The Protector

Chater 2906
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Chater 2906

Chapter 2906 The Search

They knew what the consequences were—Levi would begin a killing spree.

It was possible that he would kill everyone in sight.

The Raysonian prince sighed and shot Levi a fearful look. “You might not believe us, but we don’t havethe second volume of the Poison Handbook.”

The others chimed in timidly, “Yes, we only have volume one of the Poison Handbook. Volume twodoesn’t exist!”

They were afraid that Levi would kill them out of fury.

Hearing that, Levi was taken aback.

After all, he had killed two Deities to intimidate them.

As such, he was sure that they weren’t lying.

The prince continued, “Your Highness, both volumes of the Poison Handbook differed greatly. The firstvolume is astonishing, but one could tell a human had recorded it. The second volume is far moreastonishing than the first volume. It seemed like immortals had created it. We’ve been looking for thesecond volume all the while. We got the first volume from Erudia, but the second volume was nowhereto be found. There were no traces of it as though it didn’t even exist. If we have the second volume, wewould’ve given it to you. We wouldn’t have risked our lives just to keep it with us.”

Hearing that, Levi knew that it was the truth.

The Raysonians wouldn’t dare to lie when their lives were at stake.

Next, the members of the imperial family of Raysonia showed up and confirmed that the secondvolume of the Poison Handbook wasn’t with them. And that it was most probably still in Raysonia.

Some even claimed that the mysterious second volume didn’t exist in the first place.

Right then, Venom Fiend sent news saying that the imperial family of Raysonia was in possession ofthe first volume of the Poison Handbook, and the second volume was still missing.

No one knew where it was.

Levi gave a curt nod. He turned to face the imperial members and asked, “Where did you find the firstvolume of the Poison Handbook?”

The members shook their heads. “We have no idea. The Poison Handbook had been here for as longas we can remember. We also have some rare and valuable stuff here, but we don’t know where theycame from. Most of the stuff was obtained a long time ago, so we know nothing about their origin.”

Levi proceeded to run an investigation, but to no avail.

The second volume of the Poison Handbook wasn’t in the imperial palace of Raysonia.

The imperial members had no idea where it was.

If they knew where it was, they would’ve gotten it for themselves.

Levi had no choice but to leave.

Dr. Erebus comforted him, “Mr. Garrison, don’t be upset. At least the Poison Handbook had recordedthe various poisons in the world. We can find the solution to Evie’s poison one by one. Once Shield hascompleted the analysis of Final Malice, the Poison Handbook will have the solution to each and everypoison!”

Levi nodded. “All right. That’s the only way for now.”

They then left the imperial palace.

The Deities in the imperial family of Raysonia continued discussing their plan. “Change of plan. Levi isway stronger than we expected! We’ll have to stop and observe the situation for now.”

Just then, a lady walked out and announced, “Let’s just watch the show. Levi will definitely meddle witheveryone in this era. I believe he’ll head to Xyperia next!”

Everyone lit up upon hearing her reminder.

“Yes. With his battle prowess, Levi will definitely head to Xyperia to end Idrae!”

“We can work with Xyperia and combine forces to take revenge on Levi!”

They couldn’t hide their excitement and shot admiring gazes at the lady.

After all, her analysis of the situation was spot on.

Levi ordered Divine Brigadier and others in Erudia to search for the second volume of the PoisonHandbook.

The chances were slim, for it took Venom Fiend a long time to discover that the first volume was withthe imperial family of Raysonia.novelbin

It would be even harder to locate the missing second volume, for there was a possibility that it didn’teven exist.

They had to think of other options.

Where could it be?

Levi let out a long sigh.

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