The Protector

Chater 3025
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Chater 3025

The Return of the God of War Chapter 3025

Lacking Objectivity

At that moment, everyone blocked Levi’s way, thinking he was a fool.

It wasn’t his behavior that irked them but the fact that he was going to waste a huge amount ofresources. They felt it was a shame since those resources belonged to everyone.

Can’t he just give them to Erudia? Why must he waste them just like that?

Staring at them, Levi snapped, “Move aside! This has nothing to do with you.”

Maxwell retorted at once, “That’s not true! Your resources belong to Erudia, and that’s what makes itour business.”

Malcolm added, “By meeting Idrae, you are just giving away the resources for nothing. You will becomethe victim of a scam again. Until now, there are still those who ridicule you for being tricked the lasttime. And yet, you’re on your way to being conned again. Have you gone mad? Instead of wasting sucha huge amount of resources, you might as well give them to Erudia.”

“Listen, the chances of Idrae having the antidote are much lower than the probability of me convincingDr. Holden to help you. Therefore, you are making a mistake by giving the resources away.”

Malcom and Maxwell took turns to persuade Levi.

They didn’t really care if Levi was going to be cheated.

All they were worried about were the resources.

Instead of being swindled by Idrae, Levi could put those resources to better use in Erudia.

That was all.

“Get out of my way! How is this your f*cking business? Whether I’ll be cheated in the end or not, I’llnever give my resources to you. This is my personal affair. It has nothing to do with anyone else!” Levisneered.

How dare they try emotional blackmail on me?

“Levi, what do you mean? You would allow yourself to be deceived, despite knowing it’s a charade?”

“I’m begging you to wake up! Stop giving away resources to our enemy. No one can stand this.”

“We’re not asking you to give the resources to Erudia. But at the very least, don’t give it to others, allright?”novelbin

At the end of the day, Malcom and Maxwell’s focus was on the resources.

They didn’t care about curing Forlevia and were only concerned about the resources falling into thehands of others.

“Enough! Stop harping on the resources. What do they have anything to do with you? They belong toMr. Garrison, and he can decide what he wants to do with them, not to mention that he is using them tosave his daughter,” Dr. Erebus couldn’t resist admonishing them.

Digital God threatened, “Leave now before we make you!”

“No way! What do outsiders like you know?”

Malcom and Maxwell refused to back down, causing tension to build in the air.

Just when sparks were about to fly, Daxon and DG Leo arrived with their men.

“What’s going on? What are you doing?”

“Since when do you have the authority to stick your nose into the Crown King’s business?”

“Even if you’re a deity now, you still have no right!” the crowd thundered.

Only then did Malcom and Maxwell step aside.

Without another word, Levi continued his way, followed by Dr. Erebus and the rest.

“Levi, you deserved to be scammed!”

“The wisdom you used to have is long gone!”

Levi had barely left when he heard Malcolm and Maxwell’s faint voice ring out in his ear.

In spite of that, he ignored them and continued to meet Idrae.

In truth, everyone knew the entire matter was a farce.

Given that they could see it clearly, they were puzzled by why Levi had fallen for it instead.

Is it because he lacks objectivity due to being directly involved? Will he only accept the cold hard truthafter he has been cheated?

Even though Dr. Erebus and the others saw it that way, they still believed that Levi wasn’t allowinghimself to be scammed. Instead, he was just trying his best to save Forlevia.

Consequently, they supported his choice and decision.

Before they started their journey, Digital God even asked, “Mr. Garrison, do you want me to bring theresources along?”

“Fine, take them along with us. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter to me,” Levi plainly answered.

Evidently, he didn’t really care about it.

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