The Protector

Chapter 3665
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Chapter 3665

Chapter 3665 Divine And Holy Ley Lines

Upon finding out that Thundera was going to impart his knowledge about Kenfort to them, the membersof the Ecclesiastic Order cheered. Like students preparing for their classes, they all kept their focus onThundera, waiting for him to teach them new knowledge.

“The people in Kenfort, even those who never cultivated before, will reach the level I was in back whenI first started off on my journey the moment they’re born,” Thundera started.

His opening speech struck the people like a bolt from the blue. Instantly, the crowd went wild. “Asexpected of the holy land of cultivation!”

“These people are born at the same level as Master Thundera was back then! This is insane!”

“Is this what they mean by winning from the start?”

Thundera waved his hands, and the people slowly fell silent. However, they could not keep theiradmiration for Kenfort away from their faces.

Few in the mundane world were capable of achieving that cultivation level despite spending their wholelife working on it.

Yet, the people in Kenfort were born into the level. One could only imagine how tempting Kenfort wasfor the cultivators.

“The spiritual energy in Kenfort is abundant. Even if you don’t cultivate any techniques, just theimmersion alone will increase your cultivation level. That is why there are plenty of magical herbs inKenfort. Any one of those magical herbs can allow a person to change their destiny. Using thesemagical herbs to create pills and elixirs will have even more miraculous effects. Manifesting a spiritual

bone in a person’s body is common. In fact, there are some pills and elixirs that allow their consumersto strengthen themselves.”

The Ecclesiastic Order members were all staring at Thundera intently as they listened to his speech.

“The techniques that Kenfort sects pass down to their disciples are all ancient techniques. Even theEcclesiastic Order’s Art of Consumption technically originates from Kenfort. However, it’s a weakvariation in comparison with the true Art of Consumption of Kenfort.”

The people were astounded again. They never thought that the Ecclesiastic Order originated fromKenfort.

No wonder the Ecclesiastic Order once stood at the top of the world.novelbin

Yet, the technique they used was only a weak variation of the original technique, and they were alreadyso powerful because of it. The members of the Ecclesiastic Order could not begin to imagine howterrifying Kenfort would be.

“Also, there is a myriad of super-spiritual ley lines in Kenfort, and they really are super-spiritual leylines. The type of super-spiritual ley line that our order relies on is a dime a dozen in Kenfort. As amatter of fact, you can say that our super-spiritual ley line is only the basic of the basic spiritual leylines in Kenfort.”

At that, Thundera took a sip of his tea and stared at the bright eyes of the members, feeling proud.

Thundera was of average power in Kenfort. That was why the people at Kenfort always ordered himaround.

The Ecclesiastic Order was the only place where he could have his dignity and pride.

“Master Thundera, what does the super-spiritual ley line in Kenfort look like, then?” the Acting Ministerof the Holy Guild asked.

The others straightened up to pay better attention to Thundera.

Thundera cleared his throat before answering, “We’ll take the spiritual ley line I found when I enteredKenfort Celestial Gate as an example. The spiritual energy in that spiritual ley line had a golden glow.That kind of spiritual ley line is called a divine ley line. Divine ley lines are the elementary spiritual leylines in Kenfort. The sect I belong to, the Bluesky Sect, has seven divine ley lines. There is also ahigher grade spiritual ley line called a holy ley line, and it’s red in color. The Bluesky Sect doesn’t ownany of the holy ley lines. I’m afraid only the super sects have spiritual ley lines of that level.”

Thundera sounded a little disappointed at the end. After all, the Bluesky Sect was one of the lower-level sects in Kenfort.

“Master Thundera, is it possible for our mundane world to have divine ley lines or holy ley lines?”someone asked.

“That’s impossible,” Thundera responded without hesitation. “Even in Kenfort, divine ley lines and holyley lines are rare spiritual ley lines. How can the mundane world possibly have them? Even if themundane world really does have these, an explosion of the spiritual energy from these ley lines will bea disaster for humankind.”q

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