The Protector

Chapter 514
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Chapter 514

“Don’t worry, Mr. Waller. Everything is ready!” Kenneth West, the person in charge of ChrislerFoundation, reassured him.

“Good. If all goes well, you and your foundation will be richer, by 3 billion,” Horace guaranteed.

“That’s great news!”

Kenneth could barely contain his joy.

All the guests were seated in the auction room.

Horace’s seat was in the center of the first row.

Before taking his seat, he swept his gaze over the crowd, the warning in his sharp and menacing eyesapparent for all to see.

He was warning everyone that all the artifacts tonight belonged to Triple Group. Not a single one ofthem was allowed to touch them!

The crowd immediately received his silent message and became too afraid to even think about bidding.

Soon, the auction officially began.

“The first item for tonight’s auction is an ancient manuscript, known as Lantingji Xu! The starting bid isten million and each bid must be increased by at least one million!” the host announced excitedly.

“The bidding starts now!”

“Hold on!” Horace abruptly stopped the host.

“Mr. Waller, is there a problem?” the host questioned curiously.

Horace glanced at the crowd and announced, “All of North Hampton’s elites have gathered here for thisauction! Everyone’s time is precious! I think that it’s better to put all the auction items out at once!”


The host hesitated upon hearing Horace’s suggestion and looked at Kenneth who was amongst theaudience.

The latter made an ‘okay’ sign with his fingers.

“Very well. We will present all of the auction items at once!” the host declared.

Horace addressed the crowd this time, “Does anyone object to this?”

“We’ll go with your suggestion, Mr. Waller!”

“Yes! May the highest bidder win!”

Everyone echoed their agreements.

Who would dare to go against Triple Group?

“I agree!”

Levi also raised his hands in full support.

An all-at-once auction? Count me in!

It’s definitely more time-saving, compared to bidding for each item one by one.

Zoey rolled her eyes at him. “Why are you so excited? This auction is clearly rigged! Triple Group isgoing to bid for the artifacts all at once! What are you applauding for?”

“Then I can bid for all the artifacts all at once too!”

The edges of Levi’s mouth lifted upwards.novelbin

“All ten items have been presented now. These are antiques collected by Scott Yates throughout hisentire lifetime! This is an original piece of Erudian artwork by a well-known figure during ancient times!This is an ancient porcelain vase, and this here is Quebec’s Legendary Pearls. These three artifactsare Erudia’s national treasures and the pride of the nation!”

“The starting bid for all ten items is five hundred million, with an increase in the bid of no less than tenmillion!”

“The bidding starts now!” the host shouted.

“Five hundred and ten million!”

“Five hundred and twenty million!”

The paid bidders arranged by Triple Group began to bid.

The bid increase was very slight, each time.

“I bid…”

North Hampton’s real estate tycoon, Jaxon Franklin raised his bid paddle.


Horace whipped around to glare at him.

“Forget it! I’m out!”

Jaxon was frightened by the threat in Horace’s gaze, instantly forfeiting his bid.

The other tycoons who had the ability to bid gradually gave up as well.

These antique treasures were tempting, but they couldn’t afford to get on Triple Group’s bad side!

Everyone was all aware of Triple Group’s ruthless methods.

They were truly merciless people, who would cut down anyone and everyone who stood in their way!

“Mm. Good,” Horace muttered under his breath.

A satisfied smile appeared on Horace’s face when he saw that everyone giving up.

Only death awaited those who had challenged Triple Group!

When the bidding price had reached a certain amount, Horace raised his paddle and shouted, “Sixhundred million by Triple Group!”

When he revealed his identity, the scene quietened, as everyone held their breaths.

No one dared to bid anymore.

The paid bidders also withdrew, one after another, since they had already fulfilled their purpose.

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