The Protector

Chapter 3424
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Chapter 3424

Chapter 3428 Traitor

In the past, Floyd was the one who went to visit Gloria.

That was why he was excited when she started visiting him on her own. So this is what having agirlfriend is like.

“Master is not at North Pavilion right now. He’s currently in Yartran!” Floyd, of course, didn’t know whatGloria was scheming and told her that.

Gloria acted worried. “He’s going to Yartran? Won’t he be in danger?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe he might’ve even destroyed Yartran!”

Her eyebrows were tightly furrowed. I’m not sure why he’s there right now. Is he enacting his revenge?Or is he actually there to find out who contacted Yartran? I need to know which it is now! It’ll be bad ifhe finds out who contacted them. Sure, I was extremely careful, and I did hide the identities of thepeople I sent, but I’m not sure if that’s enough to cover my tracks. Yartran is pretty powerful, after all.Even if I’m not exposed, what if they found a lead that connects to me?

“That’s fine! I’m visiting you because I want to tell you what’s the current status of the EcclesiasticOrder…” She proceeded to tell him what the order had done so far.

Floyd nodded. “Got it! Right now, what they’re doing hasn’t affected us, so I won’t let Master knowabout it for the time being. I know what to do!”

After bidding her goodbyes, she left.

“Since Levi’s not here right now, this means North Pavilion is unguarded! It’s the best chance to attackthem right now!” She smiled.

What happened next was her letting the Ecclesiastic Order know about the news before she went to dosomething else.

Upon receiving the news that Levi wasn’t at North Pavillion, the Ecclesiastic Order made their moveimmediately.

“Quick! We need to wrap this battle up as soon as possible! Take down North Pavillion now!”

As insurance, the Ecclesiastic Order swiftly sent out elites to assault North Pavilion to take them downquickly.

Thousands of elites promptly arrived in front of the North Pavilion.

“Attack!” The elites charged forward.

The few hundred elites at the front looked excited because they thought North Pavillion was screwed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They didn’t expect to be blown into bloody mist the moment they got close to North Pavilion.

It scared the thousands of elites behind and stopped their advance.

Levi’s voice rang out. “You lot think you can cause a mess here just because I was gone? Foolishness!Now, die!”

The crowd was terrified. “Run! He’s back!”

In an instant, thousands of elites from the Ecclesiastic Order escaped as quickly as possible.

They disappeared in an instant.

“A bunch of cowards!” Levi shouted. I can’t believe I have to deal with this the moment I come back.Hmm? Wait, this doesn’t make sense! The Ecclesiastic Order definitely only attacked because theyknew I was going to Yartran! They wanted to take down North Pavillion before I returned. In that case,who leaked out the news that I went to Yartran?

It must be that hidden mastermind! They must’ve told the Ecclesiastic Order where I was going to,which was why the Ecclesiastic Order attacked! Isn’t this mastermind a little too powerful? Thereshouldn’t be anyone else but my people who know about this. From what I analyzed last time, I can tellthis mastermind knows everything about me and everything related to me.

The fact that they know about my visit to Yartran can only mean one thing — they had planted a spy bymy side. How else could they know so much about me? Still, how is it possible? As powerful as theymay be, it’s impossible they can know everything about me. Well, it’s next to impossible in this case.Maybe one of my people did it? No way! I know for sure there aren’t any traitors by my side!

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