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Chapter 534

The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning by Max Charming Chapter 534

Madelyn wrapped up her dinner swiftly and made her way upstairs. She couldn’t afford any distractionsnow. With exams just around the corner in less than ten days, she needed to be on top of her game,even if she had already secured her spot at Ventropolis College of Art.

A slip-up on this test wasn’t an option. By 11:30 PM, having committed a series of Etlinish phrases tomemory, she set her book aside. She was about to switch off the lights and sink into sleep when hercat leaped onto the bed, making itself comfortable by her pillow, its paws kneading rhythmically.

Leaving a soft glow from the bedside lamp, Madelyn stroked its fur. “Even all grown up, you still bakecookies. Goodnight, Ginger.”

As she settled in with her eyes shut and hands tucked under her chin, sleep took her swiftly. It was half-past two when Ethan got back.

Upon noticing the small wound on Ethan’s lip, the servant knitted her eyebrow. “Mr. Arnold,” she began,recognizing the type of wound and drawing from past experiences.

Earlier in the day, Ethan had been just fine. Now, his lips told a different story, and it wasn’t hard toguess why.

Despite his weariness, a profound gloom enveloped him. “Where’s Madelyn?” he asked. The servantresponded, “Miss Jent has turned in for the night.”

A fleeting, inscrutable look flashed in Ethan’s eyes. “Did she mention anything?”

The servant shook her head. “No. But… when she returned, it was almost nine. She had dinner andwent upstairs to rest. She must be exhausted as well.” She then asked, “Sir, have you eaten? Dinner isstill warm.”

“No, thank you.” Ethan’s face remained expressionless as he headed upstairs. “If she asks, just tell herI didn’t come back.”

The servant’s eyes followed Ethan’s departing form, thoughts racing. ‘Did he and Miss Jent haveanother spat? He seemed just fine when he left this morning, but now he’s like a different person.’

As dawn broke, golden sunrays kissed the hilltops, heralding a pristine morning following the night’srain.

Madelyn rushed down from her room, her hair neatly braided. “Starting today, I’ll have exams for twohours daily, which means I won’t be home for dinner. If Ethan returns, please pass on the message. Ifhe gets tied up at work, I can manage with a cab. I must go now.

Taking a swift sip of her hot chocolate, Madelyn picked up a breadstick, wrapping it in a tissue. Theservant asked, “Are you sure that’s enough? How about I make you a sandwich?”

“It’s fine,” Madelyn responded. Every second counted for her, and she didn’t have any to spare. In thedays that followed, Madelyn hardly caught a glimpse of Ethan in the Arnold home. More often than not,she found herself alone.

One night, as she went downstairs to get some water, Madelyn was met by the sight of Ethan on thecouch, a cigarette between his fingers. The room was heavy with the musky scent of tobacco.

“You’re back?” Madelyn asked, her eyes barely focusing on his face in her drowsy state.

“I’ve been back for some time. Why aren’t you in bed?” Setting his feet down from the coffee table,Ethan snuffed out his cigarette. His eyes, as they landed on Madelyn, seemed distant, almostdetached.novelbin

“Just needed some water,” Madelyn replied, brushing her fingers through her hair. Dressed in a knee-length nightgown, she added, “I’ll head back up now. You should try to rest as well.”

“Madelyn,” Ethan’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

Holding her glass, she turned to face him. “Yes?”

“I spoke with Grandma. We’ll delay our engagement for the time being.”

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