The Protector

Chater 3154
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Chater 3154

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3154


In an instant, the intermingling voices of the crowd demanding an answer from Levi erupted from allsides.

Levi swept a glance through the crowd. “Still in denial, are you? I’ll start killing you one by one until youconfess to your sins!”

Agent 1 turned pale. “What is the meaning of this, Mr. Garrison?” he shouted in a panic. “You’ve killedtwo of ours. What do you want? Are we just punching bags to you?”

“Face the consequences of your lies, then!”

Without another word, Levi swung the withered branch high above his head like a sword and dove intothe crowd.

With lightning speed, he dashed through the crowd and left a trail of bodies in his wake that toppledover long after he had passed them.

It did not matter if they were Deities or embodied any combat prowess, they succumbed to theoverwhelming flurry of his swordsmanship.

In the blink of an eye, the death toll had reached over a hundred.

By then, Agent 1 had regained his composure.

“You have picked a fight with the wrong people, Levi! You will die for the impertinence of slaying ourown in front of us!”

The decision-makers were thoroughly enraged.

They abandoned all pretense as it did nothing to quell Levi’s rampage.

Levi laughed in the face of their rage. “Finally revealing your true colors? I prefer it this way. Your actingwas disgusting.”

“There’s no further need to lie to you at this point, Levi. I’m sure you’re already aware of it yourself.You’re right! We are the ones to suggest deceiving you with the Ten Millenium Snow Lotus. The branchin your hand was picked up from the ground by my feet. It doesn’t feel good to be lied to, does it?Aren’t you too savvy and cunning to fall for it that easily?”

As he explained, Agent 6 let out a maniacal cackle.

“You might have already figured it out. So what? You still fell for our ruse! We’ve already consumedyour resources! Hah! You’ve completely lost to us this time, Levi. We lied to you and brought youunspeakable shame and turned you into a joke! In fact, we have a running gag. Whenever we see awithered branch, we will call it a Ten Millenium Snow Lotus. What a fool we’ve made you out to be!”

The rest finally abandoned all pretense and jeered at him.

Levi gazed at them calmly without speaking as he knew that their words could not insult him.

They did nothing against his self-esteem.

On the other hand, his abusers began to panic.

Agent 7 was not satisfied. “Did you think that we were really going to openly support Xyperia andIdrae? We have conspired with them in advance to deceive you! I’m sure you did not think of that, eh?”

Agent 4 laughed. “You were so easy that we almost thought that you were allowing yourself to be liedto! All of the resources that we have scammed from you had been consumed by us!”

The crowd felt a palpable sense of relief at Agent 4’s announcement.

Before, they were under the impression that Levi was aware of their deception but allowed himself tobe lied to as a means to toy with them.novelbin

Now that Agent 4 has spoken, it doesn’t matter if Levi did it on purpose or not. We’ve used up all theresources anyway! At the end of the day, we are the ones to have profited from it the most. By allappearances, we have already succeeded in our endeavor to deceive Levi.

Agent 4’s words cleared the confusion in the air.

Levi merely gazed at them with apparent amusement.

Fools, every one of them!

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