The Protector

Chater 2830
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Chater 2830

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2830

Forlevia Went Missingnovelbin

In fact, even Levi could not believe it initially. He thought what Dr. Erebus had described was tooexaggerated, and nothing in the world could be that powerful.

He was only convinced after Craig made the confession and told him the true reason for terminatingProject Atlantis.

Most of those people who were being escorted by Erudia and her allies to the Shelters to take coverwere also not fully convinced of the existence of such immense spiritual energies. The only reason theyobediently went along with the evacuation was that they would rather play it safe than take a risk.

They chose to trust their leaders, as the leaders had always shown that they cared for the people anddid what was best for them.

The rest of the world was not as trusting, however. They had serious doubts about the claims of theimpending doom. Most of them thought it was a lie that Erudia came up with to justify their act of takingDr. Erebus away. They were certain that the people of Erudia wanted to keep all the secret technologyand discoveries of the Lab of Gods to themselves.

They believed the powerful super-spiritual ley line was a myth fed to them to divert their attention.

They reasoned that if Lab of Gods had discovered and was in possession of such an immense energysource, they would not have lost to the Defenders of the Galaxy in the first place.

The super-spiritual ley line was projected to be so terrifyingly powerful that the claim became unreal.No one could believe there exist such powers that the world could be turned topsy turvy by a meremythical spiritual energy.

On the other hand, those who believed in Erudia’s claims were caught between a rock and a hardplace. Even though they were convinced a disaster was heading their way, they could do nothing. Theyhad no safe havens to retreat to, and all their existing emergency response systems were simply notplanned for a disaster of such scale. As such, they, like the doubters, did nothing as well.

In the end, eighty to ninety percent of the world’s population were still living life as normal.

At the same time, a few of the more intelligent entities began to do their own investigations intoErudia’s claims.

Zarain was one of those.

They had no doubts that Erudia and Dr. Erebus were telling the truth. As such, they immediately spranginto action.

For starters, they wholeheartedly supported Black Hawk and Levi’s quest to avert the disaster.

Next, they mobilized the Defenders of the Galaxy to activate their disaster preparation plans. In thecase that Black Hawk and Levi failed to intercept the two aircraft and the catastrophe could not bestopped, they would be fully prepared.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, Zarain actually had many secret defensive bases that were assecure as Erudia’s Shelters.

As they knew Lab of Gods very well, they could totally understand Dr. Erebus and his team’sviciousness. If Dr. Erebus decided to take revenge, he would stop at nothing. Zarain was not surprisedhe chose to use such a mode of revenge, despite knowing it would lead to massive destruction and atotal wipeout of humankind.

They were more fearful than Erudia and her allies of the consequences of Dr. Erebus’ revenge. Assuch, they activated their disaster preparation plans immediately after the international conference.

Stress and fear were mounting as the seconds ticked away and the fateful time got closer.

Craig and his team were saddened that the rest of the world chose not to take any precautions.However, there was nothing they could do if the doubters chose not to believe them. They had alreadygiven them the grave warnings and shared whatever information they had.

On the other hand, Forlevia, who was with her mother, also encountered trouble. The fighters of theAncient Clan ambushed them with the intention of taking Forlevia away.

Knowing Forlevia was formidable and that they might not be her match, they did not confront herdirectly. Instead, they resorted to despicable means and captured her family.

Forlevia was caught off-guard by their sneak attack. Seeing her mother and relatives were in theirhands, she had no choice but to go with them.

The people from the Ancient Clan put on a pair of special handcuffs on her to restrain her, thenhurriedly bundle her away.

Those fighters were not weaklings, and they could have managed to take Forlevia down in a face-to-face confrontation if they teamed up against her. However, that would take too much time and effort ontheir part. They had already used up some of their internal energies in their bid to stall Levi earlier, sothey decided to resort to underhanded tactics with Forlevia.

After Forlevia was captured by the Ancient Clan fighters, they released Zoey and her family. Theirtarget was solely Forlevia. They had no intention of stopping Zoey and her family from taking refuge inthe Shelters.

Zoey was devastated by the unexpected twist in the event. She tearfully left the evacuation site andwent after Forlevia instead. Her daughter was more important to her than her own life, and she knewshe could not live on should anything untoward happen to Forlevia.

No one, not even Levi, had seen the Ancient Clan’s action coming.

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