The Protector

Chapter 3889
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Chapter 3889

Chapter 3889 Want To Kill Him

As the three continued moving, the rate of Heavenly Thunder falling also increased. Larissa andCheriette had been panicking, but gradually, they started to only feel nervous. Now, they had gottenused to it and were already numb to it.

But what they were most shocked about was how terrifying Levi’s abilities were as they realized he didnot dodge any Heavenly Thunder when nearing the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley.

Instead, he let himself be hit by Heavenly Thunder and even released energy whirlpools, sweepingaway a bout of lightning aimed at the two girls. It was as if he was enjoying the process of being struckby lightning.

“At first, I thought it was impossible for that horrible creature you mentioned was recorded in theancient manual to exist. Now, it seems highly likely to exist. Perhaps it’s a descendant of ancient spiritbeasts mentioned in the Scriptures of Mountains and Seas,” Cheriette said.

Larissa smiled a little. She had the same feeling, as even Levi could remain unharmed after beingstruck by Heavenly Thunder.

The two ladies did not know that the reason Levi let the Heavenly Thunder purposely strike him wasthat he realized that using Heavenly Thunder was better than using a dragon ley line to metamorphose.

That was why he was fixated on going to the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley.novelbin

Since Heavenly Thunder in the outer areas was already so effective, the effect of using HeavenlyThunder in the core area to metamorphose would be even better.

It was a very suitable way for Levi to cultivate his technique.

Right then, numerous purple Heavenly Thunder struck Levi one after the other again, and he quicklyused his basic technique to transform the energy from the Heavenly Thunder before cleansing hismeridians with it.

The two ladies saw blinding sparks of lightning burst forth from around Levi, and terrifying waves ofenergy from the force of the lightning spread rapidly.

Although they were far away and were using all their power to defend themselves against the lightning,they still felt as if their body was about to shatter.

The wave of energy was only the after-effects of the purple Heavenly Thunder, yet it affected them somuch.

One could hardly imagine how Levi managed to tolerate such a violent onslaught of energy from beingrepeatedly struck by lightning.

“He’s so powerful! I can’t believe I had the guts to want to kill him previously,” Larissa mutteredregretfully.

Just what kind of terrifying person have I messed with?

Cheriette was also dumbstruck. Astre Lune Sect elites will be turned into dust if they get struck by suchfrightening Heavenly Thunder. Eclipse’s powerful fighters will probably be severely wounded, and evenSuperior class fighters will not pass this area unscathed.

However, Levi is completely unharmed, not even his clothes, and he can even afford to be distractedand create a shield using his energy to protect me. An immense amount of energy must be spent tomaintain an energy shield of this size. Additionally, he still must defend against Heavenly Thunder andresist the suppressive force under the ground. His cultivation level must be terrifyingly high!

“We will reach the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley if we walk another two or three miles,” Levi saidexcitedly.

Having been metamorphosing recently, he felt his cultivation level improve again, especially thestrength of his body and meridians.

After he used around a dozen dragon ley lines to metamorphose, the increase in the strength of hisbody had been limited.

For example, after he used the dragon ley line he had seized recently, there was not much, if not no,improvement in his strength.

However, using this region’s Heavenly Thunder to metamorphose made him improve, so he would notlet this chance pass him by.

Since using Heavenly Thunder in the outer areas is already so effective, the effect of using HeavenlyThunder in the core area in improving my abilities must be even better. I can likely reach a newcultivation level if I metamorphose using Heavenly Thunder in the core area!

At that thought, Levi became more excited.

When that happens, I don’t need to care about Eclipse’s fighters. Even if I meet even more powerfulsects, I am not afraid.

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