seat. The journey lasted for more than anhour before they finally arrived at the Jardin Corporation.

Madelyn sat inside the car with a bouquet of balloon flowers that symbolized eternal love.

Some said that when balloon flowers bloomed, happiness would follow. Some people would be able toseize it, while others were destined to miss it.

In the mansion she lived in when she was younger, there was a large patch of balloon flowers plantedin the garden. Rosario told Madelyn that her mother had planted them in the past, but for some reason,all of them withered overnight.

Madelyn was starting to get impatient as she looked up to the top floor of the building, which was barelyvisible.

After about half an hour, she finally saw someone coming out of the building.

Madelyn withdrew her gaze and her expression turned calm. She thought that they would not meetagain for three days.

Zach got into the car, wrapped his arm around her waist, and took a deep whiff of the fragrance on her,just like before. “I’ve made a reservation at a restaurant for tonight.”

Madelyn ignored him and said nonchalantly, “Let’s go. It might rain soon.”

The car started.

Zach noticed the black dress she was wearing, and it reminded him of a person deep in his mind. Aftermore than twenty years, he only had a vague memory of her silhouette. However, he could not denythat her beauty was truly one of a kind, and describing her as breathtaking would be anunderstatement.

The car drove on the mountain road for a while, and soon, they arrived at the bottom of the hill

They had to walk for the remaining stretch of the journey.

Madelyn still remembered where the grave was located. However, when they were just halfway intotheir journey, she was already drenched in cold sweat. Her steps were unsteady, and she feltsomething wrong with her body. The journey was only supposed to take them a little more than tenminutes, yet Madelyn spent almost half an hour. The sky would be dark by the time they arrived at thegrave if they kept this up.

“I’ll carry you on my back.” Zach immediately went to hold her up as soon as he saw her struggling. Hegently wiped off the sweat from her forehead and frowned as he asked, “Why does your hand feel socold? Are you feeling sick?”

“I should’ve worn thicker clothes. I’m fine. Let’s keep walking. It’s already getting late.”

Zach look off his blazer and put it on for Madelyn. Then, he lifted her off the ground and strode forwardwith steady and swift steps. Madelyn felt very comfortable in his arms.

She did not struggle because she genuinely had no strength to walk further.

when they arrived at the grave, zach put her down.


Madelyn looked around the grave and realized that it was very clean. There was even a bouquet ofballoon flowers placed in front of the tombstone.

She looked at Zach, puzzled, “Did you come here earlier?”

‘No, it couldn’t be him! I know him too well. He would never do something like this, so who could it be?‘

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