The Protector

Chapter 3585
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Chapter 3585

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3588

Assault On The Base

Phew! Levi let out an extended exhalation.

It looks as if the mysterious woman’s ability to attain progression through devouring may have peaked.

“This means that it isn’t the end of the road for us just yet.”

With that in view, his confidence had received another considerable boost.

“In any case, you have to continue to stay vigilant, Mr. Garrison. Word has it that this faction is currentlyamassing its forces. It’s highly possible that they might be planning to hit your base directly.”

When the agents from Black Hawk checked in with updates again, Levi expressed certitude that hisdefensive schemes were already at an optimum state.

Thus, he was not too concerned about that.

Should the worst come to bear, I can still send my family, friends, and apprentices down to seek refugein the safety of the underground defensive base.

Following that, Levi got in touch with the Ecclesiastic Order to establish lines of communication, and hewas explicit in stressing the importance of the immediate sharing of any intel pertaining to themysterious woman.

Being more than grateful to have Levi’s aid, the Acting Minister of the Holy Guild readily assented.

Once everything was settled, Levi continued to cultivate his foundational technique as his own finalpreparation for the major battle ahead.

Phoenix and the others had not been resting on their laurels either, and their continued efforts atintelligence gathering quickly led to the discovery of a pivotal figure—Callahan Wolden.

Callahan was the son of Kevin Wolden, the leader of West Pavilion. Callahan was similarly besottedwith Gloria.

For a long time, Callahan had been in her services and was instrumental in his role of connecting andmaintaining her numerous network of contacts, with Floyd counted among them.

It so happened that during that stretch when Gloria was away from West Pavilion, Callahan’s positionwas almost akin to that of a spokesperson.

With that important piece of finding in their grasp, Azure Dragon and his crew promptly sought outFloyd in order to seek clarifications with him.

On his part, Floyd made no attempt to deny the fact that Gloria had been keeping constant contact withhim during that period.

“Now we can be more or less sure that Gloria had been manipulating Floyd all this while,” said Phoenixin a low voice.

Kirin chimed in, “It’s very likely to have been an information leak on the part of Floyd that led toCallahan’s unexpectedly taking of his own life.”

Azure Dragon and the others concurred with a nod.

Back when Levi first had Callahan in his crosshairs and was in the midst of delving into investigationson him, the latter abruptly chose to end his own life.

That notwithstanding, Callahan had also destroyed many classified materials prior to his own death.

Had it been an isolated instance, it could have been dismissed as mere happenstance, but a chain ofsuch events doubtlessly pointed to an act of premeditation.

One could even venture as far as to declare it a conspiracy.

At the very least, they were able to establish that Floyd had inadvertently fed information to Gloria,which, in turn, led to Gloria going to Callahan and commanding him to immediately end his own life.

On top of everything else, there was the incident in which that mysterious woman similarly managed toturn tail and flee at the most critical juncture during Levi’s planned ambush at the spiritual ley line.

If that mysterious woman was Gloria, then all the pieces of the puzzle would fall into place, for thatwould account for those multiple leaks ranging from the base’s location to Forlevia’s technique, as wellas everything else that followed.

Either by accident or intent, they must all have been caused by Floyd.

“That means that Gloria has to be the mysterious woman herself!” Phoenix concluded.

Nodding his head in affirmation, Azure Dragon added, “Even if she isn’t her, the two of them mustnevertheless be closely aligned.”


Now that the Azure Dragon quintet were collectively unanimous in their views, the only question left forthem to answer was whether they ought to pass that piece of information along to Levi.novelbin

Would that adversely affect the relationship between Floyd and Boss? They might even fall out witheach other as a result!

That caused the five of them to become somewhat apprehensive.

Meanwhile, Gloria was wrapping things up over at Yartran.

She decided there and then that she was going to give Levi a massive surprise by sending Xylas andseveral dozen Fatalis Warriors to strike right at the heart of his base.

Those Fatalis Warriors were fighters who had recently devoured the super-spiritual ley line, and theyhad chosen to commence their offensive after Levi left.

Being far from satisfied with the amount of slaughtering he did last time round, Xylas was hypedbecause this time, with the exception of Forlevia, he had been granted free rein by Gloria to kill at will.

Smiling broadly, Xylas had his mind fully set on having a field day at it, and he went charging inpromptly with his own crew as soon as Levi had been called away by the Holy Guild.

“Listen up, all of you in there. A year from today would be the anniversary of your death. Now, let’s putthem to the fire and the sword!” Xylas bellowed.

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