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Chatper 559

Chapter 559novelbin

+15 B?NUS

Madelyn did not bring much luggage. She only packed one suitcase with her. When she arrived at theroom, she noticed it was pretty large.

Jane told Madelyn, “When we finish unpacking, I’ll bring you to meet two people. They also came withthe professor and are both your seniors.”

Madelyn asked, “Where’s the professor?”

Jane answered, “The professor went to meet with a few of the school administrators. He also has asocial engagement tonight and might return very late.”

At the exact moment, the door to the hotel room was knocked on. Jane went to open the door and sawit was the concierge and room attendant. Jane spoke with them and shouted, “Madelyn, they’re lookingfor you.”

Madelyn stopped in her tracks and walked outside. Jane looked at Madelyn and asked, “Do you

need me to translate?”

Madelyn smiled and replied, “There is no need. My Etlinish is fine.”

After communicating with them, she realized they were here to send her clothes and the daily

essentials. During their talk, no one noticed Jane’s furrowed brows. Instead, Madelyn noticed the

clothes rack by the door. Hanging on it were all of the latest outfits for this season, from skirts to

underwear. Various clothing styles were tailored to her body measurements, with numerous

makeup tools and accessories.

These were all prepared based on the presidential suite’s standards, but their room was too small.

Hence, the things they prepared could not fit in the room. Madelyn originally planned to take a

few sets of clothes and call it a day. Who knew they would book another room opposite theirs to

make it into her wardrobe. Madelyn did not want to ponder this matter because it wasted too

much time. She allowed them to have their way.

After handling all this, Jane brought Madelyn to the restaurant downstairs. She brought her to the

restaurant’s corner before introducing Madelyn to the two seniors, “These are the seniors I have

told you about. This is Dorian Reed and Clement Thompson. They are both the same year as me,

and we are about to enter our junior year.”

The moment they saw Madelyn, they were astounded. She shook their hands and greeted them.

Then, the four of them took their seats.

Dorian praised her, “I didn’t expect Madelyn to be even prettier than the pictures.”

Clement also chuckled, “That’s right. When Madelyn comes for classes, she would be the talk of

the school.”

+15 B?NUS

Madelyn kept a smile on her face. She was not adept at communicating with people, so she kept herhands clasped.

“Both of you must be joking,” Madelyn chuckled.

“We are giving an objective appraisal of you. You don’t have to humble yourself. Oh yeah, I heard thatthe expenses for our current trip are financed by the Arnold Corporation, including the hotel. Wewouldn’t get to stay in such a nice hotel if it wasn’t for you. Come, a toast to you, Madelyn,” as

Dorian said this, he poured some drink into Madelyn’s cup and gave her a toast.

Madelyn had no choice but to toast him as well. Clement saw Jane quiet and asked, “Jane, what areyou doing? Raise your glass!”

Jane wanted to say something but chose not to say anything. She, too, raised her glass and clinked it,Madelyn, who was perceptive, caught the dissatisfaction in Jane’s gaze. She did not understand wherethis resentment came from. Instead, Madelyn lowered her gaze calmly and hid all her emotions.

During their meal, Dorian and Clement kept chatting with Madelyn. At the same time, they alsodiscussed the rumors among the school. Madelyn would respond politely and occasionally would ask afew questions.

Suddenly, Jane said, “It’s getting late. I’m going back to my room to rest. You guys can enjoy the mealwhile I go pay the bill.” After saying this, she left.

Madelyn also stood up and said, “Let me pay the bill. It’s the first time I’m meeting with my seniors. Ishould pay the bill.”

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