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Chatper 307

The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning By Max Charming chapter 307

Madelyn was in high spirits. She went to the kitchen and put on an apron before taking out theingredients from the fridge to personally make the cake. Rosario walked to her, “Do you need myhelp?”novelbin

Madelyn refused, “No. I’ve done it several times, so I’ve got the hang of it. You can go and dosomething else, Rosario.”

“Alright, then. If you need anything, just ask for me.”

“Sure.” Madelyn replied. A walnut cake was not difficult to make. Jadie walked into the kitchen andlooked at Madelyn, who was busy, and curiously asked, “Madelyn, since when did you know how tomake walnut cake? Can you teach me?”

Madelyn, “I learned from Rosario. If you want to learn how, I can send you a tutorial video and therecipe! It’s not that difficult.”

Jadie replied, “Sure! I’ll watch you make it now. Zach is talking with the others and I have no idea whatthey’re talking about, so I came to see what you’re doing. Do you need my help?” Madelyn, “You canhelp me wash these dishes. I’m halfway through. Just be careful.”

“Okay.” Jadie nodded, rolling up her sleeves. She then adjusted the tap water’s temperature andasked, Madelyn, how did you meet Mr. Arnold? I can tell he likes you.”

Madelyn was mashing the steamed walnuts, with her eyes down and very focused. She did not answerJadie’s question, but changed the topic by asking, “How are you doing in the Math Olympiad trainingclass? When I was there back then, the workbook that Mr. Newton gave me was quite difficult. I’ve onlydone half of them so far.”

Jadie replied, “It’s okay. It’s just that the pressure to study in Class One is really intense. I spend everyday studying and solving questions. I don’t have any free time for myself.” She sighed deeply beforecontinuing, “At school, if there’s anything I don’t understand, I ask Mr. Newton. When I’m at home, Iusually ask Zach, but he’s been coming home late recently, so for now I’ve had to leave any questions Idon’t understand.

“What about you? Do you blame me for taking your spot? For preventing you from getting into the MathOlympiad training class?”

Madelyn shook her head, “I don’t. It’s a matter of competition. That’s how it works in Class One. Aslong as your grades are good, no one will complain no matter what you do. There are opportunitieseverywhere. That’s what Ms. Hann told me.’ Jadie, “That’s true… Sigh. Anyway,

how’s your relationship with Yvonne now?”

Madelyn glanced at her, “Why?”

She wondered, ‘Is this about what happened yesterday?’ Jadie’s eyes were downcast as she was busywashing the dishes. She explained in a sad tone, “I overheard the conversation between Mr. Jent andZach yesterday. Mr. Jent wants Zach to be with Yvonne! Madelyn, what should we do?”

Madelyn pretended to ponder and put on a distressed face as she responded, ” I don’t know, but ifZach likes her, as his sister, I’ll support them.”

It seemed Jadie had not expected such an answer, as she let go of the plate she was holding and it fellinto the sink. She forced a smile, “But…don’t you like Zach? Are you just going to let him be withsomeone else so easily?”

Madelyn smiled slightly as she looked at Jadie, “I do like him, but…it’s the kind of liking a sister has forher brother. Besides, feelings can’t be forced. “Anyway, I’ll go and check if there’s any caramel sauce in

the fridge.”

Madelyn did not want to continue chatting with Jadie about Zach. The walnut cake that Madelyn madewas almost ready. She had made enough for about eight people.

The cake and the other dishes were then served. At the dining table, Ethan sat at the head, Hayson saton the left, Zach sat next to Hayson, Madelyn sat on Ethan’s right, and Jadie sat next to her.

The large table was filled with five people’s worth of dishes. They would definitely not be able to finishthem all in one meal.

Hayson looked kind as he said with a smile, “These are just some humble home-cooked dishes. Mr.Arnold, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not,” Ethan glanced at Madelyn as he said. Hayson, “That’s great. Madelyn, take some foodfor Mr. Arnold.”

Madelyn then took a piece of carne frita in front of her and a piece of walnut cake for Ethan. She said,“Try it and see if it’s too sweet. If it’s too sweet, I’ll put less sugar next time.”

“Did you make this too?” Ethan asked as he picked up the carne frita. Madelyn nodded andintentionally lied, “I don’t really know how to prepare many dishes, just these two.”

“Okay. I’ll try it.” Ethan said. Madelyn asked, “How does it taste?”

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