The Protector

Chapter 853
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Chapter 853

The anniversary meeting of the Jones family was advertised so well that even Zoey was aware of it.

“Are you going to be there?” She looked for Levi and asked him about it.

In fact, she was mainly curious to see how he thought about the event.

As far as she knew about him in the past, he would not want to waste his time attending the event norwould he want to accept the identity as one of the members of the Jones family.

Staring at him with anticipation palpable in her eyes, she fervently hoped to hear the answer shepreferred from him.

“I’m going to be there because they invited me,” Levi replied nonchalantly.


At that moment, Zoey’s eyes were filled with much disappointment because Levi was no longer thelofty guy who thought he was superior to everyone else in the world.

What took its place was a soul that was willing to compromise for some worldly gains.

This wasn’t the version of him she would like to see…

Levi then asked her with a smile, “Would you like to go with me?”

He wanted to bring her there to see how he was going to shine and leave the Jones family in stuporbecause of his glory.

To his dismay, Zoey turned him down decisively. “I’m not going. You may attend the event on yourown!”

In her opinion, it was utterly humiliating for Levi to accept the identity as one of the Joneses.

On top of that, she was really taken aback by his sudden change of attitude because he had told herthat he would ignore them for the rest of his life some time ago.

Iris, who happened to come by, noticed the exasperated look on Zoey’s face. Out of curiosity, shequeried, “Zoey, what’s the matter?”

“Levi just said he’s going to attend the anniversary meeting of the Jones family!” Zoey grumbledresentfully.

“Huh? Is there anything wrong with that?”

“Iris, by attending their anniversary it shows that he’s going to yield to them. The moment he acceptsthe identity as one of them, he will lose his backbone and embarrass himself. Didn’t you hate him fordoing things like that too before this?” Zoey asked in befuddlement.

“I…” Iris trailed off hesitatingly as she had no idea how to answer Zoey.

Back then, she indeed loathed the fact that Levi got things done by using his connection with theJoneses because she had no idea who he really was at that time.

But now, she knew Levi was the owner of Morris Group who clearly did not need help from theJoneses.

“Zoey, things aren’t how you may imagine them to be at all. Perhaps Levi is going to be there to showoff his might,” Iris suggested with a grin.

Zoey shot her a supercilious glare and retorted, “Show off his might? Who is he to show off in front ofthe Joneses? They are one of the royal families in South Hampton!”


“Iris, that’s enough. It’s so obvious that Levi has lost his backbone by deciding to yield to the Joneses! Ican’t believe he’s still going to attend their anniversary after how badly they bullied him!”

Zoey went on to lament, “Perhaps it’s because my career has been thriving so well lately that he wantsto become better so that he is good enough to be my partner. Yes, he’s right! He will become goodenough or even too good for me once he accepts the identity as one of the Joneses! However, I can’thelp but look down on him when he gives up his spine like that! I would rather he fight for his careerwith his own effort. Even though his achievement might not turn out too great, it will still be the fruit ofhis effort!”

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