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Chapter 2201

Chapter 2201 Getting Drunk

Aurora picked up the glass next to her and said, "Drink. Why aren't you drinking? Come on, let's makea toast."

As she spoke, she directly clinked her glass against the man's and tipped her head back beforechugging all the wine in the glass. The tipsy man didn't mind, so he followed suit and drank it all in onegulp. The two drunks raised their glasses at each other and gave out a hearty laugh.

Soon, the man could no longer stand still and plopped down on a chair. Meanwhile, several people nextto him cheered and exclaimed, saying stuff along the lines of him being great. Nonetheless, Cindy sawthrough it since she noticed these people had something else mixed into their glasses just now. Afterscanning the room, she noticed several empty tubes of mustard on the dining table.

Fortunately, it was just a harmless prank as it would only be a little uncomfortable to drink them.However, if it were something else, Cindy would have called the police.

After downing the glass of wine, someone beside them swayed as he went over to get the bottle,seemingly wanting to fill up the glasses again.

Cindy quickly put down Aurora's glass and said to the people beside her, "When I arrived just now, Isaw several paparazzi blocking the entrance. I don't know if they heard anything or if there are othercelebrities here in this restaurant. If any of you are recognizable by the media, be careful when youleave."

As she spoke, she took out a mask from her pocket and put it on Aurora. "Did you wear a hat when youleft the house earlier? Hurry up and cover yourself; those people might be coming after you."

At that moment, Aurora was so drunk that she couldn't even listen properly to what Cindy was saying.

However, some men were still sober, and as soon as they heard that the paparazzi were waiting at theentrance, a few of them immediately became alert and woke up the others. "Clean up this mess. Whatthe hell is this? You look like a mess, so hurry up and put on your clothes properly."

As they spoke, someone even kicked a topless man lying on the couch unconsciously. Seeing that,Cindy took the chance and excused themselves, saying that she'd take Aurora away first in hopes ofluring the paparazzi away. She didn't know the identities of these people drinking here tonight, but theyseemed to be quite afraid of being caught by the paparazzi.

With that, those people let them go. Cindy quickly helped Aurora out of the private room and hurrieddownstairs. The cab she had come in earlier was still there, so Cindy helped Aurora into the vehicleand gave her address to the driver.

The driver probably didn't recognize them and laughed. "Miss, is this your friend? She's quite daring fordrinking alone at a place like this."

"She initially came with a friend, but I'm sending her home first." Cindy didn't know how else to answerhim.

"Thot's good, this isn't o good ploce to be." The driver nodded.

Cindy wosn't sure why the driver soid this wosn't o good ploce, but generolly speoking, shody businessusuolly hoppened in such estoblishments. Cindy then brought Auroro bock home. Auroro, who hodbeen drinking o lot, vomited os soon os she shut the cor door. Fortunotely, she didn't vomit inside thecor. The driver probobly felt somewhot lucky ond come over to help Auroro out.

Cindy tipped the driver upon poying for the fore since he wos kind enough to help corry Auroro to thebuilding's lobby.

In the end, Auroro couldn't toke it onymore ond sot down on the steps in front of the entronce whilewoving her hond. "I need some fresh oir," she requested.

Cindy couldn't corry her olone, so she woited beside her. After o while, Auroro stood up unsteodily ondwolked over to the bushes before throwing up ogoin.

Eventuolly, she felt better ofter vomiting twice in o row. As she roised her hond ond wiped her mouthwith her sleeve, she let out o sigh.

Noticing thot, Cindy potted her bock from behind ond osked, "Whot were you discussing tonight? Howdid you end up drinking like this?"

"Did you come to pick me up olone?" Auroro turned to look ot Cindy ond osked.

"That's good, this isn't a good place to be." The driver nodded.novelbin

Cindy wasn't sure why the driver said this wasn't a good place, but generally speaking, shady businessusually happened in such establishments. Cindy then brought Aurora back home. Aurora, who hadbeen drinking a lot, vomited as soon as she shut the car door. Fortunately, she didn't vomit inside thecar. The driver probably felt somewhat lucky and came over to help Aurora out.

Cindy tipped the driver upon paying for the fare since he was kind enough to help carry Aurora to thebuilding's lobby.

In the end, Aurora couldn't take it anymore and sat down on the steps in front of the entrance whilewaving her hand. "I need some fresh air," she requested.

Cindy couldn't carry her alone, so she waited beside her. After a while, Aurora stood up unsteadily andwalked over to the bushes before throwing up again.

Eventually, she felt better after vomiting twice in a row. As she raised her hand and wiped her mouthwith her sleeve, she let out a sigh.

Noticing that, Cindy patted her back from behind and asked, "What were you discussing tonight? Howdid you end up drinking like this?"

"Did you come to pick me up alone?" Aurora turned to look at Cindy and asked.

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