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Chapter 527

The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning by Max Charming Chapter 527

The hours of waiting felt longer to Donna than the time she had spent in prison. She was impatient toleave.

At long last, it was eleven at night. At this moment, the mental hospital was empty. but the lights in thecorridor were still on. The quiet hallway was bathed in an eerie green light. It was extremely dark at theend of the corridor. The sound of water dripping from a faucet in the cold restroom could faintly beheard. The scene was extremely creepy.

When the door of Donna’s ward was opened, she saw a dark figure quietly walking by. The personthrew a car key and a sharp dagger on the floor.

Donna wondered, ‘How did this mysterious person manage to move so freely in this hospital?’

However, her mind was filled with hatred, and she could not care less about it now. After she picked upthe items from the floor, she did not hurry to leave. Instead, she sat quietly on the bed, as if waiting forsomething.

At twelve midnight, her door was opened again. Anthony openly walked straight toward the person onthe bed. He eagerly hugged her, “Have you bathed? You smell so good.”

The next second, before he even had the chance to catch his breath, a dagger had been thrust directlyinto his chest.

Donna suddenly laughed sardonically. Her eyes were filled with cruelty, ” Speak. Why aren’t youtalking?” As she spoke, she pushed the dagger deeper. When she pulled it out, the tip of the daggerwas dripping with blood. Her smile was very creepy. She looked like a female demon coming out fromhell to take someone’s life.

As the dagger was pulled out from his chest, the blood gushed out. It splashed into her eyes andeverything before her was bathed in blood. It seemed like she had experienced similar situationsbefore.

Donna pushed Anthony away. He fell onto the ground with his eyes open. He was dead. Donna left thisplace unhindered. There was a car parked right outside the entrance, and she drove the car into thedarkness.

On that quiet night, there echoed a chilling laughter…

Later that night, the sky was filled with dark clouds. A lightning bolt flashed, and thunder boomed.Soon, it was drizzling. The wind was cold. As the wind picked up, the rain became heavier too, hittingthe ground heavily. The splashing water washed everything away.

When the nurse who worked in the early morning shift walked into the room, she saw blood on thefloor. She was frightened and ran out of the ward. Her hands were trembling as she called for thepolice….

This incident was getting more and more serious. Donna, whose sentence had been temporarilysuspended, was now a murderer and a fugitive on the run!

Madelyn woke up an hour and a half earlier than usual. The sky was already bright at six and a half inthe morning, but the weather today did not seem to be good. When she saw the overcast sky, shegrabbed a jacket.

As she went downstairs, she noticed Ethan standing at the door. He was wearing a dark blue suit withone hand in his pocket. He was standing upright talking on the phone with his back facing Madelyn. Heheard her footsteps coming down from upstairs.

His face darkened as he said, “You don’t need to tell me about this, just handle it.” He then ended thecall right after he said that.

Madelyn pulled out a chair. She drank the soup in her hand as she asked, ” What’s wrong? Whathappened?”

When Ethan looked at her, his expression turned gentle, “It’s a company matter. Leyton’s alreadydealing with it.” As he said that, he sat beside her as he continued, “You’ve been doing a lot of workthese days. Eat more. I’ll pick you up for the photoshoot after school.”

Madelyn responded, “Okay. Also, I might come out late today. There’s a forty-five-minute exam afterschool that I can’t miss.”novelbin

Ethan affectionately rubbed her head, It’s okay. Just call me after the exam and I’ll come pick you up.”

Madelyn said, “Okay.”

Her right eye had been twitching since last night, making her feel a little uneasy. She was not sure whyshe felt that way and wondered if it was due to the upcoming exam.

After breakfast, they got in the car to go to school, but Ethan was strangely quiet. When Madelynlooked at him, she could clearly see that there was something weighing on his mind.

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