The Protector

Chapter 3862
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Chapter 3862

Chapter 3862 Pay The Price

Their joyous mien was not a facade, as all the high-rank officials of Astre Lune Sect were truly over themoon. All the remaining hint of resentment they harbored toward Levi for seizing control of their sectdissipated for good.

The weapons Levi had casually produced were far superior to their sect’s existing strongest ultimateweapons. Disregarding their cultivation techniques, their combat abilities would receive significantboosts from wielding those ultimate weapons alone.

Besides, Levi had made himself very clear that if they could acquire top-tier raw materials in the future,he would smith some premium ultimate weapons for them. “I finally understand why you’re sodetermined to locate high-grade forging materials, Lord Garrison.”

“That’s right. Aside from those top-tier raw materials, other ordinary substances are too mediocre foryour forging technique.” “We should change our sect’s name to Premium Ultimate Weapon Sect fromnow on.”

“Ah, that’s a little immodest, Elder Canfield, but that name sure fits Lord Garrison’s outstanding forgingtechnique.”

Taking in their delightful demeanor, Levi found their reaction comical. I can’t believe they are showeringme with so many praises for offering them weapons I regard as rubbish.

Nevertheless, this situation is coincidentally beneficial for me. After all, I can gain better control of AstreLune Sect by doing them favors and letting them acknowledge my strength. Presently, it seems like thehigh-rank officials of the sect no longer have any complaints. As long as they have chosen a side, thestability of the sect’s circumstances will be cemented.

While the members of Astre Lune Sect were dwelling in that joyous moment, an informant suddenlyapproached.

“Lord Garrison, we’ve just received the latest news that Walden Slabey, the sect leader of Eclipse, hadgiven an order to over a hundred sects to carry out a thorough search. A portion of Eclipse Academy’sfighters has arrived at the sect’s branch located at the outermost perimeter. They seem to be here toconfront us. Should we instruct our apprentices to retaliate? Please make the decision, Lord Garrison.”

Levi contemplated in silence for a few moments before uttering with a smile, “Let’s seize thisopportunity to test the quality of these newly forged weapons. You all do not have to retaliate. Let themin, and I’ll personally deal with them.”


The informant immediately returned to the branch to relay the message.

Levi said, “All of you can stay here and guard the sect. I’ll go and teach those insolent people a lesson.”

With that, he picked up a long sword that had just been smithed and swiftly made his way over to dealwith Eclipse Academy’s fighters.

Meanwhile, a team comprising approximately thirty elites from Eclipse Academy was aggressivelyrushing toward Astre Lunar Sect.

“Looks like Astre Lunar Sect may not necessarily be the murderer since they wouldn’t dare to fightback.”

“They would never have the courage to impede us!”

“But our sect leader ordered us to find out some reliable information. We won’t be able to explainourselves later on if we don’t fulfill our tasks.”

Amidst their discussion, the few people leading the group saw someone blocking their way ahead.

That man had the appearance of an average Joe and was wielding a long sword. However, afterprobing his abilities, they noticed that man didn’t possess impressive capabilities.

The group leader, dressed in a black outfit, demanded coldly, “Who are you? How dare you get in theway of Eclipse Academy?”

“I’m the person who will take your life!” Levi replied cheerily.

The elites from Eclipse Academy immediately raised their guards despite sensing their opponentwasn’t extraordinarily strong.

“Scoundrel! I’d like to see how well you’ll fare against a Paladin like me!”

One of the group’s leaders, dressed in black, withdrew a long sword from behind his back. Then, hecharged forward at high speed, his figure morphing into an afterimage while he slashed at Levi’s throat.

“Those who wish to witness my prowess will have to pay the price with their lives.”novelbin

Levi flicked his wrist and blocked the incoming attack with his sword.


A crisp, loud sound of metal clashing together split the air.

The elite’s sword broke in half the next second.

On the other hand, Levi’s long sword continued to gain momentum and struck the vital part of hisopponent’s body.

Utterly shocked, the man dressed in black failed to dodge the attack. The next instant, blood spurted inmidair, and that man’s head was separated from his body.

Before he could even grunt, his body fell to the floor with a thud.

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