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Chapter 156

Chapter 156

As Zach’s car pulled closer, Jadie’s eyes widened as she saw Madelyn, with a man she seemed tohave met from somewhere.

“Zach, let’s pull over. That’s Madelyn,” Jadie said.

When Madelyn saw an Audi with a familiar license plate, her face turned pale in an instant.

Just now, smoke had started billowing from the Cayenne Madelyn quickly got out, but her legs gaveway as soon as she touched the ground.

Leyton quickly used a fire extinguisher to put out the smoke, while Ethan went to check on Madelyn.

“Are you hurt? Can you get up?”

Madelyn was fine, thanks to Ethan shielding her during the incident. She didn’t want to admit. that itwas fear that had caused her legs to give way. She couldn’t shake thoughts of the person behind theaccident.

George wiped a speck of blood from his forehead as he said, “Looks like she got really scared.”

Ethan’s eyes flickered with a chilling determination, but he spoke gently to Madelyn. “Don’t worry, I’llhandle this. Let me help you up.”

Madelyn asked in a gentle tone, “You’re not hurt, are you?”

Ethan smiled, “I’m perfectly fine.”

Madelyn felt relieved as Ethan helped her stand. Her legs were a bit shaky, but she managed to stayupright. Concerned about Ethan’s pale face, she asked, “Are you feeling unwell? Is there something

wrong with your legs? Roll up your pants, let me check…”

Ethan held onto her hand. “I’m fine, really.”

Leyton chimed in, “I’ve already called for help. A car will be here soon. Hang tight.” Both Leyton andGeorge knew Ethan’s legs weren’t fully healed. If it wasn’t for his determination, Leyton wouldn’t haveallowed him to leave his bed. Ethan had a special place in his heart for Madelyn.

No one anticipated this turn of events. When the car swerved suddenly and hit the guardrail, Ethan hadinjured his legs.

Jadie quickly came over, worry etched on her face. “Madelyn, it’s really you. What happened? Are youhurt?”

Madelyn noticed Jadie holding a pink teddy bear the same one she had secretly wished for when Ethanasked her about her birthday gift. She hadn’t anticipated that Jadie would like the

same bear.


“Zach, come over here,” Jadie called out in haste.

When Madelyn saw Zach approaching, anger flickered in her eyes, but she looked away

quickly. She thought, ‘Zach Jardin, of all times to show up. Are you here to see if we’re dead? Sorry todisappoint.’

“Mr. Arnold, did you have an accident? Are you alright?” Zach asked.

Madelyn sensed a subtle tension between Zach and Ethan when their eyes met, an invisible pressurethat hung heavily in the air.

Ethan stayed silent. He didn’t hold Zach in high regard. Ethan had dug deep into the history of the Jentfamily and found some dirt. It was a far cry from Madelyn, who seemed to shine with goodness andinnocence. To Ethan, she was like a beacon of light in a family with a not-so- great history. WithoutMadelyn, he wouldn’t even bother dealing with the other Jents.

Turning to Leyton, Ethan asked, “How much longer we have to wait?”

Leyton replied, “About fifteen more minutes.”novelbin

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