The Protector

Chapter 3716
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Chapter 3716

Chapter 3716 Santino Shows Up At A Critical Moment

“Master Thundera, you’ve really put in much effort in this, but the Ecclesiastic Order currently isn’t incontrol of the situation. If we don’t have any alliances, it will be impossible for us to get rid of theGlorian Order,” the Acting Minister said with a sigh.

Right then, soft footsteps came from the outside. Then, Hansel entered with his men.

“Bad news. We’ve just heard that Santino of Void Sect has arrived in this world and is currently in theGlorian Order,” Hansel solemnly uttered.

“What?” Thundera yelled as he leaped in shock. Santino was the core of the Void Sect. If he wasgetting involved in this, there was no way they were going to be able to lay a finger on the GlorianOrder.

In fact, the lives of the Paladins and the young master of the Bluesky Sect would be in danger. “Howdid they do that?” Thundera was baffled.

Jasper sighed before replying, “I heard that Wade and the others had found many magical herbs, andtheir finding alerted Void Sect’s council members.”

“Darn it! Darn it all!” Thundera slammed the table in fury. He never thought that Santino would appearat such a critical moment.

“Let’s not force ourselves to do anything to the Glorian Order for now,” Hansel suggested. “I doubtSantino would do anything to us if we don’t confront them head-on.”

“All right.”

Despite Thundera’s reluctance, he dared not go against Hansel’s suggestion.

Furthermore, Bluesky Sect’s fate was on the line, so Thundera did not dare to suggest anything else.

Meanwhile, at the Esoteric Guild, the theurgists were all discussing a plan as well.

Their main topic was whether or not they should send someone out to help Levi overcome his crisis.

The theurgists in the guild were split into two factions because of that.

One side wanted to remain uninvolved to ensure their safety, and the other side wanted to land ahelping hand to Levi’s party.

After a long intense argument, the master theurgist finally came to a decision.

“If Levi’s party gets annihilated, we’ll end up with the same fate as well, for the Glorian Order wouldnever let the Esoteric Guild go.”

“Caelum, lead thirty elite theurgists to aid them. If you must, you can use Heavenly Thunder to kill yourenemies. Of course, we can have a plan B. If needed, we’ll claim that Caelum has betrayed theEsoteric Guild and fled with his trusted subordinates.”

Caelum did not mind becoming the scapegoat. After all, he wanted to help, for he felt that Gloria wasnot going to stop so easily.

In the meantime, the people in the base were all preparing to defend themselves. Nevertheless, thetripartite alliance outside the base was already carrying out its plans.

The informants stationed outside kept bringing back bad news. When the people found out that thebase had been barricaded, they panicked.

Their panic worsened when they heard that Void Sect had sent another top-level fighter to aid theGlorian Order.

“What’s the point of fighting? We might as well surrender and wait for them to kill us instead.”

“Boss is grievously injured, and Evie has abruptly left the base. Now, our enemy is even having anotherelite fighter joining their ranks. We’re doomed!”

“What are you quaking in your boots for? At most, we’ll fight to our deaths. We’re going to make thempay a hefty price for our deaths!”

Although many were talking about how they were going to fight to their last breaths, they, too, were notconfident about the battle.

Of course, it was not because of their pessimistic demeanor; it was because their capabilities were trulyworlds apart from their enemies.

“Have everyone who can fight clear a path out and try to get the younger apprentices out of this place.That way, we’ll be able to have someone to revive the organization. Contact all of the branch familyforces that are outside and have them do their best to distract the attention of the tripartite allianceoutside.”

Zoey and the rest were also making their final arrangements.

At the same time, the looks on Phoenix and the others were grim. They all knew that the chances ofsurviving the battle were slim.

However, they had prepared themselves for the worst-case scenario. In fact, they had readiedthemselves to fight to the death against the tripartite alliance.

In contrast, Floyd was much calmer than the others. He was even thinking of how he was planning touse the opportunity to make a name for himself and convince others to work for him.

The tension in the air was palpable as the battle was about to begin.qnovelbin

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